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1 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study WELCOME TO ALL.

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1 1 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study WELCOME TO ALL

2 2 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Environmental aspects are the building blocks of your EMS!!

3 3 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study ISO14001 Requirement ISO14001 requires: –“the organization shall establish and maintain a procedure to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those which have or can have significant impacts on the environment”

4 4 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study What is an Environmental aspect? ISO14001 defines an environmental aspect as an: –“element of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment” Aspects can be –regulated or non-regulated –positive or negative –controlled or influenced by the organization

5 5 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study What is an Environmental aspect? Examples:- Emission to air Generation of cotton waste Consumption of fuel Consumption of Raw materials Consumption of power Etc..

6 6 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Environmental Impacts ISO14001 defines environmental impact as: –“any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s activities, products or services”

7 7 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Examples of Impacts General –depletion of natural resources –destruction of habitats Water –pH –oxygen level –toxicity Air –air toxicity –smog –global Warming –ozone Depletion

8 8 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Procedure for Aspect & Impact Study 1.Identify the Activities/area/product/service 2.Prepare Mass Balance Diagram 3.Identify the environmental aspects 4.Identify the environmental impacts 5.Evaluate significance 6.Manage the significant aspects

9 9 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Procedure for Aspect & Impact Study 1.Identify the Activities/area/product/service

10 10 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Procedure for Aspect & Impact Study 2.Prepare Mass Balance Diagram For all activities, identify inputs,outputs, wastes generated, emission and represent in a schematic.

11 11 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Procedure for Aspect & Impact Study 3.Identify the environmental aspects Use following for identifying the aspects Initial review data Site inspection Legal compliance Consumption of natural resources Etc..

12 12 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Procedure for Aspect & Impact Study 4.Identify the environmental Impacts For each of the aspect, identify what is the impact on the environment. Use experts opinion/guidance Use past data/incident reports Refer MSDS

13 13 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study Procedure for Aspect & Impact Study 5.Evaluate the significance Check for any emergency situation, Legal requirements, impact on interested parties & resource saving potential. If any of these are selected, such aspects should be considered as significant aspect

14 14 Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study 6.Manage significant Aspects Consider significant aspects for setting environmental objectives & targets. Consider following actions also Develop Environmental Management Program Evolve Operational Control Procedure Monitoring & Measurement Plan PPE Plan Training Plan Emergency Response Plan

15 15 THANK YOU Zero Defect Consulting Services Aspect & Impact Study

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