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Véronique KETELAER Director of BRAVVO association, Head of the Prevention and Participation Services, City of Brussels BRAVVO: the Brussels experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Véronique KETELAER Director of BRAVVO association, Head of the Prevention and Participation Services, City of Brussels BRAVVO: the Brussels experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Véronique KETELAER Director of BRAVVO association, Head of the Prevention and Participation Services, City of Brussels BRAVVO: the Brussels experience in crime prevention and its networking to improve efficiency Conference Croatia – March 2013 -

2 Focus on LOCAL approach: selection of « problematic» cities: 30 to 103 today Actions based on PARTNERSHIP : municipalities + police+stakeholders.. (prevention/repression philisophy) on CONTRACTUAL bases (deal between federal, regional and local authorities): objectives, evaluation procedure,.. with MONEY (funds) ! Today (103 Plans) = 35 millions € from Federal Gvt + 17 millions € from Region of Brussels (19) Crime Prevention in Belgium Prevention and Secutity Strategic Plans (PSSP):

3 Funding institutions for PSSP (in evolution) The Federal State : Ministry of Internal Affairs (Pilot), Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Social integration The Regions : Brussels/ Walloon The Cities (15% to 28%)

4 Evolution of local prevention: Development of the concept « integrated and global prevention » (2000) Pluriannuel Strategic Plans (2014-2018) Based on Local Security Diagnostics (2007)and evaluation procedures (ICT) big impact of the Belgian police reform (2002): need to re-create partnership

5 Conference Croatia – March 2013 - Brussels prevention and safety policy: BRAVVO « Br uxelles av ance Brussel vo oruit » municipal integrated organisation

6 City of Brussels: capital of UE and Belgium 170.000 inhabitants (Bruss Regio = 1.100.000) – 28km2 1.000.000 visitors/day 23% rate unemployment 55% single parent with child (isolated families) 14 % big families (4childrens) 30 % foreigners 560 demonstrations/year, 105 UE Summits/Councils Meetings,… City of Brussels: capital of UE and Belgium 170.000 inhabitants (Bruss Regio = 1.100.000) – 28km2 1.000.000 visitors/day 23% rate unemployment 55% single parent with child (isolated families) 14 % big families (4childrens) 30 % foreigners 560 demonstrations/year, 105 UE Summits/Councils Meetings,…

7  Municipal association created in 2004  270 employees (70% in the streets)  10 different funding programmes to coordinate (admin/fin/operational) : prevention plans, investiment in social housing, social cohesion plans, districts development,..  Budget = 11.000.000 €/year  75% supralocal fundings BRAVVO in figures :

8 Bravvo focuses on 3 major OBJECTIVES : ➔ improvement of urban safety and the feeling of security ➔ fight against social exclusion ➔ Making urban living attractive (districts and community development)

9 CHARACTERISTICS Of Bravvo: Integration of municipal services in 1 local agency (situational and social prevention) Mayor is the political manager: legitimacy Territorially and integrated approach (6 districts, partnership, subsidiarity) Flexibility, expertise (diagnosis), detection and problem solving approach

10 Implantations: 6 zones

11 SECRETARIAT ET LOGISTICS EVALUATION OBSERVATORY COMMUNICATION HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCES ACCOUNT STEWARDS MEDIATION YOUTH and CITIZENSHIP SPECIFIC SERVICES 135 Community guards (10 teams + 1 night team) 4 Local Mediators 6 social Mediators 7 School Mediators 1 legal info service 6 Youngsters Centers 2 Community Centers 10 social streetworkers Thefts prevention - socio cultural cell School information and orientation Public Tranquility Manager (horeca/prostitution) RESTORATIVE JUSTICE Drugs prevention, homeless, projects, cultural projects,,, Best practices exchange and partnerships: EFUS, ICPC, Belgian Forum,.. 1 intercultural mediator re-offending prevention school remediation DIRECTION BRAVVO Executive Committee Mayor and deputy Mayor ORGANISATION BRAVVO PARTNERSHIPS AND CO-FINANCING Organisation of alternative measures to prison (community work) Restorative mediation in administrative sanctions procedure

12 National and European Forums (EFUS), EUCPN, International Crime Prevention Center Drug prevention center Shops, cafés,.. BRAVVO Local associations active in districts development, social programmes, citizen participation,.. platforms LOCAL POLICE: Statistics analysis Districts approach Prevention, Victims help Trafic safety.., FEDERAL Police: statistics, Observatory,.. -Legal services -Budget and Finances -Municipal Schools -Youngsters policy -- Cleaning services -- public parcs -- Urbanism - Population services -Participation cell - Schools,.. Social housing Companies Brussels transport Companies Federal : Internal Aff, Justice, social integration,.. Regio : employment,investments,.. Local Public Social welfare Center Network of Bravvo: integrated approach The Municipality Transport Local/regional Ministries Prevention networks Inter-municipal Projects and networks; Universities Associations/ NGO’s Police

13 1st AXIS: 135 Prevention STEWARDS  Preventive presence in parks, on street, near social housings, festivals and manifestations  Detect problems in the streets and forward informations to concerned services (police, social, clean services..) Partners: police, city services, ngo…

14 2 nd AXIS: YOUTH AND CITIZENSHIP (social prevention) 6 Youth centers (12 >18 or 26 years old) 1 Community center 10 Social streetworkers School remediaton, Job orientation and coaching, specific projects (gangs, web radio..) Public place animation Partners : municipal youth services, culture centers, sports services, drugs center, employment services…

15 3rd AXIS: MEDIATION : > restore dialogue and prevent conflict 7 Mediators in 5 schools 6 Social Mediators (1/district) 4 Local Mediators (interpersonal conflict) 1 First line legal advisor Partners: police and Justice, ngo,transport companies, schools, citizens committees, …

16 4th AXIS: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND SOCIAL INCLUSION : Alternative Judicial measures service : organisation of community work (alternative to prison) Restorative mediation : as alternative in the application of municipal administrative sanctions (penalties/fees)

17 5th AXIS: SPECIFIC PROJECTS to improve quality of life in districts Partners: Social housing, cleanless services, local associations, police, art schools,… Technoprevention advices : information campains on theft and burglary prevention Invest to secure social housing access Development of community and cultural projects in Districts

18 Networking at national and european level is essential: What for? - diagnosis and analysis : informations exchange about crime evolution - Professionalization of the prevention practices (methodology, procedure, ethics,..) - Best practices exchange (testing in drugs prevention,..) - Collaboration to prevent supralocal phenomenons (gangs, unsafe tourism, drugs abuse..) - Lobbying for prevention policy and get fundings

19 European Forum (EFUS): Its Assets for us? - Brussels is member since creation (85’s) - Best practices and expertise exchanges between politics and professionals (audit and evaluation, community policing project..) - Lobbying for prevention policy at UE level and get funding (manifesto in Aubervilliers, programmes Safe Toursim in 2013,..) - Offers Technical assistance - Improve visibility of the City crime prevention Policy (international and national level) - Linked with the national Network and support its development (50% of the cities contribution is transferred to the national forum !!)

20 Executive Committee: 33 Local & Regional Authorities Members: Around 250 Local & Regional Authorities Technical staff President: Guilherme Pinto, Mayor of Matosinhos Vice-Presidents: - Franco Corradini, City of Reggio Emilia - Gilles Nicolas, City of Nantes - Erich Marks, LPR Crime Prevention Council of the State of Lower Saxony A technical staff based in Paris: multilingual and multidisciplinary 10 people European Forum for Urban Safety (EFUS): ORGANISATION

21 Exchange of practices: 15 local network of professionals Organisation of national Conference and Training for cities, Partners in research or local projects: gangs prevention, evaluation procedure.. Recommendations and lobbying Web: Belgian Forum for Prevention and Safety: 85 cities members

22 As conclusion: networking and partnership? 1.An essential part of a global and integrated approach in prevention: at the top and bottom 2. Clearly fix the common objectives with partners and a procedure of evaluation 3.At local, national and international levels 4.On pluriannual bases (sustainable prevention) 5.Need money but mostly strong political support

23 CONTACT: BRAVVO Rue de la Caserne 37 1000 Brussels Tel. +32(2)/279.65.01 Fax +32(2)/279.65.09 (> our film/video!)

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