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 Life is 100% fatal.  1. Physical Strength and/or Finding.

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Presentation on theme: " Life is 100% fatal.  1. Physical Strength and/or Finding."— Presentation transcript:


2  Life is 100% fatal.

3  1. Physical Strength and/or Finding

4  2. Bury with Decedent

5  3. Intestate Succession

6  4. Wills

7  5. Will Substitutes


9  Common Law Split:  Crown = real property  Church = personal property

10  Descent = succession to real property

11  Distribution = succession to personal property

12  Heir = person who receives property from an intestate decedent

13  At common law –  Will = real property  Testament = personal property

14  Devise = gift of real property

15  Bequest = gift of personal property

16  Legacy – gift of money X

17  Beneficiary = any recipient of property (any type)

18  Codicil = amendment to an existing will

19  1. Legal Capacity

20  2. Testamentary Capacity (“sound mind”)

21  1. Legal Capacity  2. Testamentary Capacity  3. Testamentary Intent

22  1. Legal Capacity  2. Testamentary Capacity  3. Testamentary Intent  4. Formalities  Attested will (written, signed, witnessed)  Holographic will (handwritten, signed)  Nuncupative will (oral)

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