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USING THE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN TOOLKIT Questions? Suggestions? Contact: Audrey Massa FEMA Region II

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Presentation on theme: "USING THE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN TOOLKIT Questions? Suggestions? Contact: Audrey Massa FEMA Region II"— Presentation transcript:

1 USING THE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN TOOLKIT Questions? Suggestions? Contact: Audrey Massa FEMA Region II

2 Mitigation Plan Toolkit n Consists of a Master Table with computer hyperlinks n Provides instant access to key aids, samples, websites, and guidance n Organized to show how to meet 5 local plan requirement steps

3 MASTER TABLE MASTER TABLE PlanningStepsRequirementsAddressed Click to Access Description of Aid General PlanningProcess RiskAssessment MitigationStrategy Plan Maintenance Adoption

4 Plan Toolkit (cont) n Samples selected as addressing particular plan requirements well n Includes best, readily available hazard risk info on state and national level n Documents info sources and explains methodologies methodologies

5 PlanningStepsRequirementsAddressedDescription of Aid Risk Assessment Earthquakes: Hazard ID Location Probability of future events XEarthquake pga map

6 Plan Toolkit (cont) n Provides framework for adding more aids n Fits on a jump drive (140MB) n Sept 2006 CD available n To be posted on web


8 Using the Toolkit CD n Open the “Open-me 1 st Master Table” n Then, click to access files (X) and links (L) n Color coding of 5 plan steps: –General: sample plan table of contents –Plan Process: planning team table –Risk Assessment: identifying hazards –Mitigation Strategy: sample goals/actions –Plan Maintenance: progress report worksheet –Adoption: adoption resolution sample

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