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Koolituskeskus Dialoog ESTONIA EuroIntegrELP The first project year 2004-2005 Studying of various data on the ELP.

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Presentation on theme: "Koolituskeskus Dialoog ESTONIA EuroIntegrELP The first project year 2004-2005 Studying of various data on the ELP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Koolituskeskus Dialoog ESTONIA EuroIntegrELP The first project year 2004-2005 Studying of various data on the ELP

2 Getting acquainted with the situation with the ELP in Estonia

3  First EuroIntegrELP meeting in Bucharest;  Signing of the contract

4 Creation of the team, assigning the tasks and responsibilities

5 Conducting monthly project team meetings

6 Introduction of the ELP at Dialoog’s Web-page

7 DIALOOG has got many a possibility to promote the ELP in Estonia among:  foreign language teachers;  language learners at upper-secondary schools;  language learners at language schools;  employers and human resource managers;  authors and publishers of study materials

8 The Second Project Year 2005-2006: The Year of Active Informative Work

9  presentation of the project to teachers and students of DIALOOG;  presentation of the project to teachers of English in Tallinn, Tartu, Narva, and Pärnu;  presentation of the project to teachers of German in summer school on Hiiumaa

10  conducting of seminars for employers of Estonian Railroad (Eesti Raudtee), Krenholm, Alstrom, Enix, etc.;  conducting consultations for the author of a new course book for learners of Estonian Naljaga Pooleks, Mare Kitsing

11 Participation in the meeting with partners in Thessaloniki

12 Beginning of translation of the ELP into Estonian

13 The Third Project Year 2006-2007

14 The work on the Estonian translation of the ELP

15  consultations with Ilmar Anvelt, a professor of Univeristy of Tartu, as well as Tõnu Tender, the Head of Language Department of Ministry of Education and Research, and Kersti Sõstar, the Head of the Language Department of the Centre for Examinations and Qualification (EKK);  presentation of the translation into Estonian to Ministry of Education and the National Board of the ELP in Estonia

16 Translation of the ELP into Russian

17  discussion of the Russian translation with Svetlana Yevstratova, an Associate Professor of University of Tartu, and her positive evaluation of the translation;  presentation of the translation into Estonian to Ministry of Education

18 March 2007 The translations into Estonian and Russian as well as their evaluations made by university professors are forwarded to project coordinators

19 Presentation of the project at EXPRO, an exhibition of educational projects

20  EuroIntegrELP project description is included into the exhibition catalogue;  500 EuroIntegrELP flyers and other dissemination materials made by Dialoog were distributed among the participants

21 Beginning of work on the electronic version of the ELP—Language Biography in Estonian Pilot Version of the ELP Language Biography at:

22 Events Ending EuroIntegrELP project, September-October 2007:  an article on the project is to appear in Postimees newspaper, one of the major newspapers in Estonia  participation in DisMark II: Dissemination, Marketing and Networking Conference and Project Fair for SOCRATES Project Coordinators and Partners, an exhibition of projects in Tallinn, 11-14 October 2007  PUBLISHING OF THE ESTONIAN ELP

23 Views on the Future:  presentation of the published Estonian version of the ELP for all target groups;  training the target groups how to use the ELP;  creation of the online version of the ELP for Estonia  using the online version of the ELP to assess the current level of language proficiency of Dialoog students as well as their progress in the field of language learning

24 THANK YOU ! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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