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Abiotic Control of Stream Biota: Physical, Chemical, Hydrological and Spatial Factors Kevin Kane Animal Ecology 518, Stream Ecology Dr. Clay Pierce Animal.

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Presentation on theme: "Abiotic Control of Stream Biota: Physical, Chemical, Hydrological and Spatial Factors Kevin Kane Animal Ecology 518, Stream Ecology Dr. Clay Pierce Animal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abiotic Control of Stream Biota: Physical, Chemical, Hydrological and Spatial Factors Kevin Kane Animal Ecology 518, Stream Ecology Dr. Clay Pierce Animal Ecology 518, Stream Ecology Dr. Clay Pierce

2 Topics of Discussion l Describe physical, chemical, hydrological and spatial factors that influence the stream environment. l Illustrate these factors using the Wheeling Creek watershed project in West Virginia. l Illustrate the interdependence of these factors using GIS as a tool for rivers and watersheds in Iowa.

3 Background: The Wheeling Creek Watershed

4 Wheeling Creek Background Information l Wheeling Creek is a tributary of the Ohio River and drains a portion of northern West Virginia and the southwestern area of Pennsylvania. l Total drainage basin area is approximately 30,000 mi 2, and consists of forested, agricultural, urban, and industrial landcover. l Wheeling Creek is typical of the upper Ohio River tributary streams.

5 Wheeling Creek Location Map

6 Watershed Site Map

7 Streams, Sites, and Sampling Locations in the Watershed Sites A-F Wheeling Creek Watershed

8 Topographic Map: Sites A-F

9 Site F: High Altitude Photo Lower Wheeling Creek Site F: 2.6 km upstream of the Ohio River at Tunnel Green area, Wheeling, WV.

10 Site F: Topographic Map

11 Site F: Low Altitude Aerial Photo

12 Site F: Stream Level View

13 Site of Wheeling Creek Wall in 1890

14 Site of Wheeling Creek Wall in 1996

15 Physical & Hydrological Factors

16 Physical & Hydrological Factors l Stream Order l Current / Discharge l Substrate l Temperature l Human Factors

17 Stream Order l Stream order is a measure of the relative size of streams. l Stream sizes range from the smallest, first-order, to the largest, the twelfth- order (the Amazon River). l Over 80% of the total length of Earth's rivers and streams are headwater streams (first- and second-order).

18 Stream Order l Streams gradually increase their width and depth as they go from 1st order to nth order. l Water discharge also increases as order increases.

19 Topography and Stream Order

20 Comparison of 3rd and 4th Order Stream Watersheds

21 Comparison of 3rd and 5th Order Stream Watersheds

22 1st Order Stream

23 2nd Order Stream

24 3rd Order Stream

25 4th Order Stream

26 5th Order Stream

27 6th Order Stream

28 Hydrology and Stream Order

29 Current / Discharge l Water velocity and associated forces are huge factors affecting organisms of running waters l food delivery l every day physical forces l in-stream ecological distributions l behavioral adaptations

30 Effects of flow on aquatic organisms l Flow environments l channel l nearbed l pools l Boundary layers l friction between moving fluid and a stationary surface l organisms attaching to surfaces Current / Discharge

31 Hydrology and Body Shape

32 Substrate Bottom, sides, and projecting into streams l Mineral Substrate l Current and parent material l geology l soils l Organic Substrates l minute organic fragments l fallen trees l rooted plants l other animals

33 Limestone Bed

34 Substrate

35 Substrate and Biology

36 Temperature l Natural Influences l climatic zone l altitude l air temp l season l streamside vegetation l water depth l flow rate l snow melt l groundwater mixing

37 Temperature l Human Activity (Thermal Pollution) l coolant discharge l storm water (roofs, pavement) l removal of streamside vegetation l lancover changes l agricultural practices l construction l recreation l erosion (suspended solids)

38 Temperature / Chemical Interaction l Chemical processes involved in l metabolism l growth l reproduction l behavior l Sensitivity (thermal stress and shock) of organisms to l toxic wastes l parasites l diseases l Dissolved Oxygen l Warmer temps decrease the ability of water to hold oxygen molecules

39 Temperature

40 Temperature and Biology

41 Human Factors l Landcover / Landuse Change l Sewage l Pollution

42 Human Factors

43 Landcover vs. Diversity

44 Sewage

45 Pollution

46 Weather and Biology

47 Physical Data

48 Chemical Factors

49 Water Chemistry l Many factors influence the composition of river water l There is much spatial variation of stream water chemistry l The ultimate source of all the constituents of stream water originate from dissolution of the earth’s rocks

50 Water Chemistry

51 Chemical Factors l pH l Alkalinity l Conductivity l Hardness l Dissolved Gasses (oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen)

52 Chemical Settling

53 pH pH l The concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution (acidity and alkalinity) l Every unit change in pH represents a ten fold change in acidity Factors in pH of Natural Water l bedrock and soil type l vegetation type l nature and discharge of pollutants l concentration of carbonates and carbon dioxide l high concent. produce alkaline water (hi pH) l low concent. produce acidic waters (low pH)

54 pH pH Normal surface waters range from 5.5 - 8.5

55 pH

56 l Chemical reactions within streams can cause a weak buffer l Buffering is the ability of water to resist a change in its pH l As acidity increases, the buffering capacity is consumed Alkalinity Buffering Action of Streams

57 Water Hardness l Total concentration of cations l calcium l magnesium l iron l manganese l A reflection of the watershed geology and also human activity in the watershed l Important in the formation of cell material in aquatic plants and animals

58 Conductivity l The ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electrical current through the movement of ions l Indicator for dissolved chemicals in water

59 Dissolved Oxygen Two main sources in stream water l atmosphere l waves and tumbling water mix air into water where oxygen readily dissolves until saturation occurs l photosynthesis l oxygen is introduced by aquatic plants and algae as a byproduct of photosynthesis Dissolved oxygen decreases with rise in temperature

60 Dissolved Oxygen

61 l Essential for fish, invertebrate, plant, and aerobic bacteria respiration l 5-6 ppm - normal fish growth activity l 3 ppm - stressful to most aquatic organisms l <1-2 ppm will not support fish l Oxygen deficiency factor examples l aquatic organism consumption l sewage l urban and ag runoff l industrial discharge

62 Leaf Litter

63 Stream Chemist

64 Chemical Data

65 Spatial Factors

66 l Spatial scale and spatial distribution of physical and chemical factors influence an individual stream dramatically. l The interdependence of these factors and their analysis can predict a given stream environment.

67 Spatial Factors l Geology l Soils l Landcover l Human activities l landfills l industrial areas l cities l agricultural uses l Maps and GIS - Spatial monitoring and Analysis

68 Spatial Factors

69 Typical Landcover in Watershed

70 Geology and Biology

71 Remote Sensing Data

72 Site Topographic Map

73 Site A: High Altitude Photo Lower Wheeling Creek Site A: 12.0 Kilometers upstream of the Ohio River at Elm Grove, W.V.

74 Site A: Topographic Map

75 Site A: Low Altitude Aerial Photo

76 Site A: Stream Level View

77 Scene on Big Wheeling Creek in 1904

78 Sampling Sites l Water quality sampling sites are representative of various sized streams from north to south and east to west. l This allows comparison of water quality at one site with the water quality at other sites within the watershed. l This is a “watershed approach”, which means that it is important to view water quality at any one site within the context of water quality in the overall watershed.

79 Streams, Sites, and Sampling Locations in the Watershed

80 Sampling Locations

81 Physical Data From Sampling Locations

82 Chemical Data From Sampling Locations

83 Biological Data From Sampling Locations


85 Spatial Factors and Biology

86 Affect on Stream Biota

87 Volunteer Monitoring Group

88 Stonefly

89 Biomonitoring

90 Mollusk

91 Biological Data

92 River Continuum Concept

93 Interdependence of Abiotic Factors: Using GIS As a Tool for Streams and Watershed Analysis in Iowa Using GIS As a Tool for Streams and Watershed Analysis in Iowa.

94 Iowa’s Native Landscape

95 Surveying Crew

96 Iowa’s Prairie

97 Prairie Stream

98 Plowing the Prairie

99 Tiling the Prairie for Agriculture


101 Straightening a Prairie Stream

102 Abiotic Factors: Visualization and Analysis in a GIS

103 Summary l Stream environment is very dependent on the physical and chemical factors of the watershed. l A specific stream environment is very dependent upon the spatial distribution of these factors in the watershed.

104 References l Allan, J.D. 1995. Stream Ecology -- Structure and Function of Running Waters. Chapman and Hall, UK. l Andersen, K., et al. 1997. Historical Land Use and Surface Hydrology Alterations in Iowa Agricultural Watersheds. ISU Dept. of Animal Ecology, Ames. l Roth,N.E., J.D. Allan, and D.L. Erickson, 1996, Landscape influences on stream biotic integrity assessed at multiple spatial scales. Landscape Ecology 11: 141-156. l Myers, Robert. 1998. NASA Classroom of the Future: Exploring the Environment - Water Quality. Wheeling, WV.

105 References (cont.) l Anderson P. F. 1997. GIS Research to Digitize Maps of Iowa 1832-1859 Vegetation from General Land Office Township Plat Maps. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. l Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 1998. Natural Resources Geographic Information System Library. Iowa DNR, Des Moines. l Photo Credits l NASA Classroom of the Future : Exploring the Environment - Water Quality. Wheeling, WV. l Andersen, Kathy. ISU Dept. of Animal Ecology l Arbuckle, Kelly. ISU Dept. of Animal Ecology

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