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Inquiry-Based Learning
Intro: use anecdote from Inquiry and the national science standards
Benefits of inquiry based learning
Inquiry-based instruction is a student-centered and teacher-guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world questions that they choose within a broad thematic framework. Inquiry-Based instruction complements traditional instruction by providing a vehicle for extending and applying the learning of students in a way that connects with their interests within a broader thematic framework. Students acquire and analyze information, develop and support propositions, provide solutions, and design technology and arts products that demonstrate their thinking and make their learning visible.
Criteria for a successful inquiry
1. Start with a guided exploration of a topic as a whole class. 2. Proceed to student small group inquiry about an open-ended, debatable, contended issue. 3. Encourage students to ask personally relevant and socially significant questions. 4. Work in groups to achieve diversity of views. 5. Predict, set goals, define outcomes. 6. Find or create information...look for patterns. 7. Instruction serves as a guide to help students meet their goals. 8. Create a tangible artifact that addresses the issue, answers questions, and makes learning visible and accountable. 9. Learning is actualized and accountable in the design accomplishment. 10. Arrive at a conclusion...take a stand...take action. 11. Document, justify, and share conclusion with larger audience.
Key Components of the Inquiry Process
1.Activating Prior Knowledge KWL Opinionaires Engaging students in a conversation about what they already know By bringing the students' own background and experiences to the learning table, students will find ways to connect to the topic and will have activated some basis for creating meaning with the text they are reading. The personal connection to learning increases a student's motivation to explore, read, and struggle with difficulties as they arise.
2.Providing Background Information
articles museum exhibits audio recording videos book primary source material web site photograph art
3.Defining Outcomes for which students will be held accountable.
For example: Technology: conduct research on the web; create PowerPoint presentations or web sites; communicate using ; import photos and clip art for presentations; use digital camera, digital audio recorder, and video recorder. Reading: identify main idea and authors point of view; identify key concepts; increase understanding of vocabulary; extract meaning between the lines (infer) Inquiry: define problem question; find and gather data; analyze, compare, organize, and synthesize data; create a proposition; support proposition (facts, stats, examples, expert authority, logic and reasoning); propose solutions and action steps
Team: listen, consider others' ideas, encourage, provide coaching, affirm, question, cooperate, demonstrate individual responsibility, avoid put-downs, engage in dialogue Project Management: set goals, agree on tasks and roles, meet deadlines, prioritize tasks
4.Modeling Design Product Outcomes (technology, art); Providing Frameworks
Show students a PowerPoint presentation, a web site, a proposition-support framework, a museum exhibit, a choreographed dance performance, etc. Students need to see models of what it is they are being asked to do. They must have a supporting structure which provides a grounding for their creations, but doesn't limit their creativity.
5.Establishing a general topic or inquiry
Ex-What happens when the structure around people breaks down? (unit on the great depression)ex- How are human beings adversely impacting our planet? (exploring environmental issues which impact the Amazon Rain Forest)
6.Establish and communicate inquiry presentation framework.
: Proposition-Support Framework a) state problem question b) develop proposition which can be argued c) provide background information d) support proposition with: facts statistics examples expert authority logic and reasoning e) propose solutions and action ideas
Pedagogical Strategies
Inquiry Based Learning Pedagogical Strategies What is the goal of science education? We just had a lesson on density. Is this the best way to teach density? What is the goal of science education? Is it to provide a factual basis or is it to provide skills?
Pedagogical Strategies
Inquiry Based Learning Pedagogical Strategies Chalk and Talk: Traditional science education Focus on ‘what we know’ (facts) Direct transfer of knowledge from teacher to student Teacher’s role = dispense knowledge Student’s role = receive knowledge introduce contents via lecture/readings Next, cookbook labs are used to illustrate and verify the concepts from the readings and/or lecture. Students then complete problems or structured activities to practice the acquisition and/or application of the unit concepts. Finally, the evaluation of the unit is conducted, often based primarily on content acquisition, but process skills may be involved, as well. I prefer the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ method of science teaching. (avg = 2.3) - “I don’t prefer it, but sometimes it is ok and works well.” - “Sometimes lecturing is appropriate as a follow up precursor to inquiry activities-to give context and inherent meaning.” - “I see the advantage of both and am most familiar with the traditional method, but hands-on learning is very beneficial to the learning process.” -“Depend on class.” -“It is sometimes necessary (time constraints).”
Pedagogical Strategies
Inquiry Based Learning Pedagogical Strategies Inquiry-Based Learning: The scientific process Focus on ‘how we know what we know’ (evidence) Indirect transfer of knowledge Teacher’s role = facilitator of learning Student’s role = active, independent learner (investigator) “Inquiry is something that students do, not something that is done to them.” Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards "Inquiry" is defined as "a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge -- seeking information by questioning." “Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, that leads to asking questions and making discoveries in the search for new understandings” a method of teaching science where students learn science by using similar methods, attitudes and skills as scientists do when they are conducting scientific research. Students get to act like 'mini-researchers. Progress is assessed by how well students develop experimental and analytical skills rather than how much knowledge they possess
Learning Cycle Inquiry Based Learning Engage Extend Explore Evaluate
Engage. In this stage you want to create interest and generate curiosity in the topic of study; raise questions and elicit responses from students that will give you an idea of what they already know. This is also a good opportunity for you to identify misconceptions in students' understanding. During this stage students should be asking questions Explore stage students should be given opportunities to work together without direct instruction from the teacher. You should act as a facilitator helping students to frame questions by asking questions and observing. Using Piaget's theory, this is the time for disequilibrium. Students should be puzzled. This is the opportunity for students to test predictions and hypotheses and/or form new ones, try alternatives and discuss them with peers, record observations and ideas and suspend judgement. Explain, you should encourage students to explain concepts in their own words, ask for evidence and clarification of their explanation, listen critically to one another's explanation and those of the teacher. Students should use observations and recordings in their explanations. At this stage you should provide definitions and explanations using students' previous experiences as a basis for this discussion. Extend/Explore: apply concepts and skills in new (but similar) situations and use formal labels and definitions. Evaluation should take place throughout the learning experience. You should observe students' knowledge and/or skills, application of new concepts and a change in thinking. Students should assess their own learning. Ask open-ended questions and look for answers that use observation, evidence, and previously accepted explanations. Ask questions that would encourage future investigations. Remind what we did for the cartesian diver experiment Explain
Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry Levels
Inquiry Levels Inquiry Based Learning Inquiry Rating Prelab Lab
Postlab Proposes the problem or issue to be explored Plans the procedure to be used Carries out the procedure Supplies answers or conclusions Lab outcomes determine applications, implications, or further exploration/ instruction. Teacher 1 - demo Teacher/Student 2 - demo Student 3 - cookbook 4 - guided Teacher/ Student 5 - open
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Advantages Disadvantages
Inquiry Based Learning Advantages Disadvantages Flexible and adaptable for a variety of projects. Helps to build self-esteem through allowing them to be more active in their own learning process, rather than passive via traditional lecture based methods. Reinforces and builds several skills of students in the areas of physical, emotional, and cognitive. It can work with any age group. Doesn´t work for all science topics. Requires more planning, preparation, and responsiveness from the educators. Educators must be skilled in helping students learn the art of asking a good question. Requires more class time May be less able to meet goals of standardized testing Inquiry-based learning is just another new age fad in science education. (avg = 2.4) “It does have the flavor of a jump-on the band wagon type thing right now, but it does seem to work really well. Only time will tell if it is a fad.” “I am not completely sure if this will fade out, but I think in theory the pendulum has gone too far b/c some people feel this is right.” “Kids are naturally very inquisitive. Teachers often train them out of it. I think our first learning is inquiry based.” (Anonymous, 2007) “There are many good teachers who have no handle on how to teach using inquiry-based lessons” (Anonymous, 2007)
Why do inquiry? Inquiry Based Learning Research Findings:
Understanding science is more than knowing facts. Students build knowledge on what they already know (preconceptions) Students formulated new knowledge by modifying and refining their current concepts (misconceptions) emphasis should be placed on the broadening of intellect and development of problem solving and critical thinking skills, rather than simply on the memorization of lessons. Memorizing facts and information is not the most important skill in today's world. Facts change, and information is readily available -- what's needed is an understanding of how to get and make sense of the mass of data.
Why do inquiry? Inquiry Based Learning Research Findings cont’d:
Learning is mediated by a social environment in which learners interact with others. Effective learning requires that students take control of their own learning. The ability to apply knowledge to new situations (transfer of learning) is affected by the degree to which students learn with understanding.
Inquiry Based Learning
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