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It is helpful to break up the word ‘multimedia’ in order to gain a better understanding of its meaning. “Multi” means more than one e.g. a multi storey.

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Presentation on theme: "It is helpful to break up the word ‘multimedia’ in order to gain a better understanding of its meaning. “Multi” means more than one e.g. a multi storey."— Presentation transcript:


2 It is helpful to break up the word ‘multimedia’ in order to gain a better understanding of its meaning. “Multi” means more than one e.g. a multi storey block of flats means a block of flats with several floors; a multitasking computer is one where it appears to be doing several tasks at once. “Media” is the plural of medium and can mean ways of presenting information e.g. the media is often used to describe TV and newspapers. Presentation & Multimedia

3 What is multimedia? (Elements) Is the presentation of information by a computer system using graphic, animation, sound and text. Graphics Animation Text Audio

4 Presentation Package Is an application package used to produce multimedia presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint Lotus Freelance Corel Presentation

5 Creating a Presentation The first step is to gather all of the resources (elements) that have to be used. Text - small quantity of text using bullet points. Graphics - Clip art images or internet images (Google) always check copyright. Audio - add sound from library, CD or recorded directly. REMEMBER - COPYRIGHT Video - video or movies may be added. Hyperlink - links to www, to another document or to a particular slide.Hyperlink

6 Capturing Audio The simplest way to capture audio is to use a microphone attached to a computer. All you need to capture audio is a soundcard, speakers and a microphone. Windows comes with a simple recorder called Sound Recorder. CD audio tracks are already in digital sound so can be imported directly.

7 Capturing Images - Credit Scanner Printed images can be scanned into a computer system. Converted into a digital format. Digital Camera Images can be taken and downloaded directly onto the computer from the camera. Flash Memory Card A storage medium used by most digital cameras. Flash memory has no moving parts and can be written to a read from.

8 Transitions - Credit Name given to the effect shown on the screen when moving between slides. Examples, wipe, blind, cover.

9 Animation - Credit You can animate text, graphics, diagrams, charts, and other objects on your slides so that you can focus on important points, control the flow of information, and add interest to your presentation. Example Entrance Fly in from right Exit fly out top right

10 Slide Master - Credit Allows user to customise master slide so all other slides use the same: Font type Size Colour Background Footer Date

11 Creating Video - Credit Digital Video Camera A video camera that captures and stores images on a digital medium. May be connected to a computer in order to view and edit. Digital Video Editing A process to manipulate video images using video editing software. Example iMovie Pinnacle Studio Serif Movie Plus

12 Creating Video – Cont. Storing Video Video may be stored on DVD. DVD Digital Versatile Disk. A data storage media with platters similar to a CD. The storage capacity is much higher than for a CD.

13 Multimedia Authoring Software - Credit Authoring software can be used to create presentations. These packages are usually more sophisticated packages than basic presentation packages. Example Macromedia – Director Supercard iShell

14 Delivering a Presentation Computers System Multimedia Projector Interactive Whiteboard

15 File Format Saved HTML – Web Publishing Saved as AVI., mov., MP4 – Movie format Saved as JPEG, GIF – Image formats Saved as wav., MP3 – sound formats

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