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Causes of the Civil War. What was the Civil War  War between the Northern U.S. States and the Southern U.S. States  Lasted 4 years: 1861-1865  Brother.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of the Civil War. What was the Civil War  War between the Northern U.S. States and the Southern U.S. States  Lasted 4 years: 1861-1865  Brother."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of the Civil War

2 What was the Civil War  War between the Northern U.S. States and the Southern U.S. States  Lasted 4 years: 1861-1865  Brother fighting brother  Most destructive war in the nation’s history

3 Sectionalism  People feel more loyal to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole  People identified more as Northerners or Southerners instead of Americans

4 Sectionalism Three main sectional factors: ① Geography  North o climate and land not suitable for large farms so turned toward industries o Size of states are smaller  South o climate and land perfect for farming o Size of states are larger

5 Sectionalism Three main sectional factors: ② Economics: Tariffs – tax on foreign goods  North: made money through industries o Therefore the taxing of foreign goods protected them from competition o Profits increased

6 Sectionalism Three main sectional factors: ② Economics: Tariffs – tax on foreign goods  South: made money through farming o They traded their crops for manufactured goods with the northern states and European countries o Tariffs cost the South money – the goods they got from the trade now cost them more money o Felt that the U.S. government was favoring the North

7 Sectionalism Three main sectional factors: ③ Slavery  North o against it – including the spread of it o No need for slaves in an industrial environment  South o a necessity to their livelihood o considered slaves their property

8 New Territories Being Added  Every time new territory was added to the U.S. the question of whether it would be free or slave was asked  Why:  Unbalance the power in the U.S. Senate between free and slave states o North: did not want slavery to spread; knew if a territory had slavery it would turn to a slave state when annexed o South: felt it was their right to take their property anywhere

9 Slavery Becoming a Moral Issue  First slavery was only a political issue but it was starting to become a moral issue as well: ① Fugitive Slave Law  Came out of the Compromise of 1850 which was about California being annexed  Law said that anyone who knew of a runaway slave must help return the slave to their owner or risk a fine or jail time  Made Northerners feel a part of the slave system

10 Slavery Becoming a Moral Issue  First slavery was only a political issue but it was starting to become a moral issue as well: ② Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed the true side of slavery  Once people read the book, and knew the truth about slavery, it was hard for them to just go about their own lives

11 Slavery Becoming a Moral Issue  First slavery was only a political issue but it was starting to become a moral issue as well: ③ Dred Scott Decision  Background: o Dred Scott was a slave that had lived in Missouri (slave state) for many years o Dred Scott later moved with his owner to Wisconsin Territory which was a free territory o When Scott’s owner died he sued for his freedom since he was living in a free territory

12 Slavery Becoming a Moral Issue  First slavery was only a political issue but it was starting to become a moral issue as well: ③ Dred Scott Decision  U.S. Supreme Court Ruling o African Americans were not citizens o Slaves were property o Congress could not outlaw slavery in territories only in states  Highest court in the land condoned what southern slave owners were doing and said a human being was property

13 Federal Rights vs. States Rights  Federal Rights:  U.S. Constitution gives more power to the federal government than states  U.S. Supreme Court had already ruled that federal laws always trump state laws

14 Federal Rights vs. States Rights  States Rights:  The belief that states have the right to not follow federal laws within their borders o This belief is not legal  Believed that the federal government should not intervene in state decisions o Southern states believed that slavery was a state decision

15 Lincoln Becomes President  Southerners were convinced that if Lincoln won the presidency that he would abolish (get rid of) slavery  Upon Lincoln’s win the southern states started seceding (withdrawing/leaving) from the Union

16 Lincoln Becomes President  Lincoln:  #1 goal was to preserve the Union  At this time he had no intention of getting rid of slavery o Did not feel he had the power to o Did not want to upset the bordering southern states

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