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Senior Design Group 10 – December 2010 Solution  Our solution to this problem was to design and build a web based application that can be run on the servers.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Design Group 10 – December 2010 Solution  Our solution to this problem was to design and build a web based application that can be run on the servers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Design Group 10 – December 2010 Solution  Our solution to this problem was to design and build a web based application that can be run on the servers at Mary Greeley.  Our application allows EMTs to store their certifications on the server and upload necessary documents, such as certification cards, to the server in.pdf format.  Our application also includes a calendar that allows EMTs to schedule work blocks, and a notifications system that will alert EMTs of upcoming scheduled events such as work or a certification expiration.  The paramedics at Mary Greeley Medical Center need a way to keep up-to-date on their medical certifications and better organize their work schedule.  Because many medical certifications have expirations dates, EMTs would like a way to be notified when they need to take renewal courses so they can avoid late penalties and additional requirements to become re-certified.  They are also in need of a system that lets them manage and view their work schedule from anywhere. Problem  Group  Nathan Dane  Jamin Hitchcock  Eric Tweedt  Advisor  Tien Nguyen  Client  Mary Greeley Medical Center  Contact  Christopher Figland Members Users View/modify contact info Certifications and Work Add certifications Request work blocks Schedule Schedule expiration alerts View work schedule General Flow Administrators Store contact information Modify User contact information Certifications Manage own certifications and expirations Manage User’s certifications and expirations Schedule Manage own work schedule Manage user’s work schedule Screen Shots Operating Environment  We implemented our project using open source and freely available frameworks.  The web application was written using Symfony, a free PHP framework, and Doctrine, an Object Relational Mapper.  Our application was designed to run in on an open source UNIX operating system.  Our project will run on the servers at Mary Greeley Medical Center and be accessible by MGMC’s paramedics from any modern web browser. Costs  Because our project uses open source frameworks and server environments, it involves little to no cost beyond standard server maintenance already in place at MGMC. Schedule Work Distribution  Eric  Design  Visual layout and style  Jamin  Design  Server environment  Nathan  Design  Application schedule Functional Requirements  Authentication  User Management  Add  Edit  Remove  Search  Certification/Immunization  Reminders  Reports  Schedule  View  Edit  Request time off  Pick up shifts  Logs  Create  View Non-Functional Requirements  Interface  Easy to use  Attractive interface  Intuitive  Compatibility  Works on MGMC servers  Easy to install  Availability  Can be accessed from browsers anywhere  Email notifications  Security  Secure login  Administrator and basic user separation Building and Testing  To initially build and test our application we used Jamin’s personal web server.  Project was hand-coded in an OpenBSD environment.  Used PHP unit testing to verify proper functionality.  We also used manual testing of various scenarios to ensure the program acted as we intended.

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