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Lq'kkl u School of Good Governance And Policy Analysis National Workshop on Disseminating Information on Good Practices in Public Service Delivery June.

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Presentation on theme: "Lq'kkl u School of Good Governance And Policy Analysis National Workshop on Disseminating Information on Good Practices in Public Service Delivery June."— Presentation transcript:

1 lq'kkl u School of Good Governance And Policy Analysis National Workshop on Disseminating Information on Good Practices in Public Service Delivery June 5, 2009 Removal of Encroachments of Structures of Different Religions Maintaining Communal Harmony -Shri Sanjay Dubey, District Magistrate, Jabalpur

2 2

3 Problem Statement Psychic reaction,conditioning of mind Spread in all main roads, lanes, bylanes, parks, waterways 566 in all Valuation of land more than 100 million Multistory residence/commercial space cum temple Of all faith and religion 3

4 Backdrop Soft state/nation Restless ness General resentment with government functioning Political/Religious scenerio 4

5 Backdrop 2.4 million population Mix of Hindu, Muslim and Christian population Had a checkered history of communal violence SIMI, Bajrangdal,ABVP are some of the organisation present here 5

6 Situation Analysis Honourable High court had entertained a PIL No action for six months DM called for explaining no action Dithering by government advocate and my team 6

7 Legal position Cr PC, IPC also has provisions for tress passing MP Land Revenue Code Municipal Act Places of worship Act 1991 Character and nature can not be changed 7


9 9 Conflict Resolution Relinquish Collaboration Cooperation AvoidBulldozing PARTY II PARTY I

10 Conflict Resolution Simple 2 X 2 Matrix Multiparty – multivariable situation Organisational v/s individual goals 10

11 How did we do it? Town was divided into smaller areas Team consisting of revenue, police and municipal officials Information shared in informal and formal forums Media used to create favourable atmosphere --silent majority 11

12 How did we do it? Leading from front Personal meetings with major stake holders Police station level meetings Identification of the personalities and assessment of reactions Easiest target first, with balance in removal 12

13 How did we do it? Long drawn process of consultation, cajoling, threatening Enough time for them to react Multi level one to one assessment Motivation 13

14 How did we do it? Overcoming our own fear Helping machinary overcome this fear and sense of achievement Taking care of the seniors fear Convincing the elected representatives Calculated risk, that if anything goes wrong we are to be blamed 14

15 How did we do it ? Heavy deployment in sensitive places Day fixed such that no religious, VIP movement and Political bosses were sent out ‘Fatia’ and ‘Puja’ recital Team members of corresponding faith Development works started the next day 15

16 Results 311 Religious sites removed No loss to life and property Recovered valuable land Reduced burden to safegaurd these places Enhanced self confidence and confidence in the machinary 16

17 Gains Establishment of Rule of law Things however difficult can be achieved Institutionalisation and Effective check on the tendency No. of PILs in different courts 17

18 Thanks 18

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