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Professional Development Update February 12, 2013 Prepared by: Lisa Schwartz.

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1 Professional Development Update February 12, 2013 Prepared by: Lisa Schwartz

2 Overview Professional development is a critical component to providing District 97 staff with the knowledge and tools to perform effectively in the ever-changing academic environment. This year the professional development has been strategically planned to ensure consistency across the district and to align with current initiatives. 2012-13 Professional Development Areas of Focus: Common Core State Standards International Baccalaureate (IB) Integration of Technology

3 The chart below represents professional development offered for all teachers that occurred during Institute Days, District-wide grade meetings, and Wednesday building meetings. IB training is not included in the chart below since that has only been provided to middle school teachers.

4 Common Core Summit Leader Teacher Summit 25 Teachers Joint effort with District 90 Summer and follow-up during school year


6 All Staff Common Core PD All other staff have received CCSS PD – focused on ELA Grade Level meetings led by Summit Teachers Building Meetings Principal meetings Language Arts Specialists Teacher Librarians Math & Writing starting spring

7 The feedback received from teacher evaluations regarding the two Institute Days focused on the Common Core was overall positive. The two charts below illustrate the feedback received: August 20 Feedback

8 November 6 Feedback

9 The chart below illustrates the staff who attended IB training and content areas as well as staff who are scheduled and total staff. Notes about above chart: Support staff include ESL, speech-pathology and social workers Unclassified are speech/drama, librarians and family/consumer science International Baccalaureate

10 KIDS (Kindergarten Individual Development Survey) The KIDS assessment is designed to provide information about children’s competencies across developmental domains over time and to inform whether kindergarteners have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in school. Twenty-two of our 36 regular education kindergarten teachers have participated in KIDS training. The 14 teachers not trained will be as soon as training is made available by ISBE.

11 Integration of Technology Data/Technology Coaches Setup and maintenance of curriculum, assessment, and data systems (including student scheduling and report cards, Google docs, Lexia, Custom Typing, DIBELS, MAP, Fast ForWord, ConnectED, and SuccessNet) Basic data analysis techniques MAP Fast ForWord coordination and administration The data coaches have provided large group, small group and individual staff development on the following topics: analyzing MAP data (DesCartes, student goal setting) interpreting FastForWord Reports monitoring FastForWord progress and intervention flags iPad training (Spring 2013)

12 Gifted/Clustering/Differentiation 38 teachers and administrators attended a summer session regarding clustering/differentiation follow-up sessions provided at both middle schools for the entire staff New Teachers/Best Practices 25 new first year staff attending Best Practices 26 second year staff attending the Second Year Seminar this year. University 97 (U97) Breaking the Silence: Addressing GLBT Issues (1/15/13-3/5/13)- 32 enrolled Middle School Common Core Language Arts Collaboration (2/7/13-4/25/13) -13 enrolled CPI (Crisis Prevention Intervention) Initial Certification Course (2/9/13)- 21 enrolled Other PD Offered to D97 Staff

13 Special Education 90 special education staff members have attended professional development that includes topics such as: common core for special education autism Asperger’s syndrome improving language and literacy skills executive functioning 92 TAs have also received professional development on the below topics during Institute Days. SLANT Assistive technology Overview of exceptionalities/learning styles Understanding the Common Core Embracing diversity; inclusion of special needs kids

14 Summary Based on the feedback we have received from teachers and staff members, consistency among schools in regards to professional development is considered to be very important. In the information collected for the Systems Audit it was clear from the teacher comments that they have valued the Common Core professional development and discussions on how we transition to using more common assessments.

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