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1 Thank you for viewing this presentation. We would like to remind you that this material is the property of the author. It is provided to you by the ERS for your personal use only, as submitted by the author.  2012 by the author

2 Course presentation GB Migliori WHO Collaborating Centre for TB and Lung Diseases, Fondazione S. Maugeri, Tradate Italy

3 Background (1) The TB “emergency” is far to be solved world-wide New opportunities for international collaboration had been made available The lack of human resources available for TB control and research is still a global (and European) problem

4 Background (2) ERS & TB PAN-NET are committed to give a contribution to this fight We have gathered here the best possible team of facilitators… to make this training an ideal platform for young physicians interested in TB research and control

5 TB PAN-NET: Pan ‐ European network for study and clinical management of drug resistant tuberculosis European consortium of 27 expert partners in the field of drug resistant tuberculosis. Funded by the European Commission (FP7) Duration: from January 2009 to December 2013 The aim is to coordinate activities to limit the spread of MDR strains by supporting high quality epidemiological and molecular analysis as well as training on MDR-TB. Consortium outputs will assist governments in the development and implementation of appropriate health and social policies to limit and control the spread of MDR-TB within the member states of the EU.

6 Structure The project is built around eight different work packages: WP1: Molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant strains in selected metropolitan settings in Western and Eastern Europe WP2: Characterization of novel mutations involved in drug-resistant phenotype and virulence markers WP3: Development and standardization of EQA for drug-resistant TB and expansion of capability for culture-based and molecular-based techniques for drug-resistant TB WP4: Development of integrated sites for clinical and diagnostic trials of new drug applications, new diagnostics, and development of markers for treatment success, and identify clinical and social factors, including HIV as markers of resistance WP5: Training on TB clinical management, control and research (FSM, Italy) WP6: TBNET: Clinical research on TB drug-resistance in Europe WP7: Dissemination and information sharing (ERS) WP8: Management

7 WP 5: Deliverable 5.6: Final course materials


9 Role play Group exercise, presentation and discussion Individual report and recommendation Theory Case study exercise: presentation and problem solving

10 Role plays

11 WP 7: Training and dissemination



14 Institute Marius Nasta, Bucharest: an ideal venue bridging East and West…



17 Croatia 2013: an other ideal venue bridging East and West… TB PAN-NET/ERS School course: TB elimination: dream or reality May 28- June 1, 2013 Dubrovnik, Croatia

18 18 Amy Farr The ERS pillar of the course

19 19 Elmira Ibrahim The local organiser

20 Ambitious but achievable aims!! Aims: At the end of the training the participant will be able to:  Apply key epidemiological immunological and pathological concepts to the clinical practice  Use new tool to diagnose tuberculosis (TB) infection and disease in adults and children  Treat latent TB infected individuals and drug- susceptible TB cases correctly (adults and children)  Apply the principles underlying treatment of multi- drug resistant (MDR-) and extensively drug- resistant(XDR-) TB cases  Manage adverse events of MDR- and XDR-TB treatment  Organise contact-tracing  Plan investigation of a micro-epidemic  Discuss the principles behind control and elimination strategies  Identify the priority areas for research  Discuss the career opportunities in respiratory medicine

21 New exiciting topics!! New exercises!! Topics:  Clinical epidemiology, immunology and pathogenesis  Diagnosis of TB infection and disease (including an interactive session on imaging and endoscopic procedures)  Treatment and clinical management of adult susceptible, MDR- and XDR- TB (including discussion of true cases provided by both facilitators and participants)  Clinical management of TB in children  Control, elimination and research priorities (including practical exercises)  Career opportunities in respiratory medicine

22 Impressive audience with complementary interests and competences!! Target audience:  Clinicians in training with an interest in Respiratory Medicine/Infectious Diseases  Microbiology specialists  Clinical Immunologist  Clinical Epidemiologists  Internal Medicine specialists  Public health specialists

23 Interactive format!! Format: 1. Keynote lectures on:  TB disease and infection  IGRA testing to diagnose TB disease and infection  Advances in the microbiological diagnosis of TB  Advances in imaging relevant for TB  Treatment and clinical management of TB (including MDR/XDR and TB-HIV))  TB in children  New principles in contact tracing 2. Exercises on:  Designing new diagnostic algorithms  Managing adverse events  Managing MDR/XDR-TB cases  Investigating a microepidemic in adults and children  Defining research priorities at programmatic level

24 Enjoy your Course !! Thank you Mulţumiri/Mulţumesc Grazie Gracias Merci Danke Spaciba

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