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OSIAM4HE Proposed org structure Authored by the strategy and organization team.

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Presentation on theme: "OSIAM4HE Proposed org structure Authored by the strategy and organization team."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSIAM4HE Proposed org structure Authored by the strategy and organization team

2 Table of Contents 1.Purpose 2.Overview 3.OSIAM4HE Coordination Committee 4.Module Teams 5.Primary Caretakers 6.Next Steps

3 Purpose Create an organizational structure that allows interested parties to support and become a contributing member to the development of a specific IAM module(s) of their choosing while also maintaining continuity within the development of an overall suite of IAM modules.

4 Overview There are multiple modules (Person Repository, Provisioning, Access Management, etc.) within the Open Source IAM space that need to be furthered to meet the minimum needs of interested parties. The mix of interested parties differs from module to module In lieu of creating a new organization, the goal is to form a loosely coupled coalition of existing organizations (Kuali, Internet2, Jasig, etc.) joined with additional interested educational institutions. A structure is being proposed that allows for different membership for each module, with coordination between modules handled through an overarching OSIAM4HE Coordination Committee

5 Coordination Committee Coordination Agreement Vision, Strategy, Reference Architecture Module 1 MOU Goals, Objectives, Timeline CareTaker 1 Contributing Members Module 2 MOU Goals, Objectives, Timeline CareTaker 2 Contributing Members Module 3 MOU Goals, Objectives, Timeline CareTaker 3 Contributing Members

6 OSIAM4HE Coordination Committee Responsibilities: Act as the coordinating body responsible for overseeing the production of a new IAM suite of open source software. Creating and protecting a “Coordination Agreement”, to be read and signed by each contributing member, that describes the overall OSIAM4HE vision, strategy and organization structure Documenting a reference architecture, and interoperability standards, that is to be adhered to by each module to ensure continuity between modules Meeting on a recurring basis to review progress, deliverables and timelines of each module and to help resolve potential conflicts Producing communications to the general public as to the goals of the effort, means of participation and progress toward module completion.

7 Module Team Responsibilities: Each module will represent a discrete set of IAM functionality that has been identified, agreed upon and prioritized by the OSIAM4HE Coordination Committee Each module will have a MOU following a common format that identifies among other things: Which organization is the “Primary Caretaker” with any specific requirements that the caretaker requests of contributing members The individual that will serve as the designated liaison on the OSIAM4HE Coordination Committee High level goals, deliverables and timelines of the module Expectations of contributing members including the resources, roles and responsibilities being contributed The standard module administrative practices and development procedures to be followed

8 Primary Caretakers Responsibilities: Primary Caretakers of each module shall have responsibilities for long term sustainment of the modules code base Primary Caretakers may seek and use different contributing members (and/or affiliates) than those involved in the initial MOU development for the long term sustainment It is assumed the Primary Caretakers are an established non- profit entity with higher education community support, legal and financial mechanisms in place that protect the long term viability of the module development

9 Next Steps The next steps for implementing this proposed OSIAM4HE organizational structure A small follow on group synthesizes the work of the various sub-committees and fills in the draft “Coordination Agreement” including the MOU templates and reference architecture appendixes The follow on group helps determine overall minimum resources needed for each module Potential Primary Caretakers are identified and proposals are made to their appropriate boards or working committees The follow on group creates initial marketing and positioning statements that are distributed to potential interested parties Communication is sent via Primary Caretaker channels soliciting for contributing members Once initial minimal resource levels are reached MOU’s are executed for all modules and work begins

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