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In association with Technion and Qualcomm. Project supervisor: Tatyana Finkel. Technion Israel Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "In association with Technion and Qualcomm. Project supervisor: Tatyana Finkel. Technion Israel Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 In association with Technion and Qualcomm. Project supervisor: Tatyana Finkel. Technion Israel Institute of Technology

2 Remainder Our project is to write an android application that will manage and play music files on an android device. The application will be able to manage and play playlists, record sound, and stream p2p music.

3 Project Goals 1. Create an audio content manager that has the following abilities: Create,manage and store playlists of song that are stored locally on the device. Play the stored playlists. Record users voice notes. 2. Enable playlist sharing between users, based on WiFi connection.

4 Handling Project Risks Device Security Issues: as expected, we encountered security issues while trying to access device data, but managed to solve the problems Exchanging information between devices over WiFi is not trivial. We used WiFiP2p API integrated with Broadcast receiver

5 Peer To Peer Design Overview Each device acts as a client and a server the same time by running a main thread and a listening server thread. As a client, the device is creating a new thread which is sending requests to another device’s server thread As a server, the device is listening to request and upon receiving, it creates a new thread to handle the request When a connection is first established, a handshake mechanism is executed in order to exchange connection details between the devices

6 Achievements – Local Playlists Management Create a new Playlist All playlists are stored on local SQLite Data Base Delete an existing playlist Rename an existing playlist Add songs to a playlist Remove songs from a playlist Play an existing playlist Extra - Play an existing playlist in a random order (shuffle)

7 Achievements – Voice Recorder Create a new voice note. Save a created voice note by default name Save a created voice note by chosen name The voice notes can be added to a local playlists.

8 Achievements – Peer To Peer Music Get all playlists of a peer found by name. Listen to a chosen playlist from peer’s all playlists Peer To Peer on-demand – while a song is playing, other songs are fetched efficiently in the background Easily switch between peers Stop sharing playlist with peer (from the server side) Extra - Two-Way Peer To Peer – two peers can listen to each other music at the same time

9 Extra Achievement - Graphical User Interface A nice and a happy one ;-) and fast performing tab based navigation Specially designed user friendly GUI with known and intuitive feature such as: Swipe To Delete mechanism for deletion of song or playlist Android Back button is fully supported Media player dragable Seek Bar

10 Demonstration

11 Questions?

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