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Presentation on theme: "LASSWADE HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS/CLUBS INFORMATION Thursday 19 March 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Conabor. Latin. Verb. I will try my utmost Our DREAM Values Determination Respect Effort Ambition Motivation Conabor Award Show your DETERMINATION “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Edison

3 Assemblies this week FridaySL S4 – S6

4 Displaced classes for Thursday 19 March Dr Kerr's fourth year Biology class period 3 - go to Rm 116 Dr Kerr's first year Science class period 6 - go to Rm 305 Ms Liddell's fourth year Chemistry class period 6 & 7 - go to Rm 307

5 S4 Football Meeting Interval today Room 115

6 Dance Camp 2015 Can all pupils attending dance camp come to an urgent meeting today at break.

7 Message for S5 Students Students in S5 who intend to apply for Senior Prefect positions next year should attend a briefing in the Conference Room Period 6 on Monday

8 Torness Trip All pupils going to Torness on Tuesday 24/03/15 should attend a meeting at lunchtime today in Room 122.

9 Come along and give us your ideas on activities you’d like to get involved in in the area. We’ll be in the community room in The Lasswade Centre tonight from 6-7pm, come along and see us. Are you a young person living in Bonnyrigg, Lasswade and Poltonhall?? Then CLD need you!

10 WORLD CHALLENGERS Please log on to EDMODO and complete the assignment which is due for the 23 rd March.


12 PROM! Final Prom payments are due! The final payment of £30 is to be paid to Miss Lyon or Mrs Crawford by the 30 th of April. All payments must be paid!! More updates on the Prom twitter page- @LasswadeProm15

13 Loanhead Girls Club The Loanhead Girls Club is a youth club for young women aged 10years+ Come along and meet new people · Chill out with your friends· Get involved in project work· Meet LGC Youth workers· There are a range of activities on offer such as:· Games, Dance, Wii, ipad, Movies, free WiFi, etc. This is a C-card outlet where you can register for free condoms It is based at the Kabin, 5 Murrayburn Avenue in Loanhead every Thursday evening, during term time from 6.15-8.15pm

14 Solar Eclipse Friday 20 March From approx. 8.30am Next one in 90 years

15 Rugby fixtures this Sunday S1’s S2’s Vs Bus leaves school @ 9am on Sunday morning

16 Rugby Fixtures this Friday U15/16’s Vs NEWBATTLE Meet at the rugby club @1.30 on Friday afternoon

17 Come and support our U18’s this Wednesday at Preston Lodge Semi final of the Scottish Schools Bowl! Kick off is 5pm. Bus leaves school for players at 3.50pm-£2 for bus.


19 Race for Life 2015 Sunday 14 th June 12pm Holyrood Park, Edinburgh If you (girls only!) would like to walk, jog or run this 5km event in June, please keep the date free! We will be signing up/taking part as a school team again this year. More details to follow

20 Drama Trip London Could all pupils going on this trip attend a meeting next Thursday ( 26 th March) 1.15 pm

21 Monday: Study Support After school Computing (S4 – S6)Room 228 Art and Design (S4 – S6)Art Department (3.30 - 5.00) Miss Maltby’s N5 GeographyRoom 119 Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept Lunchtime Comic Art012 (Mr Stanton) Chess212 (Mr Poots) Percussion GroupMusic department After School Jazz BandMusic department Monday: Clubs

22 Thursday: Study Support Lunchtime German (S4 – S6)Mr Stienbach – Room 213 After school Maths (Higher)Maths department HistoryNat4/5 (116) Higher (117) S4 – S6 BiologyRoom 103 Miss Hargreaves National 5 Geography Geography Department ArtArt department (3.30 – 4.45) EnglishMiss Mollon (224) Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept

23 Thursday: School Clubs Lunchtime S1 – S3 Creative WritingMrs Ramtohul (Room 229) S4 – S6 Creative WritingMiss Ludbrook (Room 219) S1 – S3 Keyboard and Glockenspiel Room 003 Ceilidh BandMusic department After school Drama ClubRoom 007 (3.30 – 4.30) Concert BandMusic department

24 Thursday: Sports Clubs Lunchtime S1/S2 5-a-sidePE Department After school Girls Football TrainingAstro


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