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Our school… Project by Mary Agashkova, Igor Puck Pom, Kate Temirova, Gertsen Bakshiev Class 6b.

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Presentation on theme: "Our school… Project by Mary Agashkova, Igor Puck Pom, Kate Temirova, Gertsen Bakshiev Class 6b."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our school… Project by Mary Agashkova, Igor Puck Pom, Kate Temirova, Gertsen Bakshiev Class 6b

3 Our school This is our school - Rosalia de Castro school. It’s for boys and girls from 6 to 18 years old. We are in class 6 « B ».

4 Our Timetable History, Russian, English, Maths, Biology, Social Studies, Literature, Spanish, IT, PE and Music. We have also got a double period of Extra Spanish. From Monday till Friday we have got 6 lessons. But on Saturdays we have got 5 lessons. Our favourite day is Saturday This is our timetable. We go to school 6 days a week. We have got History, Russian, English, Maths, Biology, Social Studies, Literature, Spanish, IT, PE and Music. We have also got a double period of Extra Spanish. From Monday till Friday we have got 6 lessons. But on Saturdays we have got 5 lessons. Our favourite day is Saturday

5 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday1RussianEnglishMusicEnglishRussianSpanish 2RussianEnglishHistoryEnglishLiteratureSpanish 3MathsSpanishMathsMathsITMusic 4MathsSpanishGeographyMathsBiology Extra Spanish 5Spanish Social Studies RussianRussianPE Extra Spanish 6PEPELiteratureRussianHistory This is our timetable

6 Science We’ve got one lesson of Science each week. This year it is Biology. Next year it is Physics and then it is Chemistry. Wednesday is our favourite day because we’ve got Geography and History.

7 These are boys and girls from our school.

8 This is our principal Galina Yusupova

9 Mrs Koptilkina This is our teacher of English

10 Mrs Oreshkina This is our teacher of Maths

11 Mrs Klipina This is our teacher of Russian and Literature

12 Mrs Repina This is our teacher of Biology and our classmistress

13 Mrs Dolbina This is our teacher of Geography

14 Mr Stepenin This is our teacher of History

15 Mrs Mikhailova This is our teacher of Spanish

16 Mrs Kusina This is our teacher of Music

17 Mrs Rogova This is our teacher of IT

18 Lukas Kintana and Roberto Vila Garsia These are our teachers of Spanish

19 Mrs Krishnevskaya This is our teacher of PE

20 We love our teachers!

21 Thank you for your attention!!!=-)

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