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“ I Pity the Fool ” Who Doesn’t Graduate! Subject Credits Required Lang. Arts 4 Math3 Science3 Social Studies3.5 Health/P.E.2 Art1.5 CTE1 Comp. Tech.0.5.

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Presentation on theme: "“ I Pity the Fool ” Who Doesn’t Graduate! Subject Credits Required Lang. Arts 4 Math3 Science3 Social Studies3.5 Health/P.E.2 Art1.5 CTE1 Comp. Tech.0.5."— Presentation transcript:


2 “ I Pity the Fool ” Who Doesn’t Graduate! Subject Credits Required Lang. Arts 4 Math3 Science3 Social Studies3.5 Health/P.E.2 Art1.5 CTE1 Comp. Tech.0.5 Financial Lit.0.5 Electives8 Total27 Standard Diploma Requirements + 2 credits of World Language Minimum of Algebra II 2 Lab-Based Sciences HONORS DIPLOMA Advanced Diploma + Meet ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores STANDARD DIPLOMA Canyons School District High School Graduation Requirements *Catch Phrase Coined by Mr. T ADVANCED DIPLOMA






8 Algebra I Geometry Algebra 2 1010/1050 *Concurrent Enrollment* Pre-Calculus AP Statistics AP Calculus 1040/1060 *Concurrent Enrollment* Algebra 1A Algebra 1B

9 Earth Systems Biology or Biology H AP Biology Physics (Alg 1) Chemistry (Alg 1) AP ChemistryAP Physics Chemistry H (Geom) Physics H ( Alg 2)

10 WWW.UTAHFUTURES.ORG Enter Username and Password Remember they are the SAME NUMBER

11 Click on “Go to My Portfolio”

12 Click on “My Course Plan”

13 1 st Step:Select “High School Years” next to which years you would like to plan 2 nd Step:Select “Four-Year Plan” next to Pathway 3 rd Step:Select “Add to Course Plan”

14 Make sure the boxes for 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th grades are marked. Highlight “ADD” and click “OK”

15 Each of your 9 th grade years should have these classes entered now. Let’s make the changes to reflect your current schedule!

16 Click the + sign next to the course and select the appropriate class if yours is different than what is already there. Ex. If you are in Honors Language Arts change Language Arts 9 to Language Arts 9H


18 Click the + sign next to the Subject to select classes in different subject areas. Elective Full Year= A/B Day Classes Elective One Term= Trimester Elective





23 “Elective Full Year” may be one full year elective class or two semester elective classes Driver’s Ed is not required, but most students take it. If you will take driver’s ed in the summer or privately this may be changed to a different class If you have Computer Tech in 9 th grade you may take a different elective in 10 th grade

24 Earth Systems Biology or Biology H AP Biology Physics (Alg 1) Chemistry (Alg 1) AP ChemistryAP Physics Chemistry H (Geom) Physics H ( Alg 2)

25 Algebra I Geometry Algebra 2 1010/1050 *Concurrent Enrollment* Pre-Calculus AP Statistics AP Calculus 1040/1060 *Concurrent Enrollment* Algebra 1A Algebra 1B





30 “ I Pity the Fool ” Who Doesn’t Graduate! Subject Credits Required Lang. Arts 4 Math3 Science3 Social Studies3.5 Health/P.E.2 Art1.5 CTE1 Comp. Tech.0.5 Financial Lit.0.5 Electives8 Total27 Standard Diploma Requirements + 2 credits of World Language Minimum of Algebra II 2 Lab-Based Sciences HONORS DIPLOMA Advanced Diploma + Meet ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores STANDARD DIPLOMA Canyons School District High School Graduation Requirements *Catch Phrase Coined by Mr. T ADVANCED DIPLOMA

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