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Tying the knot: Basic Suturing Workshop
Megan Vernatter ARNP, PSC Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner Ashland Emergency Medical Associates
Objectives Discuss the physiology of wound healing.
Outline the appropriate history and physical exam indicated for management of a simple wound. Differentiate between different types of local anesthetics based on pharmacology, onset of action, and duration of action. Demonstrate administration of local anesthesia for a given wound. Prepare a wound for repair. Demonstrate various wound closure techniques- simple interrupted sutures, vertical mattress sutures, wound adhesives, staples and steri-strips. Develop a patient education plan for a repaired wound including follow-up and suture removal.
Anatomy of the Skin and Fascia
Comprise a complex system of organs and anatomic features Layer arrangement is most important for wound closure Layers include the epidermis, dermis, superficial fascia (subcutaneous layer), and deep fascia
Physiology of Wound Healing
Hemostasis- onset within minutes of injury, this includes vessel vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, the clotting cascade and hemostatic coagulum. Inflammatory Phase- once activated then chemotactic factors, which attract granulocytes to the wound are released, followed by lymphocytes, then macrophages to stimulate fibroblast reproduction and neovascularization. Epithelialization- epithelial cells at the stratum germinativum, or basal layer of the epidermis, undergo morphological and functional changes. Neovascularization- newly formed vessels replace the old injured network and bring oxygen and nutrients to the healing wound. Collagen Synthesis- begin to produce new collagen fibrils by day 2. Wound Contraction and Remodeling- every wound undergoes scar remodeling over several months.
Key Practice Points All lacerations produce scars.
The function of a scar is to repair a wound with collagen, not to restore the original appearance of the injured tissue. The tensile or breaking strength of a repaired laceration is only 5% of normal skin at the time of suture removal. Final scar appearance and tensile strength are not reached for several months. The appearance and size of a scar can vary according to the mechanism of injury, anatomic location, wound infection, poor technique, and other factors.
Key Practice Points continued
Visibly embedded grit in the epidermis must be removed to prevent permanent tattooing. Sutures can produce permanent marks in the skin if left longer than 7-14 days. Some people can react to wounds by producing excessive, hypertrophic, or keloid, scars. There are no chemical or surgical methods to eliminate scars. Current research using growth factors has shown that regeneration of injured tissue, rather than collagen deposition, may be possible in the future.
Cosmetic Outcome Keloid scarring Chicks dig scars
Risks in Wound Care Wounds account for >10 million ED visits a yr
>25% of closed malpractice claims involve wound care 5% of wounds become infected Retained foreign bodies are the top reason for lawsuits related to wound care Treatment Goals: avoid infection and achieve acceptable scar
Patient Safety and Comfort
. Obtain a history including the mechanism and timing of the injury Obtain a health, medication and allergy history Verify and update tetanus status Inform patient of procedure including description of anesthesia to be used, type of closure, wound care and follow up Address any patient/family questions or concerns Discuss family/parent presence during procedure Obtain facility appropriate consent for procedure
Positioning Try to optimize patient and care giver comfort
Patient laying on stretcher Caregiver sitting or adjust stretcher height to avoid straining Use bedside trays or tables for hand wounds Utilize over head or portable lighting Position equipment for easy access Have holding assistance or utilize immobilization if appropriate
Wound Examination Perform a thorough wound examination
Inspect and Document wound: Location Size ( length, width and depth ) Appearance ( linear, jagged, flapped ) Condition ( clean, contaminated, active bleeding) Note any visible foreign bodies or tendon injury Neurovascular and functional status
Indications for Consultation
Human or Animal Bite Grossly contaminated wound, difficulty controlling bleeding or foreign body noted Wounds greater than 18 hours old Open fracture or tendon injury Vermilion border repair- (1mm of misalignment can cause devastating cosmetic defect) Eye lid, nose, complex facial or oral lacerations Nail bed repair If in doubt consult plastics, oral or general surgeon before wound closure
Local Anesthetic Options
Esters Amides . cocaine - (rarely used) . procaine- (eg, Novocain) . benzocaine . tetracaine . chloroprocaine lidocaine mepivacaine bupivacaine prilocaine lidocaine with epi – DO NOT USE ON TIPS OF APPENDAGES Mixing lidocaine and bupivacaine has no benefit
Local Anesthetics Agent Percent Infiltration Block (min) Duration
Max Dose lidocaine 1% - 2% immediate 4-10 min 4.5mg/kg lidocaine w/epi 1% min 7mg/kg mepivacaine 6-10 min 5mg/kg bupivacaine 0.25% -0.5% slower 8-12 min 3mg/kg topical 5-15 min 20-30 min 2-5 ml
Local Anesthetic Allergy
True allergic response in <1% of patients Rarely allergic to esters and amides Alternatives : No anesthetic for small wounds (< 3 sutures) Ice placed directly over the wound Use of preservative free spinal, epidural, and intravenous anesthesia Local infiltration with diphenhydramine 50 mg /1 ml diluted in 4 ml of normal saline is sufficient for 20 – 30 minutes of anesthesia (except for facial wounds) then use topical anesthetics
Topical Anesthetics LET TAC
Combination of lidocaine, epinephrine, and tetracaine Effective 15 – 20 minutes after application Use a cotton ball to apply Use a glove or tape to secure over wound Effective on face and body Avoid tips of appendages Combination of tetracaine, adrenaline, and cocaine NOT Approved by FDA Must be mixed by pharmacist Expensive Contraindicated on or near mucosal surfaces NOT recommended by speaker
Topical Sprays Gebauer’s Pain Ease ©is an instant topical anesthetic skin refrigerant approved to temporarily control the pain associated with needle procedures or minor surgical procedures. It can be applied to minor open wounds and intact oral mucous membranes. It is non-drug, non-flammable and can be used by any licensed healthcare practitioner without the order of a physician.
Risk and Safety Information
Published clinical trials support the use in children > 3 years of age Do Not use on large wounds, puncture wounds or animal bites Do Not spray in eyes Overspraying may cause frostbite Freezing may alter skin pigmentation Use caution on diabetics or those with poor circulation Apply only to intact oral mucous membranes Do Not use on genital mucous membranes The thawing process may be painful and freezing may lower resistance to infection and delay healing If skin irritation develops, discontinue use Rx only © Gebauer Company 2012
Technique for Wound Infiltration
Direct Technique Insert 25,27 or 30G ½- 1 ¼” needle through open wound into superficial fascia parallel to and just deep to dermis Inject a small bolus of anesthetic into wound margin and repeat at adjacent margin until all edges and corners are anesthetized (approx 3 to 5 ml for a 3-4 cm wound)
Technique for Wound Infiltration
Parallel Margin (Field Block) Need at least 25G 1 ¼ - 2” needle Insert at one end of the wound and slowly inject a “track” of anesthetic Reinsert needle at distal end of first track and repeat on all sides until complete infiltration has been achieved
Reducing Pain of Local Anesthetics
Buffering each 10 ml of lidocaine with 1 ml of standard bicarbonate solution significantly reduces pain of injection Selecting smallest needle size decreases pain and patient anxiety Injecting slowly helps to decrease soft tissue expansion which stimulates pain receptors Injecting into wound edges rather than surrounding wound hurts less and does not increase risk of infection Waiting >2 minutes to allow anesthetic to take effect before cleansing wound allows for better results
Wound Cleansing NEVER put anything into wound that you would not put in your own eye Choice of antiseptic- in studies only 0.001% solution of povidone-iodine bacteriostatic without harming fibroblasts Avoid povidone-iodine scrub formulation which contains ionic detergent and increases infection when used on fresh wounds Soaking in normal saline Does Not aid healing and increases bacterial count
Wound Irrigation Decreases bacterial load
Relatively high pressure does not force bacteria into tissue Use a mask, shield or splatter guard Current practice is the use of a 35ml syringe with 19G catheter (develops 7-8 psi effective in reducing debris and bacterial contaminates) Avoid high powered psi pulsatile lavage systems that can dissect wound margins Studies show no difference in wound infection rates comparing saline and running tap water Volume varies between ml or more for contaminated wounds
Wound Hair Removal Close shaving causes microtrauma that acts as a portal for bacterial invasion Clipping hair around the wound with scissors is recommended Hair or clippings that are inadvertently buried in wounds can result in infection Hair can be cleansed with standard techniques and solutions
NEVER SHAVE AN EYEBROW – Hair growth is inconsistent
Time frame for Wound Closure
. “Golden period”- because wounds are often contaminated with bacteria, there is a time limit between the laceration and closure. It varies between 6 hours (hand and feet) and 24 hours for the vascular face. .Primary closure- fresh wounds may be sutured up to 18 hours after injury and clean wounds may be sutured up to 4 days later . Secondary closure – for grossly contaminated wounds debridement is critical for preventing infection and are then allowed to heal gradually without suturing . Delayed primary closure – wound is cleansed, debrided, and observed for 96 hours then closed if infection does not develop
Methods for repair of simple wounds
Tissue adhesives Wound taping Wound stapling Suturing
Indications for Tissue Adhesives
Fresh lacerations that are within the “golden period” Lacerations under low tension that are easy to approximate Lacerations with clean and even edges that can be closed with no gaps Lacerations with little or no blood oozing Situations in which adhesive runoff can be controlled or avoided
Adhesive Wound Closure Technique
Pat the wound dry after cleansing, debridement and bleeding has been controlled To decreased runoff, position the patient so that the wound is facing up (use Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg for wounds around the eye). Apply a rim of petroleum ointment around the wound and hold a gauze sponge to remove excessive adhesive quickly Crush the plastic applicator and squeeze until adhesive covers the applicator tip The wound is then gently approximated with fingers or forceps Adhesive is layered over the wound with a margin of 5-10 mm. Finger or forceps approximation is maintained for seconds to allow for polymerization After seconds, another layer may be applied and 3 layers are recommended to complete the closure It takes 2.5 minutes for adhesive to reach its full tensile strength
Adhesive Closure Aftercare
Instruct the patient to keep the wound clean and dry for 24 hours After 24 hours may gently cleanse wound using caution not to disrupt the closure If a wound dehisces, instruct the patient to return for delayed primary closure with wound tapes or sutures No follow-up is needed for glue removal as it peels off on its own or with epidermal sloughing
Demonstration of Wound Closure with Adhesive
Skin tear before repair After adhesive repair
Indications for Wound Taping
Superficial, straight lacerations under little tension. Suitable area include: forehead, chin, malar eminence, thorax, and nonjoint areas of extremities Flaps in which sutures might compromise vascular perfusion at the wound edges Lacerations with a greater-than-usual potential for infection Lacerations in an elderly or steroid-dependent patient who has thin, fragile skin Support for lacerations after suture removal Tapes do not work well on irregular wounds, wounds with active bleeding or secretions, intertriginous areas, scalp and joint surfaces
Technique for Wound Taping
The wound is cleansed, irrigated, and debrided prn. Hemostasis has to be complete and the surface completely dried. Skin adhesive is applied to the surrounding skin to increase adhesion. Tapes are cut to the desired length while they are still on the backing sheet. Usually allow a 2-3 cm overlap on each side of the wound. One of the perforated end tabs is gently removed to prevent deforming of the tape ends. Individual tapes are removed from the backing with forceps by pulling directly away from the backing. ½ of the tape is securely placed on one side of the midportion of the wound and is held securely. The opposite wound edge is apposed with a finger of the opposite hand. After edge apposition, the tape is completely secured. Further tapes are placed evenly adjacent to the original midwound tape, and repeat until edges are completely apposed leaving a 2-3 mm gap between tapes. The final step is to place cross stays to prevent elevation of ends and wound tension.
Wound Taping Aftercare
Tapes are maintained in place for at least as long as sutures would be for the anatomic area. A taped wound cannot be washed or moistened. Tapes should NEVER be wrapped around a digit circumferentially, because of constriction.
Demonstration of Wound Closure with Taping
Indications for Stapling
Linear, sharp (shearing mechanism) laceration of the scalp, trunk, and extremities. Is NOT recommended for hands or face. Temporary, rapid closure of extensive superficial lacerations in patients requiring immediate surgery for life-threatening trauma. Avoid in anatomic areas where studies such as CT or MRI are anticipated to avoid streak artifact.
Stapling Technique Forceps are used to evert the wound edges
Before triggering, the stapler should be placed gently on the skin over the wound without indenting the skin The trigger is squeezed gently and evenly to advance the staple into the tissue Once placed a space should be visible between it and the skin The stapler is then “backed out” to disengage
Staple Aftercare Staples are kept in place for the same length of time as sutures in similar anatomic sites. Staple removal requires a special device that is provided by each manufacturer. The lower jaw is placed under the crossbar of the staple, and the upper jaw is closed to open the loop of the staple.
Demonstration of Wound Closure with Stapling
Suturing Equipment Mask, eye wear or face shield
Gloves- protect the clinician not the patient, some studies recommend non-sterile gloves Sutures – wound specific (see suggestions) Suture kit – most are disposable and should include needle holders, forceps, scissors, and hemostats Dressing supplies- wound specific (most facial lacerations may be left uncovered)
Suggested Guideline for Suture Selection
Body Region Percutaneous Deep Scalp 5-0/4-0 monofilament 4-0 absorbable Ear 6-0 monofilament Eyelid 7-0/6-0 monofilament Eyebrow 6-0/5-0 monofilament 5-0 absorbable Nose Lip Oral mucosa Face/Forehead Trunk 3-0 absorbable Extremities Hand 5-0 monofilament Foot/sole 4-0/3-0 monofilament Penis
Post Procedure Assess for symmetry, wound appearance and tension on suture line Now is the time to remove and replace any suture if you are not satisfied with the result Re-evaluate neurovascular and functional status Re-enforce Wound Care and Discharge Instructions Reassure patient that oral antibiotics are not needed unless develop signs of infection
Wound Care Instructions
May remove dressing and inspect wound in 24 hours Use a clean cloth to gently cleanse wound with soap and water one to three times a day May apply topical antibacterial ointment to prevent dressing from sticking, but does not decrease infection rate Re-dress with gauze or bandaid as needed to protect wound, keep it clean and the dressing dry Avoid swimming for 24 hours Return for increased redness, swelling, or drainage of wound, pain or fever uncontrolled with acetaminophen or ibuprofen
Recommended Intervals for Suture Removal
Location Days to Removal Scalp 6-8 Face 4-5 Ear Chest/abdomen 8-10 Back 12-14 Arm/leg Hand Fingertip 10-12 Foot For joint extensor surfaces Add 2-3 days to above
Sample Documentation Wound cleansed with betadine & irrigated with saline then prepped & draped in sterile fashion. Anesthetized with 3 cc of 2% lidocaine. Wound probed with no visible foreign bodies, no tendon injury noted. Wound edges re-approximated with (6 ) 5-0 sutures in a simple interrupted percutaneous fashion. Antibacterial ointment & dressing applied. Tolerated procedure well. Neurovasular and functional status intact post procedure. Verbalized understanding of wound care and instructions. Agrees to return in 10 days for suture removal.
Summary of the Goals of Wound Closure
Hemostatis- all bleeding except oozing should be controlled before wound closure Anesthesia- to effectively control pain, and allow for adequate wound cleansing Irrigation- is the most important step in reducing potential for infection Wound exploration- xray and functional test do not always identify foreign bodies or tendon injuries
Goals of Wound Closure Removal of devitalized and contaminated tissue
Tissue preservation – to prevent a permanent, uncorrectable, unsightly scar (all wounds scar) Closure tension- excessive wound constriction strangulates tissue, leading to a poor outcome Deep sutures- act as a foreign body and should use as few as possible
Goals of Wound Closure Tissue handling- rough handling with forceps can cause tissue necrosis Wound infection- antibiotics are no substitute for wound preparation and irrigation Dressings- properly applied assist in wound healing Follow-up- well understood verbal and written instructions for wound care, follow-up and suture removal are essential to complete care
Demonstration of Wound Closure with Suturing
Simple interrupted suture Vertical mattress sutures
Demonstration & Return Demonstration
Questions & Answers Demonstration & Return Demonstration
References Greenberg, MI et al: Text-atlas of emergency medicine. Wound care 19: , 2005 Lex, JR: Wound management. Audio Digest 26:04, 2009 Trott, AT: Wounds and lacerations, emergency care and closure. Saunders, Fourth edition. 2012 Johnson & Johnson Wound closure manual, 2005
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