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2012 Janesville FFA Alumni Vet Science March 17, 2012 100 multiple choice questions Select the best answer and pencil in on scantron.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Janesville FFA Alumni Vet Science March 17, 2012 100 multiple choice questions Select the best answer and pencil in on scantron."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Janesville FFA Alumni Vet Science March 17, 2012 100 multiple choice questions Select the best answer and pencil in on scantron

2 Please…….. Use pencil for all answers Write your name and school on scantron/contest forms DO NOT use ANY other programs ( ie internet) while completing the test. ( Vision software is on and will record all your actions on the computer) DO NO use your cell phone for ANY reason during the contest Questions? Ask the proctor NOW!!

3 Equipment and Materials

4 1. What is this? What is it used for?

5 2. What are these called? What are they used for?

6 3. What are these called?

7 4. What kind of brushes are these? What kind of bristles?

8 5. What is this called?

9 6. Identify the name of the tools.

10 7. What is this tool called? What are they used for?

11 8. What is this machine called?

12 9. What is this called? What does it help with?

13 10. What are these?

14 11. What are these? What animals are they for?

15 12What is the general name for these? What is the specific name for this type?

16 13. What is the name of this magnet?

17 14. What is the name of this brush?

18 15. What are these machines called?

19 16. What is this called?

20 17. What is this called? What animal is it most commonly used for?

21 18. what type of wound dressing is this?

22 19. What are these?

23 20. Identify the name of the measuring tool.

24 Parasite Identification

25 21. What parasite is this?

26 22. What is this?

27 23. What is this parasite called? Hint Hint!

28 24. Identify the name of this parasite.

29 25. Identify the common name.

30 26. Name this parasite.

31 27. What is the name of this parasite?

32 28. What is this parasite called?

33 29. Identify the name of this parasite.

34 30. Name this parasite.

35 31. Identify this parasite.

36 32. Identify this parasite.

37 33. Name this parasite.

38 34. Identify this parasite.

39 35. What is the name of this parasite?

40 36. Identify this parasite.

41 37. What is this parasite called?

42 38. Identify the name of this parasite.

43 39. Identify the specific name of this parasite.

44 40. Identify this parasite.

45 Dog Identification

46 41. What group are these dogs included in.

47 42. Identify the group these dogs are in.

48 43. Identify the group these dogs are in.

49 44. Identify the name of these dogs group.

50 45. Identify the group these dogs are in.

51 46. Identify these dogs group.

52 47. Identify the name of these dogs group.

53 Cat Identification

54 48. What kind of cat is this?

55 49. Identify the name of these cats.

56 50. What are these cats named?

57 51. Identify the name of these cats.

58 52. What is this cat called?

59 53. Identify the name of these cats.

60 54. Identify the name of this cat breed.

61 Rabbit Identification

62 55. Identify the name of these rabbits.

63 56. What is the breed name of these rabbits?

64 57. Identify this rabbit breed.

65 58. What is the breed name of these rabbits.

66 Bird Identification

67 59. Identify this birds name.

68 60. Identify this birds name.

69 61. Identify this bird.

70 Small Mammal Identification

71 62. Identify this small mammals name.

72 63. What is the name of this small mammal?

73 64. Identify the name of this small mammal.

74 Reptile Identification

75 65. Identify this reptiles name.

76 66. Identify this reptiles name.

77 67. Identify this reptile.

78 68. Identify the name of this reptile.

79 Poultry Identification

80 69. Identify this breed of poultry.

81 70. Identify the name of this poultry breed.

82 71. Identify the name of this type of poultry.

83 72. Identify this animals name.

84 Dairy Cattle Identification

85 73. Identify the name of this type of dairy cattle.

86 74. Identify the name of this dairy cow.

87 Beef Cattle Identification

88 75. What is the name of this beef cow.

89 76. Identify the name of this type of beef cattle.

90 Swine Identification

91 77. Identify this type of swine.

92 78. Identify this pigs name.

93 Horse Identification

94 79. Identify the breed of this horse.

95 80. What is this breed of horse called.

96 81. Identify this breed of horse.

97 82. Identify the breed of this horse.

98 83. Identify the breed of this animal.

99 Goat Identification

100 84. What is the name of this goat.

101 85. What is the identity of this goat.

102 86. What is the name of this goat.

103 Sheep Identification

104 87. What is the identify breed of this sheep

105 88. What kind of sheep is this?

106 89. Identify the name of this sheep.

107 #90 What disease is this A) Heart worms B) Ring worms C) Round worms D) Hook Worms

108 #91 What disease is this A) Gout B) Kidney stone C) Hardware D) Hair ball

109 #92 What parasite is a A) mite B) flea C) louse D) tick

110 #93 What disease is this A) Pink eye B) Cataract C) Cherry Eye D) Glaucoma

111 #94 What is shown in the X- Ray? A) rat with litter B) pregnant cat C) pregnant rabbit D) kitten lodged in birth canal

112 #95 What is shown in the X- Ray? A) Rat B) Cat C) Lizard D) Mouse

113 #96 What does this medical term or abbreviation stand for? A) heart x-rays B) the study of parasites C) The study of feces D) Another name for the way animals are classified. Coprology

114 #97 What does this medical term or abbreviation stand for? A) warm B) equal in temperature C) cold blooded D) without heat Isothermic

115 #98 Solve the math problem A) 100.0 B) 98.6 C) 99.9 D) 97.9 A bacteria likes to grow at 37 degrees Celsius, what is the temp in Fahrenheit?

116 #99 What does this medical term or abbreviation stand for? A) every day B) three times a day C) before bed D) with food tid

117 #100 What breed is this? A) Calico B) Boxer C) Scottish Fold D) American Shorthair

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