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Chapter 13 The Data Warehouse

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1 Chapter 13 The Data Warehouse
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management 4th Edition Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel 1

2 The Need for Data Analysis
Constant pressure from external and internal forces requires prompt tactical and strategic decisions. The decision-making cycle time is reduced, while problems are increasingly complex with a growing number of internal and external variables. Managers need support systems for facilitating quick decision making in a complex environment. Decision support systems (DSS). 4

3 7

4 Decision Support Systems
Decision Support is a methodology (or a series of methodologies) designed to extract information from data and to use such information as a basis for decision making. A decision support system (DSS) is an arrangement of computerized tools used to assist managerial decision making within a business. A DSS usually requires extensive data “massaging” to produce information. The DSS is used at all levels within an organization and is often tailored to focus on specific business areas or problems. The DSS is interactive and provides ad hoc query tools to retrieve data and to display data in different formats. 5

5 Decision Support Systems
Four Components of a DSS The data store component is basically a DSS database. The data extraction and filtering component is used to extract and validate the data taken from the operational database and the external data sources. The end user query tool is used by the data analyst to create the queries that access the database. The end user presentation tool is used by the data analyst to organize and present the data. 6

6 Main Components Of A Decision Support System (DSS)
Figure 13.1 7

7 Decision Support Systems
Operational Data vs. Decision Support Data Most operational data are stored in a relational database in which the structures tend to be highly normalized. The operational data storage is optimized to support transactions that represent daily operations. Whereas operational data capture daily business transactions, DSS data give tactical and strategic business meaning to the operational data. 8

8 Decision Support Systems
Three Main Areas in Which DSS Data Differ from Operational Data Time span Operational data represent current (atomic) transactions. DSS data tend to cover a longer time frame. Granularity Operational data represent specific transactions that occur at a given time. DSS data must be presented at different levels of aggregation. Dimensionality Operational data focus on representing atomic transactions. DSS data can be analyzed from multiple dimensions. 9

9 7

10 Table 13.2 Contrasting Operational And DSS Data Characteristics

11 Decision Support Systems
The DSS Database Requirements Database Schema The DSS database schema must support complex (non-normalized) data representations. The queries must be able to extract multidimensional time slices. 11

12 Table 13.3 Ten Year Sales History For A Single Department,
Millions Of Dollars Table 13.3

13 Table 13.4 Yearly Sales Summaries, Two Stores and Two Departments
Per Store, Millions Of Dollars Table 13.4 7

14 Decision Support Systems
Data Extraction and Loading The DBMS must support advanced data extracting and filtering tools. The data extraction capabilities should support different data sources and multiple vendors. Data filtering capabilities must include the ability to check for inconsistent data or data validation rules. The DBMS must support advanced data integration, aggregation, and classification capabilities. 11

15 Yearly Sales Summaries, 20 Stores, 10 Departments Per Store,
Millions Of Dollars Table 13.5 7

16 Decision Support Systems
End-User Analytical Interface The DSS DBMS must support advanced data modeling and data presentation tools, data analysis tools, and query generation and optimization components. The end user analytical interface is one of the most critical components. Database Size Requirements DSS databases tend to be very large. The DBMS must be capable of supporting very large databases (VLDB). The DBMS may be required to use advanced hardware, such as multiple disk arrays and multiple-processor technologies. 12

17 The Data Warehouse The Data Warehouse is an integrated, subject-oriented, time-variant, non-volatile database that provides support for decision making. Integrated The Data Warehouse is a centralized, consolidated database that integrates data retrieved from the entire organization. Subject-Oriented The Data Warehouse data is arranged and optimized to provide answers to questions coming from diverse functional areas within a company. 13

18 The Data Warehouse Time Variant Non-Volatile
The Warehouse data represent the flow of data through time. It can even contain projected data. Non-Volatile Once data enter the Data Warehouse, they are never removed. The Data Warehouse is always growing. 14

19 Table 13.6A Comparison Of Data Warehouse And Operational
Database Characteristics

20 Creating A Data Warehouse
Figure 13.3 16

21 The Data Warehouse Data Mart
A data mart is a small, single-subject data warehouse subset that provides decision support to a small group of people. Data Marts can serve as a test vehicle for companies exploring the potential benefits of Data Warehouses. Data Marts address local or departmental problems, while a Data Warehouse involves a company-wide effort to support decision making at all levels in the organization. 17

22 DSS Architectural Styles
Table 13.7 18

23 The Data Warehouse Twelve Rules That Define a Data Warehouse
1. The Data Warehouse and operational environments are separated. 2. The Data Warehouse data are integrated. 3. The Data Warehouse contains historical data over a long time horizon. 4. The Data Warehouse data are snapshot data captured at a given point in time. 5. The Data Warehouse data are subject-oriented. 6. The Data Warehouse data are mainly read-only with periodic batch updates from operational data. No online updates are allowed. 7. The Data Warehouse development life cycle differs from classical systems development. The Data Warehouse development is data driven; the classical approach is process driven. 21

24 The Data Warehouse 8. The Data Warehouse contains data with several levels of detail; current detail data, old detail data, lightly summarized, and highly summarized data. 9. The Data Warehouse environment is characterized by read-only transactions to very large data sets. The operational environment is characterized by numerous update transactions to a few data entities at the time. 10. The Data Warehouse environment has a system that traces data resources, transformation, and storage. 11. The Data Warehouse’s metadata are a critical component of this environment. The metadata identify and define all data elements. The metadata provide the source, transformation, integration, storage, usage, relationships, and history of each data element. 12. The Data Warehouse contains a charge-back mechanism for resource usage that enforces optimal use of the data by end users. 22

25 On-Line Analytical Processing
On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is an advanced data analysis environment that supports decision making, business modeling, and operations research activities. Four Main Characteristics of OLAP Use multidimensional data analysis techniques Provide advanced database support Provide easy-to-use end user interfaces Support client/server architecture 23

26 On-Line Analytical Processing
Multidimensional Data Analysis Techniques The processing of data in which data are viewed as part of a multidimensional structure. Multidimensional view allows end users to consolidate or aggregate data at different levels. Multidimensional view allows a business analyst to easily switch business perspectives. Figure 13.4 24

27 Figure 13.4 Operational Vs. Multidimensional View Of Sales

28 On-Line Analytical Processing
Additional Functions of Multidimensional Data Analysis Techniques Advanced data presentation functions Advanced data aggregation, consolidation, and classification functions Advanced computational functions Advanced data modeling functions 26

29 Figure 13.5 Integration Of OLAP With A Spreadsheet Program

30 On-Line Analytical Processing
Advanced Database Support Access to many different kinds of DBMSs, flat files, and internal and external data sources. Access to aggregated Data Warehouse data as well as to the detail data found in operational databases. Advanced data navigation features such as drill-down and roll-up. Rapid and consistent query response times. The ability to map end user requests, expressed in either business or model terms, to the appropriate data source and then to the proper data access language. Support for very large databases. 28

31 On-Line Analytical Processing
Easy-to-Use End User Interface Easy-to-use graphical user interfaces make sophisticated data extraction and analysis tools easily accepted and readily used. Client/Server Architecture The client/server environment enables us to divide an OLAP system into several components that define its architecture. 29

32 On-Line Analytical Processing
OLAP Architecture Three Main Modules OLAP Graphical User Interface (GUI) OLAP Analytical Processing Logic OLAP Data Processing Logic OLAP systems are designed to use both operational and Data Warehouse data. 30

33 Figure 13.7 OLAP Server Arrangement

34 Figure 13.8 OLAP Server With Multidimensional Data Store Arrangement

35 Figure 13.9 OLAP Server With Local Mini Data-Marts

36 On-Line Analytical Processing
Relational OLAP Relational On-Line Analytical Processing (ROLAP) provides OLAP functionality by using relational database and familiar relational query tools. Extensions to RDBMS Multidimensional data schema support within the RDBMS Data access language and query performance optimized for multidimensional data Support for very large databases 35

37 On-Line Analytical Processing
Multidimensional Data Schema Support within the RDBMS Normalization of tables in relational technology is seen as a stumbling block to its use in OLAP systems. DSS data tend to be non-normalized, duplicated, and pre- aggregated. ROLAP uses a special design technique to enable RDBMS technology to support multidimensional data representations, known as star schema. Star schema creates the near equivalent of a multidimensional database schema from the existing relational database.

38 On-Line Analytical Processing
Data Access Language and Query Performance Optimized for Multidimensional Data Most decision support data requests require the use of multiple-pass SQL queries or multiple nested SQL statements. ROLAP extends SQL so that it can differentiate between access requirements for data warehouse data and operational data. Support for Very Large Databases Decision support data are normally loaded in bulk (batch) mode from the operational data. RDBMS must have the proper tools to import, integrate, and populate the data warehouse with operational data. The speed of the data-loading operations is important.

39 Figure 13.10 A Typical ROLAP Client/Server Architecture

40 On-Line Analytical Processing
Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) MOLAP extends OLAP functionality to multidimensional databases (MDBMS). MDBMS end users visualize the stored data as a multidimensional cube known as a data cube. Data cubes are created by extracting data from the operational databases or from the data warehouse. Data cubes are static and require front-end design work. To speed data access, data cubes are normally held in memory, called cube cache. MOLAP is generally faster than their ROLAP counterparts. It is also more resource-intensive. MDBMS is best suited for small and medium data sets. Multidimensional data analysis is also affected by how the database system handles sparsity. 37

41 MOLAP Client/Server Architecture
Figure 13.11

42 Relational Vs. Multidimensional OLAP
Table 13.8 39

43 Star Schema The star schema is a data-modeling technique used to map multidimensional decision support into a relational database. Star schemas yield an easily implemented model for multidimensional data analysis while still preserving the relational structure of the operational database. Four Components: Facts Dimensions Attributes Attribute hierarchies 40

44 A Simple Star Schema Figure 13.12 42

45 Star Schema Facts Dimensions
Facts are numeric measurements (values) that represent a specific business aspect or activity. The fact table contains facts that are linked through their dimensions. Facts can be computed or derived at run-time (metrics). Dimensions Dimensions are qualifying characteristics that provide additional perspectives to a given fact. Dimensions are stored in dimension tables. 41

46 Star Schema Attributes
Each dimension table contains attributes. Attributes are often used to search, filter, or classify facts. Dimensions provide descriptive characteristics about the facts through their attributes. Table Possible Attributes For Sales Dimensions 45

47 Three Dimensional View Of Sales
Figure 13.13 46

48 Slice And Dice View Of Sales
Figure 13.14 47

49 Star Schema Attribute Hierarchies
Attributes within dimensions can be ordered in a well-defined attribute hierarchy. The attribute hierarchy provides a top-down data organization that is used for two main purposes: Aggregation Drill-down/roll-up data analysis 48

50 A Location Attribute Hierarchy
Figure 13.15 49

51 Attribute Hierarchies In Multidimensional Analysis
Figure 13.16 50

52 Star Schema Star Schema Representation
Facts and dimensions are normally represented by physical tables in the data warehouse database. The fact table is related to each dimension table in a many-to-one (M:1) relationship. Fact and dimension tables are related by foreign keys and are subject to the primary/foreign key constraints. 51

53 Figure 13.17 Star Schema For Sales

54 Figure 13.18 Orders Star Schema

55 Star Schema Performance-Improving Techniques
Normalization of dimensional tables Multiple fact tables representing different aggregation levels Denormalization of fact tables Table partitioning and replication 54

56 Figure 13.19 Normalized Dimension Tables

57 Figure 13.20 Multiple Fact Tables 56

58 Data Warehouse Implementation
The Data Warehouse as an Active Decision Support Network A Data Warehouse is a dynamic support framework. Implementation of a Data Warehouse is part of a complete database-system-development infrastructure for company-wide decision support. Its design and implementation must be examined in the light of the entire infrastructure. 57

59 Data Warehouse Implementation
A Company-Wide Effort that Requires User Involvement and Commitment at All Levels For a successful design and implementation, the designer must: Involve end users in the process. Secure end users’ commitment from the beginning. Create continuous end user feedback. Manage end user expectations. Establish procedures for conflict resolution. 58

60 Data Warehouse Implementation
Satisfy the Trilogy: Data, Analysis, and Users For a successful design and implementation, the designer must satisfy: Data integration and loading criteria. Data analysis capabilities with acceptable query performance. End user data analysis needs. 59

61 Data Warehouse Implementation
Apply Database Design Procedures Data Warehouse development is a company-wide effort and requires many resources: people, financial, and technical. The sheer and often mind-boggling quantity of decision support data is likely to require the latest hardware and software. It is also imperative to have very detailed procedures to orchestrate the flow of data from the operational databases to the Dare Warehouse. To implement and support the Data Warehouse architecture, we also need people with advanced database design, software integration, and management skills. 60

62 Data Warehouse Implementation Road Map
Figure 13.21 55

63 Data Mining In contrast to the traditional (reactive) DSS tools, the data mining premise is proactive. Data mining tools automatically search the data for anomalies and possible relationships, thereby identifying problems that have not yet been identified by the end user. Data mining tools -- based on algorithms that form the building blocks for artificial intelligence, neural networks, inductive rules, and predicate logic -- initiate analysis to create knowledge. 62

64 Extraction Of Knowledge From Data
Figure 13.22 55

65 Data Mining Four Phases of Data Mining 1. Data Preparation
Identify and cleanse data sets. Data Warehouse is usually used for data mining operations. 2. Data Analysis and Classification Identify common data characteristics or patterns using Data groupings, classifications, clusters, or sequences. Data dependencies, links, or relationships. Data patterns, trends, and deviations. 64

66 Data Mining 3. Knowledge Acquisition 4. Prognosis
Select the appropriate modeling or knowledge acquisition algorithms. Examples: neural networks, decision trees, rules induction, genetic algorithms, classification and regression tree, memory-based reasoning, or nearest neighbor and data visualization. 4. Prognosis Predict future behavior and forecast business outcomes using the data mining findings. 65

67 Data-Mining Phases Figure 13.23 66

68 A Sample Of Current Data Warehousing And Data Mining Vendors
Table 13.10 66

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