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Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel1 What the States are Doing to Improve Career/Technical Education Gene Bottoms, SREB Rodney.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel1 What the States are Doing to Improve Career/Technical Education Gene Bottoms, SREB Rodney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel1 What the States are Doing to Improve Career/Technical Education Gene Bottoms, SREB Rodney Kelly, Kentucky Bob Couch, South Carolina Kathy Oliver, Maryland

2 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel2 Question What progress are you making to improve academic achievement of career/technical students, and are you making progress in the achievement gap with other students?

3 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel3 Kentucky Proof of Progress

4 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel4 Kentucky Proof of Progress

5 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel5 Clusters# of Students % Novice % Apprentice % Proficient/ Distinguished 20002004200020042000200420002004 Total Concentrators 10,62 4 18,736453234 2134 State 40,33 8 40,724423231322637 Mathematics/Kentucky

6 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel6 Clusters# of Students % Novice % Apprentice % Proficient/ Distinguished 20002004200020042000200420002004 Agriculture 15632470513732361727 Business & Marketing 34094919352336352942 Communi- cation 735774382534302844 Construction 7841153615428311015 Mathematics/Kentucky

7 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel7 Clusters # of Students % Novice % Apprentice % Proficient/ Distinguished 20002004200020042000200420002004 Health Sciences 12841867363037 2633 Human Services 12973195543931361525 Manufact- uring 568856574529331421 Transport- ation 45876166512532916 Mathematics/Kentucky

8 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel8 2004 2002 All Students CTE Students South Carolina A Comparison of Mean Reading Scores of All Students vs. CTE students Shows CTE students performing on par with their non-CTE Peers Source: SREB Report 41902, Table 1

9 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel9 South Carolina A Comparison of Mean Mathematics Scores of All Students vs. CTE students Shows CTE students performing on par with their non-CTE Peers Source: SREB Report 41902, Table 1 2004 2002 All Students CTE Students

10 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel10 South Carolina A Comparison of Mean Science Scores of All Students vs. CTE students Shows CTE students performing on par with their non-CTE Peers Source: SREB Report 41902, Table 1 2004 2002 All Students CTE Students

11 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel11 Closing Achievement Gaps Maryland 1.Raising Achievement of CTE Students 2.Major Initiatives to Advance Achievement 3.Integrating Academic Standards in CTE Programs 4.Value-added Measures for CTE 5.Successful Transition to College and Careers

12 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 1.Raising achievement levels for all CTE participants on high quality academic performance measures Maryland

13 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 1.Raising achievement levels for all CTE participants on high quality academic performance measures Maryland

14 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 1.Raising achievement levels for all CTE participants on high quality academic performance measures Maryland

15 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel15 Question What are major initiatives to advance academic and achievement?

16 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel16 —a newly legislated state system that organizes curriculum frameworks around clusters of study —a focus on literacy and numeracy across the curriculum —schools of study, smaller learning communities and academies South Carolina Major initiatives being undertaken to advance academic achievement of CTE students include:

17 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel17 As evidenced in local plans… —an increasing number of formal after school and weekend remediation and reading recovery programs, — use of remediation software labs featuring remediation software such as PLATO, and —designated weekend times for parent conferences South Carolina Major initiatives being undertaken to advance academic achievement of CTE students include:

18 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel18 2.Major Initiatives to Advance Achievement Maryland Model CTE Pathway Programs Grades 9-16 Program Articulation High School to College-preparatory Curriculum – Academic Core A minimum of 4 credits – Career Pathway Performance Management System Local Perkins Accountability Reports (LPAR) Program Quality Index (PQI) Local Plans for Basic Grants Tech Prep Incentive Grants

19 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel19 Cluster: Information Technology: Oracle Academy Pathway: Software Development/Operations Graduation Requirements Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English - 4English 9English 10English 11English 12 Social Studies - 3World HistoryUS HistoryAmerican Government Economics Mathematics - 3Algebra 1Algebra 2GeometryPre-Calculus Science - 3Earth ScienceBiologyChemistryPhysics Health (1) Fine Arts (1) PE / HealthFine Arts Technology Education - 1 Foundations of Technology CTE Completer Program – (4) Data Modeling Intro to SQL (2) Intro to Java Java Program (2) AP Computer Sci. (1) Foreign Language (2)Foreign Language Examples of careers students are preparing to enter: Database Administrator, Database Programmer, Database Tester, Data analyst, Documentation Specialist, Database Security Expert, Computer Engineer, Java Programmer, IT Consultant, and IT Project Manager.

20 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel20 3.Integrating Academic Standards in CTE Programs Maryland CTE Policies and Procedures Blended Instruction ensures alignment to academic standards Career Development Framework incorporates academic standards K-12 Professional Development Opportunities HSTW/MMGW

21 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel21 Major Initiatives in Kentucky to Advance Academic Achievement of CTE Students Include:  Curriculum Alignment  Standards-based Units of Study  Interdisciplinary CTE/Academic Courses

22 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel22 Major Initiatives in Kentucky to Advance Academic Achievement of CTE Students Include:  Revised Core Content  Online CTE Accountability Reports  Data Analysis and Program Improvement  Online Skills Standards Assessment

23 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel23 Major Professional Development Priorities in Kentucky to Advance Academic Achievement of CTE Students Include:  Technical Literacy  Integration of Academic and CTE – University Lead Workshops  Saving our Seniors – ACT Transition Standards

24 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel24 Major Professional Development Priorities in Kentucky to Advance Academic Achievement of CTE Students Include:  Curriculum Alignment Workshops  Developing Standards – Based Units of Study  Skill Standards Test Development, Scoring, and Item Analysis.

25 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel25 Question What are you doing to assess the performance levels of high school career/technical graduates and to provide them with some type of recognized credential?

26 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel26 4. Value-added Measures for CTE CTE programs provide multiple options for students as they prepare for entry into careers and further education Industry certifications Apprenticeship College Credit 6).

27 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel27 5. Successful Transition to College and Careers CTE programs are measured against student attainment of rigorous academic, employability and technical skills and student success in further education and employment Statewide Articulation Agreements Emphasis on Transcripted Credit Dual Enrollment

28 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel28

29 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel29 Kentucky Skill Standards Report 2004 Assessment Area Number Assessed Percentage Passing Administrative Support Retail Services Hospitality Services Culinary Arts Child Development Housing & Interiors 1696 349 125 445 1097 89 45% 41% 37% 30% 38%

30 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel30 Kentucky Skill Standards Report 2004 cont’d Assessment Area Number Assessed Percentage Passing Manufacturing Horticulture Family Services Consumer Services Production Livestock Production Crop Financial Services 37% 24% 39% 32% 58% 40% 70% 946 864 815 84 972 354 1027

31 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel31 Kentucky Skill Standards Report 2004 cont’d Assessment Area Number Assessed Percentage Passing Marketing Allied Health Communications Construction Transportation Technology Education/ Pre- engineering 580 769 820 703 677 644 47% 45% 39% 27% 15% 29% TOTALS13,05640%

32 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel32 Industry Endorsed Skill Standards Certificate

33 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel33 Question How are you using career pathways to improve the academic content into career/technical classrooms?

34 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel34 Kentucky Successful Strategies used in High-performing CTE Programs  Increased Expectations  Rigorous Content  Using open-response items throughout the year  Curriculum Alignment (Core Content/Skills Standards)  Make the assessment a BIG event (student motivation)

35 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel35 Kentucky Successful Strategies used in High-performing CTE Programs  Incentive for college credit  Reading/writing is a focus (Required Technical Reading/Writing)  Instructional improvement focused on previous assessment results  Required courses/content in PLVS  Use of Power Standards

36 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel36 Kentucky Successful Strategies used in High- performing CTE Programs cont’d.  More focus on the individual Student (Small Learning Communities) student recognition at every opportunity  Data analysis and curriculum improvements annually  Focus on application of core content

37 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel37 Kentucky Successful Strategies used in High- performing CTE Programs cont’d  Community involvement  Collaboration with core content teachers  No wasted class time  Classroom environment (make learning fun and interesting)

38 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel38

39 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel39

40 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel40

41 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel41 Question What are you doing to improve the transition from high school to community and technical colleges and careers?

42 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel42 Kentucky Statewide Articulation Agreements  Program Areas Agricultural Education Business Education Family & Consumer Sciences  Requires passing 3 Career Major Courses with a grade of B or higher.  Requires passing the “Skills Standards Assessment”

43 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel43

44 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW State Director panel44

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