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Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder Phobia Disorders

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Presentation on theme: "Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder Phobia Disorders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder Phobia Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Anxiety Caused by Medical Conditions or Substances Normal Anxiety

2 Essential Features Clinically significant anxiety
Including avoidance behavior Not fear Fear involves intellectual appraisal of threatening stimulus Anxiety involves emotional response to appraisal of threatening stimulus

3 Who Experiences Anxiety Disorders?
25% of population (1 in 4 persons in US) More than 1/3 of all persons who consult mental health Anxiety Disorders Association of America – More learned in last 10 yrs than past 100 yrs. Breakthroughs include: Some AD, such as panic disorder are primarily biological illnesses, associated with underlying genetic vulnerability & alterations in brain chemistry Stress & conflict can worsen AD but don’t necessarily cause them Mostly, interplay of biological, psychosocial (including stress), and behavioral determines nature & severity of disorder

4 New Treatment Options New insights into anxiety  major treatment advances Cognitive-behavioral therapy proven effective for phobias Medications in combo with CBT provide relief for panic disorders Remember self-medication with legal/illegal substances common Self-help techniques helpful with other AD Avoid caffeine Exercise regularly Controlled breathing

5 Panic Disorder Most common AD among those who seek help
About 1/3 all young adults experience at least 1 panic attack bet years Panic attacks reach intensity within 10 min. Panic attacks not codable disorder No impetus for panic that overwhelms Attacks strike during normal everyday activities Diagnosed as with or without Agoraphobia Agoraphobia fear & avoidance of places/situations in which escape/getting help, if needed, not easy—5.6% of adults at some pt. in lives Biological root is misfiring of brain’s alarm center which triggers fight-or-flight stress response; brain signals distress even when none exists

6 Specific Phobias Most common anxiety disorder yet rarely seeking help
11% of all men & women at some point in lives Intense, unfounded, & persistent fear of a particular object, activity, or situation Anticipatory anxiety also Genetic predisposition, environmental & developmental factors such as childhood trauma (Freud’s “Little Albert”) Common types: Animal (most often dogs, snakes, mice, or insects) Blood-injection-injury phobia Situational phobia (closed places) Natural environmental phobia (fear of storms, heights, or water) Situational phobias occur most frequently in adults

7 Social Phobia Clinically significant anxiety
Exposure to certain types of social or performance situations lead to avoidance behaviors Centers on fear of public humiliation Physical symptoms usually also occur Usually fear is general rather than specific 13.3% of Americans may experience Men appear to be as vulnerable as women Those seeking help usually present with fear of more than 1 type of situation CBT with exposure techniques, imagined or direct

8 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Check if: Senseless, upsetting, bizarre thoughts/images Repeatedly trying but failing to ignore/block troubling thoughts Worry excessively about dirt, germs, or contamination Afraid of losing/giving away something important Feeling compelled to think certain thoughts or perform certain acts repeatedly Wash or clean excessively Check thing repeatedly to make sure done Do same thing over & over again Keep useless things because may need them someday Spend more than 1 hour a day on odd thoughts/behaviors Feel upset or embarrassed due to thoughts/behaviors Find difficulty carrying on normal daily routines due to intrusive thoughts or need to perform certain acts repeatedly

9 Acute Stress Disorder Can simulate PTSD
Set off by trauma of unusually frightening experience or event but more severe than adjustment disorder would cover Symptoms Some symptoms of anxiety disorder Some symptoms of “dissociation” involving altered sense of identity, memory, or perception Must occur within 1 month of stressor Last for at least 2 days Resolve within 4 weeks 1st classification is in DSM-IV ¼ to 1/3 involved in disasters have emotional numbing & inability to feel deeply about anything

10 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6 months persistent excessive anxiety & worry Chronic, unrealistic worry about several events or activities so intense as to produce physical & psychological symptoms Constant apprehension, always expecting worst Physical tension Physiological changes similar to real fear Increased arousal or hypervigilance, causing irritability, impatience, concentration & insomnia 3% experience in a 1 year period Genetic factors, stressful events, predisposition may keep from bouncing back, unconscious conflicts

11 Normal Anxiety So what is the difference between GAD, Acute Anxiety Disorder and Normal Anxiety? What are your anxieties?

12 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Intense, persistent, extremely distressing response to event that threatened life/safety Gained attention after Viet Nam yet combat not only experience to forever change way in which people view themselves & world Reaction goes beyond normal responses include intrusive thoughts & feelings & denial or avoidance of upsetting emotions Fears & helplessness re-experienced in thoughts or dreams

13 Anxiety Caused by Medical Problem or Substance
Cardiovascular Disorders arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, & mitral valve prolapse Respiratory diseases asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease etc Hormonal imbalance disorders hyperthyroidism, menopause & premenstrual Metabolic conditions anemia, hypoglycemia Neurological disorders encephalpathy, temporal lobe epilepsy etc

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