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Site Overview  Goal and ObjectiveGoal and Objective  Pre-QuizPre-Quiz  InstructionInstruction  Helpful Hint Helpful Hint  Weblinks Weblinks This.

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3 Site Overview  Goal and ObjectiveGoal and Objective  Pre-QuizPre-Quiz  InstructionInstruction  Helpful Hint Helpful Hint  Weblinks Weblinks This program is to be used in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop Elements. You will require at least 3 images, saved on your computer, to complete this session. Estimated Instructional Time: 60 minutes

4 Goals and Objectives Goal Develop an image that uses at least 3 different layers using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Objective Students will be able to add layers to an existing image and save it as a JPEG. Target Audience Grade 5 Computer Club students

5 Do you want to know how to add some amazing touches to your images? If you do then this session is for you. Get to know one of the most powerful features of Adobe Photoshop.

6 Layers can be used to place an image on top of another.

7 A JPEG is a type movie file.

8 Step One Open Adobe Photoshop Elements Step Two Select “Open File” or “Datei Suchen”

9 Step Three Browse Through the Files and select Three images you would like to work with. Open them. Use one image as your base image. You will bring selections from the other slides onto this background slide.

10 Step Four Select the “Magnetic Lasso” tool from the tool bar. Step Five Highlight The Area that you want to take from your first image using the magnetic lasso.

11 Step Six Select the “Move Tool” from the tool bar. Then click and drag your selection onto your background image. Release your selection and it should appear on your background slide. You may need to resize the image you drag and dropped so it is in proportion with the rest of the picture.

12 Step Seven Repeat Step four, Five and Six with your other image. Now you will have two additional images on your original background image. Open the “Layers” window from the top left of the screen. You will see your layered image. Rename each layer by double clicking and then typing.

13 Step Eight Go to the “File” menu and select “Save As”. A window will pop up. Select where you would like to save your file. Give the image a name. Then select “JPEG” from the “Format” menu. Finally hit save and you will have created a new layered JPEG image.

14 Summative Assessment


16 Weblinks  Fantastic description of how to create layers when using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Fantastic description of how to create layers when using Adobe Photoshop Elements.  Comprehensive website exploring Adobe Photoshop Elements. Comprehensive website exploring Adobe Photoshop Elements.  Detailed source of Adobe Photoshop tutorials. Each tutorial has been rated for its usefulness. Detailed source of Adobe Photoshop tutorials. Each tutorial has been rated for its usefulness.  Detailed source of Adobe Photoshop tutorials. Provides a listing of how many hits each tutorial has had. Detailed source of Adobe Photoshop tutorials. Provides a listing of how many hits each tutorial has had.


18 Layers can be used to place different images on top of one another. This make is a great image editing feature. The JPEG file extension is used for images, not movies.

19 Layers can be used to place different images on top of one another. This make is a great image editing feature. The JPEG file extension is used for images, not movies.

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