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ePlan School-level Planning
September 2014
School Planning All Tennessee Schools Must Have a Plan under T.C.A.
All Title I Schools Must Have a Plan under ESEA
School Planning Requirements for ALL Tennessee Schools
T.C.A Annual school improvement plans. (a) Effective with school year , each school and LEA shall include in their annual school improvement plans specific goals for improvement, including, but not limited to, school performance on value added assessment and other benchmarks for student proficiency, graduation rates, ACT scores where applicable and student attendance. School improvement plans shall also identify areas of strengths and weakness, as well as strategies to improve areas of weakness, how additional funds provided through the basic education program (BEP) as the result of changes made in the BEP formula for school year will be used to address these areas and how the LEA will measure the improvements supported by these funds. The strategies may include, but are not limited to:
School Planning Requirements for ALL Tennessee Schools
T.C.A Annual school improvement plans. (a) The strategies may include, but are not limited to: (1) Developing school or content-based professional development; (2) Developing teacher induction programs; (3) Increasing the number of reading and math specialists; (4) Increasing classroom equipment and supplies; (5) Reducing class size; (6) Using targeted tutoring and remediation; (7) Increasing numbers of school counselors and social workers; (8) Providing principal professional development; (9) Using enhanced technology for remediation and retesting; (10) Employing school attendance officers; (11) Reorganizing the school day instructional time; and (12) Implementing a standards-based curriculum and associated instructional strategies.
School Planning Requirements ESEA Specific for Title I Schools
ESEA SEC SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAMS. (b) COMPONENTS OF A SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM- (1) IN GENERAL- A schoolwide program shall include the following components: (A) A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school (including taking into account the needs of migratory children as defined in section 1309(2)) that is based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards described in section 1111(b)(1).
School Planning Requirements ESEA Specific for Title I Schools
ESEA SEC SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAMS. (b) COMPONENTS OF A SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM- (1) IN GENERAL- A schoolwide program shall include the following components: (B) Schoolwide reform strategies that — (i) provide opportunities for all children to meet the State's proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement described in section 1111(b)(1)(D); (ii) use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research that — (I) strengthen the core academic program in the school; (II) increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as providing an extended school year and before- and after-school and summer programs and opportunities, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum; and (III)include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations; ETC…
School Year
District and School-Level Plans Relevant Dates
August 1, 2014: LEAs begin planning process with release of district-level accountability data August 18, 2014: Schools begin planning process with release of school-level accountability data September 1 – October 15, 2014: LEAs must update ePlan with school year district plans October 15 – November 15, 2014: Schools must finalize plans and may enter school year plans in ePlan December 1, 2014: LEAs will have reviewed all school plans and completed the LEA School Plan Assurances page on the sections page of the LEA Plan. The LEA should complete the assurance page for school plans even if the school plans were not entered in ePlan. School-level accountability data was released mid-August, and schools began reviewing data and updating existing plans. LEAs must update their plans in ePlan no later than October 15. Once LEAs have updated their plans, all schools will work to update their school plans. Schools should update plans no later than November 15. Please take note that entry into ePlan is OPTIONAL for the school year. Again school-level plan entry in ePlan is OPTIONAL for the school year. By December 1, LEAs will have reviewed all school plans and completed the LEA School Plan Assurances page on the sections page of the LEA Plan.
School-Level Plans Spring 2014: Pilot included school-level plan entry in ePlan was conducted for select LEAs and Schools Identification of additional components needed Working groups to refine ePlan template to avoid duplications School Year : School plans optional in ePlan School plans are still required even if not entered in ePlan Aligned with district plan LEA reviewed and approved Progress monitored (on-going) School Year : School plans will be required in ePlan
If School Plans are Not Entered in ePlan
All Tennessee Schools Must Have a Plan under T.C.A. All Title I Schools Must Have a Plan under ESEA
Needs Assessment (A needs assessment is required for schools whether entered in the provided template Word doc, other format or in ePlan) Snag needs assessment
Crosswalk for Title I Components Required
Planning Template (Required for Schools not entering in ePlan)
If the school elects to complete the planning template, the crosswalk on the prior slide should be referenced to ensure the required Title I Components are addressed.
If School Plans Are Entered in ePlan
All Tennessee Schools Must Have a Plan under T.C.A. All Title I Schools Must Have a Plan under ESEA
Adding School-Level Users to ePlan
LEAs will be responsible for adding school-level users to ePlan. Each LEA will designate a User Access Administrator to add school-level users to ePlan. The User Access Administrator will have the ability to add School Plan users, delete School Plan users, and re-set passwords for School Plan users. The User Access Administrator will learn the process for setting up users at the ESEA Directors Institute, October 6-9, 2014.
ePlan Access Roles for the School Plan
USER ROLES MAINTAINED BY THE TDOE LEA School Plan Reviewer An LEA user who will approve ALL School Plans within his/her LEA User Access Administrator An LEA user who will set up ALL School Plan users in ePlan USER ROLES MAINTAINED BY THE LEA School Data Entry A school-level users who can work in the School Plan for his/her own school School Plan Reviewer A school-level user who will submit the School Plan for his/her own school to the LEA for approval
School-level users will not be able to work in:
A school-level user will be able to edit the School Plan for his/her own school. School-level users will not be able to work in: The LEA Plan Funding Applications The LEA Document Library Reimbursement Request screens
School Data Entry Users
A School Plan user may: Edit his/her own School Plan View the LEA Plan View the School Plans of the other schools within the LEA Be granted access to more than one school if he/she works in more than one school An LEA Plan user may: Edit any School Plan within the LEA Edit the LEA Plan (NOTE: An LEA Plan may only be edited by an LEA-level user)
Page Locking A page within a Plan (LEA or school) can only be edited by one user at a time. The system will lock that page for the first user who enters the page so that subsequent users will not be allowed to make changes while the initial user is in the page. Other users may view the page while another user is making edits. When a user is on a page, subsequent users will receive a message in red type at the top of the screen indicating the name of the user who is currently on that page.
No school-level forms will be kept on file by the TDOE.
User Access Forms User Access Forms for School Data Entry Users and School Plan Reviewers will be processed and maintained by the LEA. No school-level forms will be kept on file by the TDOE. The LEA may establish its own form and system for processing and maintaining forms. The TDOE will provide a sample form.
User Access Additional Notes
Note: user access is subject to audit and must be taken seriously. The LEA is responsible for removing user access for separated employees. Users who leave employment with the school system should be removed from ePlan on or before the last day of employment.
LEAs may add other fields (such as supervisor, principal) if desired.
User Tracking Log The User Access Administrator will keep a list of ePlan users in the district office (suggest Excel or Access). This list should include the date each user was added to (or deleted from) ePlan. A document containing the user’s school, name, title, date added, and date removed is recommended. LEAs may add other fields (such as supervisor, principal) if desired. School User’s Name User’s Title Date Added Date Removed 1st Elementary Jill Smith ESL Teacher July 14, 2014
Roles That Are Administered by the TDOE
LEAs must submit a User Access Form to the TDOE to set up the roles of LEA School Plan Reviewer and User Access Administrator. The Planning roles are located at the top of the new User Access Form. The new User Access Form can be downloaded from the TDOE Resources section in ePlan. The form is located at the bottom of the TDOE Resources.
Check HERE for the LEA user who will APPROVE ALL School Plans
Check HERE for the LEA user who will ADD ALL school-level users.
This is the ePlan Homepage
LEAs check the ePlan homepage for messages about ePlan updates and user tips.
Choosing a Browser Users find good results using Google Chrome or Firefox, for example. Some ePlan features are not supported with older version of Internet Explorer. When working in ePlan, the back button is not operational, and users may not use it to navigate.
Accessing the ePlan System
From the ePlan homepage, click Sign-In (located above the words “Public Access”). Enter your UserID (your address is your UserID) and Password (user info will be covered later in this presentation)
ePlan – School Plans
School Plan User Access Roles
(all School and LEA ePlan users can VIEW all School Plans within their LEA and the LEA Plan) School Plan Data Entry user has access to-- Click “Draft Started” Edit the School Plan Click “Draft Completed” School Plan Reviewer Click “School Plan Reviewed” LEA School Plan Reviewer Click “LEA School Plan Reviewed” (May not click “School Plan Reviewed”) User Access Administrator Add school-level users to ePlan
clicks “Draft Started” - System s all School Plan Data Entry users enters the School Plan clicks “Draft Completed” - System s School Plan Reviewer School Plan Reviewer clicks “School Plan Reviewer Approved” or “School Plan Reviewer Not Approved” - If approved, system s LEA School Plan Reviewer - If not approved, s all School Plan Data Entry users LEA School Plan Reviewer clicks “LEA School Plan Reviewer Approved” or “LEA School Plan Reviewer Returned Not Approved” The school may click “Revision Started” to make changes. - The plan can stay in revision started status until the school or LEA decide that there are changes that require the plan to go back through the approval process.
Accessing the School Plan
Link to ePlan On the left navigation, Click ePlan Sign-in. On the left navigation, Click Planning.
Accessing the School Plan
From the LEA and School Planning page, click on the school name.
Entering the School Plan
Before you can begin entering your school plan, you must click “Draft Started” from the School Plan Sections Page
Sections Page The sections page provides a quick way to navigate between the main planning component pages. School Planning Team – Identify the stakeholders participating in the planning process. Needs Assessment Summary of Accomplishments – Gives the school the opportunity to share its accomplishments and what’s working. Accountability Data and other areas where data may be entered and analyzed to help determine the school areas of need. Plan Overview – Entering goals, strategies and action steps
Primary Components of the Planning Tool
Needs Assessment: New, September 2014: Multiple text boxes with guiding questions to identify needs Data tables to allow entry of data for analysis in the needs assessment Next year: data tables will auto populate with as many data elements as possible Goals: Descriptions Performance Measures
Primary Components of the Planning Tool
Strategies: Descriptions Action Steps: Benchmark Indicators Persons Responsible Estimated Dates of Completion Funding Source Component Relationship (i.e. Title I Requirements)
Primary Components of the Planning Tool
Title I Components: Schoolwide Schools Targeted Assistance Schools Your applicable component tab will list the required plan components for a school receiving Title I funds
Needs Assessment Comes First
Identifying Areas of Need
School Planning Team & Needs Assessments
Begin by clicking on “School Planning Team” Then proceed to each area of the needs assessment
Needs Assessment – Data Entry Tables
Data entry tables have been provided so LEAs and schools may enter some data for the needs assessment. It is recommended that at least the most recent year of data be entered for applicable areas. Also, entry of data that is noted in your analysis will be beneficial. Entry is not required for all data elements. The prepopulated data enhancement will be functional next year. Click “+” to expand the table Click “-” to collapse the table
Needs Assessment – Data Entry Tables
Some data is only accessible via secure websites requiring a user ID and password. For instance, the Director of Schools has the login for accountability data. Your district office should be able to assist. Some data, such as the student attendance data, may be available from other sources.
Needs Assessment – Data Entry Tables
In the heading of each data table is a note of recommended data entry for that specific table. For instance: As seen below for the Accountability Achievement Targets data table is the note: (Recommended entry of at least the 2014 AMO and Percent Proficient & Advanced.) As seen below for the School Climate and Culture data tables is the note: (Data entry optional but is recommended if noted in the analysis.)
Needs Assessment – Data Entry Tables
The STAFF Characteristics data table contains cells to enter data from various sources. For instance, the number of teachers and years of experience may come from one source while the teacher counts and percentages for Level 1 – 5 would have another source. Please work with your CORE data analyst for assistance in identifying the appropriate source for any data.
Needs Assessment – Text Entry Boxes
The enhanced needs assessment screens provide guiding questions to facilitate in the completion of a comprehensive needs assessment allowing the school to summarize their analysis of the data. Each of the guiding questions provides a text box with functions where the content may be copied and pasted from another document or typed directly into the text box. The functions available allow text to be formatted to allow bolding, underlining, bullets, etc.
Needs Assessment – Guiding Questions
Needs Assessment – Guiding Questions
Needs Assessment – Guiding Questions
Some guiding questions may not have data that can be entered into a table but instead may rely on the analysis of survey data or other factors impacting climate and culture.
Needs Assessment – Guiding Questions
Other guiding questions are available on the remaining needs assessment screens accessible from the sections page.
Goals / Strategies / Action Steps
Developing SMART goals Identifying effective strategies Specifying action steps and funding sources
SMART GOALS Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound
What do we need to accomplish? Measurable What is the target outcome? Attainable What is a reasonable target? Relevant Does the goal address an area of need? Time-bound Is there a specific time for attainment?
Goal Example – fair… Math Example 1:
All students will be proficient in their subject area. Evaluating the goal Is it specific? No Is it measurable? Somewhat – 100% proficiency is implied Is it attainable? No – it is not reasonable to expect 100% proficiency in a single year Is it relevant? Yes – math was identified in the needs assessment; increasing student proficiency is relevant Is it time-bound?
Goal Example – better… Math Example 1:
For SY , student academic achievement will meet or exceed the expected Achievement Targets. Evaluating the goal Is it specific? No Is it measurable? Somewhat – specific targets are not identified Is it attainable? Possibly – more specifics are needed to determine Is it relevant? Yes – math was identified in the needs assessment; increasing student proficiency is relevant Is it time-bound? Yes – the school year is noted
Goal Example – best! Math Example 3: Evaluating the goal
For SY , student academic achievement will meet or exceed the expected Achievement Targets. Math 3-8: 50.7%; Algebra I: 51.3%; Algebra II: 32.5% Evaluating the goal Is it specific? Yes Is it measurable? Yes – provides targets for proficiency in each subject Is it attainable? Yes – the goal is based on improvement over the prior year results Is it relevant? Is it time-bound?
ePlan Goal Components Example
Mathematics: For SY , student academic achievement will meet or exceed the expected Achievement Targets. Math 3-8: 50.7 %; Algebra I: 51.3 %; Algebra II: 32.5 % GOAL Professional Development LEA Professional Development New Standards Training Workshops Instructional Support Math Coaches Technology Systems of Intervention Response to Intervention Special Education Assistants Individual Accommodations STRATEGIES ACTION STEPS
ACTION STEP: LEA Professional Development
GOAL: Mathematics: For SY , student academic achievement will meet or exceed the expected Achievement Targets. Math 3-8: 50.7 %; Algebra I: 51.3 %; Algebra II: 32.5 % Strategy: High quality professional development for instructional staff ACTION STEP: LEA Professional Development Description: Each certified employee will complete a minimum of three days (18 hours) of professional development during the year. In addition, each school will conduct two days (12 hours) of PD at the local school. Benchmark Indicator: Professional Development records, evaluation surveys from teachers and student performance data. Person Responsible: Always Identify Person Estimated Completion Time: 12/20/2014 Title IIA: $10,000 IDEA Part B: $5,000 Local Funds: $10,000
ACTION STEP: New Standards Training
GOAL: Mathematics: For SY , student academic achievement will meet or exceed the expected Achievement Targets. Math 3-8: 50.7 %; Algebra I: 51.3 %; Algebra II: 32.5 % Strategy: High quality professional development for instructional staff ACTION STEP: New Standards Training Description: Teachers will participate in Common Core State Standards training in mathematics for teachers PK-12. Benchmark Indicator: Professional Development records, evaluation surveys from teachers and student performance data. Person Responsible: Always Identify Person Estimated Completion Time: 07/31/2014 Title IIA: $30,000 Local Funds: $10,000
Goals / Strategies / Action Steps Entering in ePlan
Goals, Strategies, and Action Steps
Schools “inherit” goals and strategies from the district plan to ensure alignment between school and district plans To enter a school-specific goal, schools should “extend” the inherited district goal To enter a school-specific strategy, schools should “extend” the inherited district strategy Schools should enter action steps for each relevant goal/strategy (NOTE: LEAs may elect for schools to only select from action bank items entered by the LEA.) This allows schools to have specific goals/strategies/action steps that are relevant to their school but are still aligned with the district plan.
Entering Goals / Strategies / Action Steps
To begin working with your goals, strategies and action steps, click on “School Plan Overview” from the sections page.
School Inherits District Goals
When “School Plan Overview” is selected from the Sections page, the goals that have been inherited from the district plan are listed. To the right of each goal, the school will click “Extend” to enter a school-specific goal. Where a district goal has already been extended by the school, the options to update or delete the extension are available.
Extend Goal – Enter School-specific Goal
The district goal title, description and performance measure are displayed with text boxes beneath each for the school to enter the school-specific information. Enter the School Goal Title Enter the School Goal Description Enter the School Performance Measure
Extend Strategy – Enter School-specific Strategy
Once the district goal has been extended and the school-specific goal is entered, the district strategy can be extended. Click “Extend” to the right of the strategy to enter the school-specific strategy.
Extend Strategy – Enter School-specific Strategy
The district strategy title and description are displayed with text boxes beneath each for the school to enter the school-specific information. Enter the School Strategy Title Enter the School Performance Measure
After the School-specific Goal & Strategy are entered Create an Action Step
Once the district goal and strategy have been extended and school-specific information entered, click on “Create Action Step”. NOTE: School-level elements are displayed as bolded text
Action Step: Benchmark, Person Responsible and Estimated Completion Date
Action Step Description: should provide specific details of the action to be taken within the strategy Benchmark Indicator: should identify how the progress of the action step will be measured Person Responsible: always identify a person to be responsible for ensuring the action step is completed (Federal Programs Director or the Principal should not be responsible for all action steps) The dropdown will contain a list of ePlan users. However, “Other” can be selected to enter the name of an individual not in the dropdown. Estimated Completion Date: use “real-time” dates for completion and avoid using the last day of the school year for every action step
Create an Action Step Either select an Action Step from the “bank” or Enter another School Action Step Title Enter the School Action Step Description Enter the School Benchmark Indicator Enter the Person Responsible Enter the Estimated Completion Date
Action Step Component Relationship
Title I schoolwide or targeted assistance schools will have Title I component tabs and should make component relationships where applicable for their actions steps. Title I Components (schoolwide and targeted assistance) Component relationships can be made for any action step.
School-Level Goal – Completed
Schoolwide Plan Component Tab
A Title I schoolwide school will see a component tab the right of the plan overview tab. Before the status can be changed to “Draft Completed”, all component items must have either a relationship to an action step or a narrative entered in the “Explanation” box provided.
Title I Component Items
When a component relationship is made, the goal, strategy and action step titles appear under the component item on the component tab. The school may also enter additional information in the “Explanation” box. If there is no relationship made, you must enter an explanation of how the required component has been met.
Finishing the School Plan
Once the plan entry is complete, you must click “Draft Completed” from the School Plan Sections Page
School Plan Approval – by Principal or designee
Once the school plan is in the status of “Draft Completed”, the Principal, or designee with the School Plan Reviewer user role, must review the plan and change the status to indicate the plan has been “Approved” or “Not Approved”
LEA School Plan Reviewer: Component Tab Items
After the school has approved its plan, the LEA School Plan Reviewer should verify the checked component items to ensure the school has adequately addressed each item.
LEA Approval of School Plan
Once the school plan is in the status of “School Plan Reviewer Approved”, the LEA staff with the appropriate user role, will review the plan, ensure the plan is comprehensive and meets all requirements. The LEA School Plan Reviewer will then change the status to indicate the plan has been “Approved” or “Not Approved”. If “Not Approved” the LEA can provide feedback to the school via the “School Plan Checklist” at the bottom of the sections page.
LEA School Plan NOT Approved CHECKLIST
After the school submits the plan, the LEA will review and mark each section in the checklist as OK, or Attention Needed. If the plan contains no items that are marked as Attention Needed, the plan can be approved.
Checklist – Attention Needed
If the plan contains items that are marked as Attention Needed, it will be returned to the school with a status of “Not Approved.” Each section marked Attention Needed has a place where the LEA may provide an explanation of necessary changes. The school should check for notes and additional comments and make the necessary changes within the plan. Only the checked items in the sections marked Attention Needed are to be corrected and/or explained by the school within the plan.
Checklist and Approval Process
Once the school has made the necessary adjustments to its plan, the school will resubmit the plan for approval. If the LEA determines that the item has been corrected, Attention Needed will be changed to OK by the LEA. If the items needing attention still have not been corrected, the plan will be returned again to the school with a status of “Not Approved”. Plans where all items are OK will be approved.
Consolidated Planning & Monitoring Contacts
ePlan Help Desk (615) Regional Consultants * * Effective October 1, 2014
Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:
FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:
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