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PRISMS Training September 2009. PRISMS Training - January 2009 2 Purpose of the training To achieve full compliance with the ESOS Act, National Code and.

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Presentation on theme: "PRISMS Training September 2009. PRISMS Training - January 2009 2 Purpose of the training To achieve full compliance with the ESOS Act, National Code and."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRISMS Training September 2009

2 PRISMS Training - January 2009 2 Purpose of the training To achieve full compliance with the ESOS Act, National Code and the relevant sections of the Migration Act

3 PRISMS Training - January 2009 3 About PRISMS What is PRISMS? What PRISMS stands for? Where is it hosted? Why do we use PRISMS?

4 PRISMS Training - January 2009 4 Non-commencement of studies Use this SCV when a student does not – has not or will not - commence their course when expected. CoE status will change to ‘Cancelled’ and DIAC will be sent the reason Use Comments Field to explain the reason

5 PRISMS Training - January 2009 5 Non-commencement of studies Comments: “Student didn’t commence the course on the proposed start date. Unable to contact student to identify the reason for non-commencement.” “Student didn’t commence the course on the proposed start date due to [state the reason]. Student will be issued with new COE for next available intake.”

6 PRISMS Training - January 2009 6 Deferment/Suspension Reason for this SCV: Compassionate and compelling circumstances OR Student misbehaviour Provider must inform the student that deferment, suspension or cancellation of enrolment may affect his or her student visa

7 PRISMS Training - January 2009 7 Deferment/Suspension (cont.) In the SCV Comments field, include all relevant information that will assist the DIAC Officer undertaking the investigation of the report OR indicate details of the exceptional compassionate circumstances (how were these beyond the control of the student and what evidence was provided in support?).

8 PRISMS Training - January 2009 8 Deferment/Suspension (cont.) DIAC will investigate the student’s deferment and may reply to DEEWR with their finding. This may be to cancel the student’s visa if their reason for deferring is unacceptable or the CoE status may be returned to its previous status.

9 PRISMS Training - January 2009 9

10 10 Unsatisfactory attendance STD 11 of the National Code 2007 8.25 Recording Attendance - TEG intranet ( Provider must report through PRISMS that the student is not achieving satisfactory attendance ASAP. The provider does not report until the process is completed and it supports the provider, or the student has not accessed the provider’s complaints and appeals process within 20 days of being notified of the provider's intention to report.

11 PRISMS Training - January 2009 11 Unsatisfactory attendance (cont.) Check Warning letter has been sent Intention to report letter has been sent Correct address is entered on the database Complaints & Appeal process is finalised (Internal & external) No Leave of Absence have been granted Attendance data entry is correct

12 PRISMS Training - January 2009 12 Unsatisfactory attendance (cont.) You must enter a response to each of the Appeals Processing prompts as well as responding to the other prompts that you will be presented with when processing this SCV type. In the SCV Comments field, enter any comments that may be appropriate. This Student Course Variation reason results in the Non- compliance letter being generated for you to send to the Student. The letter contains particulars of the breach and provides options as to the actions required to be taken by the student. Generally speaking, the student is required to attend in person before a DIAC officer within 28 days after the date the Non-compliance letter was issued.

13 PRISMS Training - January 2009 13 Unsatisfactory attendance (cont.) Comments: “ First warning letter re: low attendance sent to student’s postal address: 34 Old Canterbury Road, Lewisham NSW 2049 on 9/09/2008; and intention to report letter sent on 19/09/2008. Student did not lodge an appeal within 20 working days. Student’s potential attendance percentage is 32% for third term 2008”

14 PRISMS Training - January 2009 14 Unsatisfactory attendance (cont.) The NCN letter automatically begins a 28 day count down to the cancellation of the student’s visa. If you have made a mistake: Fax a letter to DIAC AND Student needs to see DIAC in person Should be within 28 days form NCN letter is issued

15 PRISMS Training - January 2009 15 Cancellations Transfer to another provider Withdrawal from the course Student requests to cancel the course Inactive cessation of studies Non-ESOS visa Completed course early Provider decision to cease the enrolment

16 PRISMS Training - January 2009 16 Transfer to another provider Use this SCV reason when a student leaves your institution and, to the best of your knowledge, has commenced studying at another institution. Comments field - include the date the student left, the name of the new provider and CoE (if known) and other relevant information

17 PRISMS Training - January 2009 17 Transfer to another provider Comments: “Student is transferring to another provider. Student provided Letter offer from Australian College of Education & Training. Letter of Release is issued and given to the student. Enrolment cancelled by student on 12/06/2008.”

18 PRISMS Training - January 2009 18 Withdrawal from the course Before the start date Comments field – include details of the refund, when student requested to withdraw from the course, reason (if known) and other relevant information Use cancel button for approved, pending and saved COEs OR Student notified cessation of studies if the status is “visa granted”

19 PRISMS Training - January 2009 19 Student requests to cancel the course Use Student Notified Cessation of Studies SCV reason Comments field, include the reason for cancellation of enrolment, the date the enrolment was cancelled and other relevant information.

20 PRISMS Training - January 2009 20 Student requests to cancel the course Comments: “Enrolment is cancelled on [date]. Request made by the student. Letter of Release was issued. Student cancelled the course due to [state the reason].”

21 PRISMS Training - January 2009 21 Inactive cessation of studies That is where no information has been received from the student but the student just fails to return after an arranged holiday break, suspension or deferment. Use Student Notified Cessation of Studies SCV reason Comments field, include the reason for cancellation of enrolment, the date the enrolment was cancelled, if and how you tried to contact the student and other relevant information.

22 PRISMS Training - January 2009 22 Inactive cessation of studies Comments: Inactive cessation of studies. Unable to contact the student due to no contact details provided to the provider. Student failed to return after scheduled term break for the term starting on 28/07/2008, subsequently student failed to enrol in a subject for a compulsory study period.

23 PRISMS Training - January 2009 23 Non-ESOS visa Provider decision to cease student enrolment - > No longer holding a student visa Select this SCV reporting option only when you have seen evidence that the student is no longer the holder of a student visa Eg. permanent residency or some other visa type that is not a student visa

24 PRISMS Training - January 2009 24 Completed course early Only use this SCV when the student completes their course one month or more before the expected enrolment completion date. Comments field, you should indicate the course end date, the date the student completed their course, qualification obtained and other relevant information. Must have evidence from DOS/ HT&A

25 PRISMS Training - January 2009 25 Provider Unable to deliver course Select this option only when the course remains registered, but for whatever reason, you will not be teaching the course to this CoE holder, at this time. Must get approval first from your manager to use this SCV Comments field – details why the course will not be offered, refunds and other relevant information.

26 PRISMS Training - January 2009 26 DIAC Visa Actions Check on regular basis 8.11 DIAC visa actions P&P – TEG intranet –

27 PRISMS Training - January 2009 27 DIAC Visa Actions (cont.) A visa granted message or visa cancellation overturned message has been received from DIAC for the CoE which previously had a status of ‘ ’. The message from DIAC has caused the CoE status to be changed to ‘ ’. Where a student visa has been cancelled by DIAC, a student is entitled to request a review of the visa cancellation, in this case the visa has been re- instated. It is up to the provider to decide whether the student can re-commence studies with them.

28 PRISMS Training - January 2009 28 DIAC Visa Actions (cont.) A visa cancellation message has been received from DIAC for the CoE that had the previous status of Visa Granted, Studying or Reported on. The message has changed the status of the CoE to ‘ ’. If the CoE had the status of Approved/Visa Granted this student will not/should not be commencing in the course. If the CoE was Studying or Reported On the student is not able study without: a current student visa; or a bridging visa with study rights; and, a current CoE;

29 PRISMS Training - January 2009 29 DIAC Visa Actions (cont.) A visa application refused message has been received from DIAC for the CoE that had the status of ‘Approved’, ‘Studying, or ‘Reported On’. The message has not changed the status of the CoE. If the CoE had the status of Approved/Visa Granted this student will not/should not be commencing in the course. If the CoE was Studying or Reported On the student is not able study without: a current student visa; or a bridging visa with study rights; and a current CoE;

30 PRISMS Training - January 2009 30 DIAC Visa Actions (cont.) A ‘visa ceased’ message has been received from DIAC for the CoE that had the previous status of Studying or Reported on. The message has not changed the status of the CoE The student is not able to study without: a current student visa; or a bridging visa with study rights and a current CoE

31 PRISMS Training - January 2009 31 DIAC Visa Actions (cont.) A ‘Visa Ceased’ message has been received from DIAC for the CoE that had the previous status of ‘ ’. The message has changed the status of the CoE to ‘ ’.

32 PRISMS Training - January 2009 32 DIAC Visa Actions (cont.) DIAC has responded to an SCV raised against this CoE with either a ‘Decision Not to Cancel the visa’ or ‘Grounds do not exist to cancel the visa’ message. The CoE previously had a status of ‘Finished’, ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Reported On’. Receipt of this message has changed the status of the CoE to ‘ ’.

33 Database Training

34 Database Training - January 2009 34 Scenario 1 Student Name: John Smith Visa: Student SID: 11111 Course: General English for 10 weeks Start Date: 01/12/2008 End Date: 20/02/2009 Class: Beginner AM A

35 Database Training - January 2009 35 Enrolling John Smith 1. Enter Personal Information 2. Contact Information 3. Course Enrolled, Start Date, End Date 4. Choose Class 5. Create Attendance Pathway

36 Database Training - January 2009 36 John Smith’s Attendance MonTuesWedThursNotes 28/11/20085/5 05/12/20080/55/5 12/12/20085/5 02/01/20090/5 Medical certificate - headache 09/01/20090/55/5 16/01/20090/5 Med cert. – unfit to study 2 days only 23/01/20090/5 LOA - Approved 30/01/20090/5 LOA - Approved 06/02/20095/5 13/02/20095/5

37 Database Training - January 2009 37 John Smith’s Attendance Week 1 – Enter all attendance 20/20 Week 2 – 15/20 Week 3 – 20/20 Week 4 – 0/20 Week 5 – 15/20 Week 6 – 0/10 Week 7 – 0/0 (LOA approved) Week 8 – 0/0 (LOA approved) Week 9 – 20/20 Week 10 – 20/20

38 Database Training - January 2009 38 Recording LOA Tick LOA Box Enter the start and end date for LOA Record on the notes: LOA approved on dd/mm/yy by … on the grounds of:………. from dd/mm/yy till dd/mm/yy Attendance is 0 expected

39 Database Training - January 2009 39 Scenario 2 John Smith was moved from Beginner am A to Intermediate am B on 14/01/2009 to start attending new class on 19/01/2009

40 Database Training - January 2009 40 Change of Class Click on “ CHANGE CLASS” button, under Attendance/Pathway TAB Select “ Intended Class” Enter the start date of the change Enter the end date of the change Record all updates in notes section

41 Database Training - January 2009 41 Scenario 3 John Smiths re-enrols for 6 more weeks Start Date: 23/02/2009 End Date: 03/04/2009 Course: General English

42 Database Training - January 2009 42 Scenario 3 (cont.) Remember: NEW Coe was issued for this enrolment NEW attendance will be calculated Student needs to attend orientation Need to enrol into new course

43 Database Training - January 2009 43 Scenario 4 John was enrolled from the beginner into General English Start Date: 01/12/2008 End Date: 20/02/2009 AND IELTS Preparation Course Start Date:20/02/2009End Date: 03/04/2009 Any difference in how we record attendance compared to Scenario 3?

44 Database Training - January 2009 44 Attendance Reports Click on “REPORTS” Tab

45 Database Training - January 2009 45 Attendance Reports (Cont.) ELT – Student– To be posted on the notice board ELT – Staff – For attendance Monitoring ELT-WL80-85 – A list of students with attendance below 85% ELT-ItoR>80 – A list of students with attendance below 80% 0 Hours per week – a list of students who were absent for more then 4 consecutive days

46 Database Training - January 2009 46 Attendance Reports (cont) On Weekly Basis: Print out student attendance report to post on notice boards Print out warning letter for students below 85% Send warning letters to students on weekly basis Make sure that you file a copy of the warning letter Print out a list of students who are below 85% File it in the attendance monitoring folder Update Database by ticking “Warning letter sent box” and entering the date it was posted Record all of the above in notes section

47 Database Training - January 2009 47 Attendance Reports (cont) On Weekly Basis (cont.): Print out letters of intent for students below 80% Send letters of intent to students on weekly basis Make sure that you file a copy of letters of intent Print out a list of students who are below 80% File it in the attendance monitoring folder Update Database by ticking “Intention to Report Letter sent” box and entering the date it was posted Record all of the above in notes section Attempt to Contact all students who were absent for 4 consecutive days (if not successful, keep evidence )

48 Database Training - January 2009 48 Unsatisfactory attendance STD 11 of the National Code 2007 8.25 Recording Attendance - TEG intranet ( Provider must report through PRISMS that the student is not achieving satisfactory attendance ASAP. The provider does not report until the process is completed and it supports the provider, or the student has not accessed the provider’s complaints and appeals process within 20 days of being notified of the provider's intention to report.

49 Database Training - January 2009 49 Problem Cases? Check if the information below is correct: Attendance Pathway Student Course ID Class ID Number of weeks College: LIC, Student ID: 35169 Reports Dates: Start: 16/01/07; Update: 16/01/09; End: 16/01/2011

50 Database Training - January 2009 50 Unsatisfactory attendance (cont.) Check Warning letter has been sent Intention to report letter has been sent Correct address is entered on the database Complaints & Appeal process is finalised (Internal & external) No Leave of Absence have been granted Attendance data entry is correct

51 Questions? Thank you.

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