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ElectroScience Lab IGARSS 2011 Vancouver Jul 26th, 2011 Chun-Sik Chae and Joel T. Johnson ElectroScience Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "ElectroScience Lab IGARSS 2011 Vancouver Jul 26th, 2011 Chun-Sik Chae and Joel T. Johnson ElectroScience Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 ElectroScience Lab IGARSS 2011 Vancouver Jul 26th, 2011 Chun-Sik Chae and Joel T. Johnson ElectroScience Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Ohio State University A study of sea surface height retrieval using Doppler measurements from numerically simulated low grazing angle backscatter data

2 ElectroScience Lab Recent interest in attempting to retrieve the deterministic sea surface profile from low grazing angle, range-resolved radar measurements Demonstrations to date have used measured datasets, error assessment is difficult due to problems in measuring the true sea surface. Simulations are of interest in order to compare true and retrieved profiles and study errors and signals A numerical study using the MOM (Johnson et al, TGRS 2009) and Doppler retrievals shows good correlation between real and retrieved heights in both visible and shadowed regions Having seen the feasibility, detailed information of Doppler vs. range and the degree of influence of multi-path and shadowing to the retrieval performance are of interest It is desirable to compare observed performance to that expected from standard signal model Motivation

3 ElectroScience Lab Outline Review : - Doppler radar - Numerical simulation - Retrieval procedure Doppler spectra vs. horizontal distance from numerical simulation (MOM) Physical Optics approach for the retrieval (no multi-path, shadowed regions) Comparison of retrievals bet. MOM and PO Monte Carlo simulation result using a simple signal model Retrieval error study of the use of the model

4 ElectroScience Lab Radar uses one antenna that transmits multiple pulses and records received fields coherently as surface evolves in time FFT over time at each range produce Doppler spectra versus range - Doppler shift vs. range is obtained from centroids of Doppler spectrum Changes in Doppler shift vs. range assumed to correspond to long wave orbital velocity - allows retrieval of surface profile Overview of Low grazing Angle Doppler Radar 1200 m 524 m 14 m

5 ElectroScience Lab 1-D MOM for impedance surfaces (Johnson et al, TGRS 2009) - frequency : 2975 ~ 3026.1 MHz (512 frequencies, ~ 3.4 m range resolution) - antenna height : 14 m - mean grazing angle : 1 degree Captures shadowing and multipath effects ; note no thermal noise Scattered fields computed for a single realization time-evolved over 256 time-steps of 5 ms each - Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with weakly non-linear effects (Creamer model) - wind speed :15 m/s - RMS height : 1.17 m Numerical simulation & geometry 1st 256th

6 ElectroScience Lab Doppler computation Fields versus range are obtained from 512 frequencies at each time step Fields vs. frequency Fields vs. range Doppler spectra vs. range

7 ElectroScience Lab Real Retrieval example using Doppler spectra Orbital velocity(i.e., Doppler frequency multiplied by where c is speed of light and f is electromagnetic frequency) is converted to height by using linear model (i.e., FFT of Orbital velocity  divided by where g is gravitational constant and k is wave number from frequency in FFT  inverse FFT) Doppler centroids (using speed of light)  Orbital velocities (gravitational constant and FFT)  Surface profile heights

8 ElectroScience Lab More on Doppler spectrum HH VV Less dispersion of Doppler spectrum with VV case in shadowed region. Discrete behavior of Doppler spectra both in HH polarization and VV polarization cases.

9 ElectroScience Lab More on Doppler spectrum HH

10 ElectroScience Lab Surface height profiles  Fourier transformed, multiplied by where g is the gravitational constant and k is a given Fourier compone nt’s wave number, and then inverse Fourier-transformed).  Oribital velocity vers us horizontal distance  Histogram of Orbital velocity vs. hori zontal distance Broadening of the width of Doppler spectrum Histogram of Orbital velocity with 128 profiles Spectrum with 128 pulses (128*0.005ms) Spectrum with 256 pulses (256*0.005ms) Histogram of Orbital velocity with 256 profiles Broadening of the width of spectra is clearly observed with the use of 256 pulses Comparisons with profile statistics obtained directly from the surface profiles showing that the dependence of the width of Doppler spectra on the number of computed pulses arises from deviation of orbital velocity within the measurement time

11 ElectroScience Lab Direct reflection : Physical Optics Approxiation (with 2.5 GHz frequency bandwidth) Doppler Spectra vs distance Mean Doppler freq. vs distance Good correlation (0.99) bet. Doppler centroids (blue line) from spectrum and mean Doppler freq. (red line) from the profiles.  see (a) The average of the differences is 5.8Hz corresponding to 28.9 cm/s. This value is very close to the Bra gg phase velocity which is 27.9 cm/s (Doppler frequency 5.6 Hz). The correlation between the width of Doppler spectra of PO and the width of the distribution of the inversed Doppler frequency from the profiles is examined.  Correlation of 0.79 is obtained, see (c)

12 ElectroScience Lab The bandwidth of 50 MHz is more feasible for current radar systems and also this dataset was able to b e used to be compared with the MOM dataset which also is obtained with the same bandwidth. Similar results to the case of 2.5 GHz bandwidth. An additional procedure which is weighted averaging with adjacent profiles heights is performed to take into account the effect of range resolution to the mean Doppler frequency vs. horizontal distance. Histogram of Orbital velocity Direct reflection : Physical Optics Approxiation (with 50 MHz frequency bandwidth) Doppler Spectra vs distance Mean Doppler freq. vs distance

13 ElectroScience Lab Comparison bet. MOM and PO signals Very high correlation (0.98) bet. Doppler centroids of PO and MOM in visible (a) regions. High correlation (0.62) bet. Doppler widths in visible regions.  effect of multi-path propagation to the retrieval is not significant. High correlation (0.61) bet. Doppler centroids in shadowed regions shows that Doppler centroids still holds quite good information about the mean orbital velocity in shadowed regions. Doppler freq. vs distance

14 ElectroScience Lab Similar Doppler spectra in visible points No significant multi-path effects in visible regions Doppler spectrum at two visible locations Comparison bet. MOM and PO signals

15 ElectroScience Lab Modeling expected performance Assumes scattered fields are complex Gaussian random process - Describes correlated speckle noise signal at the antenna - Real & imaginary parts of fields are Gaussian random variables, correlated over multiple time steps For simplicity, model correlation function as where is the mean Doppler frequency, is the center frequency wave number, and is the variance of the Doppler frequency obtained from PO results Can perform a separate Monte Carlo simulation of Doppler frequency estimation to obtain expected error caused by speckle Results in “Doppler broadening”

16 ElectroScience Lab Examination of the error in retrieved frequency Received fields are separated into visible and shadowed regions Calculate the centroid of Doppler frequency from MOM result  Calculate mean and variance from Doppler spectra vs. distance of PO results  & Use the signal model at each range using and to determine expected error in Doppler frequency estimation

17 ElectroScience Lab Deviation from Signal model lower plot show that large normalized deviations from the simple model expectations are common in the shadowed regions, likely due to the fact that such points do not experience direct free space propaga tion between the surface and the radar antenna, as well as the complex Doppler spectra in such regions that are not well modeled by the Gaussian form. The top plot for visible regions shows more reasonable results, indicating the performance is approaching that predicted by the signal model.

18 ElectroScience Lab Conclusions Numerical studies performed of the use of Doppler spectra for retrieving surface profile information A “discrete” behavior of Doppler spectra versus range is observed. - Similar “discrete” behaviors observed in orbital velocity statistics computed from surface profiles Less dispersion of Doppler spectra is observed in VV-polarization than in HH-polarization is observed. To impose direct reflection from the radar to the point of interest and no shadowing effects are involved, Doppler spectra vs. horizontal distance obtained by using the PO approach is studied. The results of PO study revealed that Doppler centroid has frequency shift arisen from long wave orbital velocity and Bragg phase velocity with weakly nonlinear sea surface profiles used in this study. The distribution of orbital velocities at a distance point is one of that sources that determine the width of Doppler spectra of scattered signals of the point. Comparison between the MOM and the PO results shows that the influence of multi-path propagation to Doppler spectra vs. distance is not significant in visible regions. High correlation in Doppler centroids in shadowed region shows that even though the shadowing effects make the Doppler spectra dispersed, the Doppler centroids still hold quite good information about the mean orbital velocity.

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