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VETERINARY ASSISTING the Seminole Vocational Education Center Program Syllabus.

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Presentation on theme: "VETERINARY ASSISTING the Seminole Vocational Education Center Program Syllabus."— Presentation transcript:

1 VETERINARY ASSISTING PROGRAM @ the Seminole Vocational Education Center Program Syllabus

2 VA Program  Instructor - L. William Shrum Ph 545-6505 Viet Nam Era Veteran, USAF B.S. – Agriculture and Animal Science – University of Florida M.S. Ed – Educational Leadership – University of South Florida Instructor at SVEC since 1985

3 VA Program - Syllabus  Program Mission – The veterinary science curriculum strives to provide integration between the rigors of academics and the relevance of career skills. By participating in decision-making, problem solving and career related activities. Students leave the program with the employability and technical skills needed to succeed in the workplace and/or further education

4 VA Program - Syllabus  There needs to be a strong, direct connection between content knowledge and real-world applications  This program is designed around the Rigor/Relevance/Relationship Framework based on the 3 dimensions of higher standards, student achievement and civility

5 VA Program - Syllabus  The program consist of 5 semester courses  To ensure quality, certificates are awarded for the successful completion at each exit point beginning with level 3.

6 VA Program - Syllabus  At level 3, w/ GPA 3.0+ = Assistant Animal Caretaker  At level 4, w/GPA 3.0+ = Animal Caretaker  At level 5, w/GPA 3.0+ = Veterinary Assistant  These certificates make an excellent addition to the students portfolio and will come in handy when looking for a job

7 VA Program - Certificate

8 VA Program – Grading Policy  Pinellas County School Board Policy

9 VA Program – Required Materials  Pencil or pen (must be blue or black ink only)  Notebook paper and dividers  NEW 1” loose leaf 3 ringed notebook  2” – 3 ring binder, ( provided by program)  Closed toed and closed heel shoes for lab  Scrubs for lab  3.5 HD Floppy, CD or Thumb Drive

10 VA Program – Classroom Performance  30 % of Grade  Class assignments, homework  Unit test and quizzes (weighted)  Assignments in correct format  Grammar and Spelling are important and will be a part of grade  All work in on time  Late work not accepted

11 VA Program – Clinic Performance  40% of grade  Each student will receive 20 pts/day for every day present and appropriately dressed for clinic  Each lab station is designed to function in a clinical situation emulating real world application  Participation, cooperation, teamwork, safety and acceptable animal care  Lab groups will consist of a supervisor (upper level peer) and team members  Clinics will rotate between small and large animal clinics

12 VA Program - Recordkeeping  20% of grade  Class Notebook – based on neatness, organization and content (course outline, class assignments, lecture notes and textbook outlines)  Portfolio – based on Resume’, Accomplishments and Program Reflections

13 VA Program – Vocational Development  10% of Grade  Because you are enrolled in a career development program, you will receive a grade as if I was your employer  Communication skills, appropriate dress; quantity and timeliness of work; quality of work; job knowledge; dependability; initiative; attitude; cooperation; attendance  Behavior Matrix

14 VA Program – Make-up Work  After an absence, you the student is responsible to make arrangements with the teacher to make up work  Students have the same number of days absent for make up. i.e. 2 days out 2 days make up  Clinic grades – you will lose your 20 pt/day for each day out. See instructor for make-up work  Unexcused absence will be dropped 1 letter grade  Excused absence will be grade earned

15 VA Program  Do you have any questions?  If your parents have any questions, please have them contact me. I will be contacting them  Please take your notes home and have them signed by your parents. Put your signed syllabus in your portfolio

16 VA Program  “Failure is not an option”  Gene Krantz, Apollo 13

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