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Membership Plan for the Rotary Club of ____________. Membership (What are you going to call this plan?) Drafted by (Your Name). Club Position ______.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Plan for the Rotary Club of ____________. Membership (What are you going to call this plan?) Drafted by (Your Name). Club Position ______."— Presentation transcript:


2 Membership Plan for the Rotary Club of ____________. Membership (What are you going to call this plan?) Drafted by (Your Name). Club Position ______. Implementation/ Approved by ______.

3 Club Assessment/ Why Do We Need This Plan? Declining membership RINO’s/ ROMEO’s Greater community involvement Need more hands/ members to help out New spark of enthusiasm

4 Membership Starts with Club Leadership Board of Directors Club President Membership Committee/ Team Chair person Committee of # ______ Length of term ______ years Who is appointed by the Board or President to be in charge of Membership for my Rotary Club? All Club Members

5 What Does Our Club Look Like? Complete a thorough Demographic Profile ** Classifications Look around the table- Do we act and look inclusive? Do we look like a group of people someone would want to join?

6 Demographic Information ** # of Club members as of July 1 st :______ # last July 1 st :______ # of Club members who are male: ______ # of Club members who are female: ______ # of Club members in each of the following age groups: Under 35: ______ 36-45 yrs: ______ 46-55 yrs: ______ 56-65 yrs: ______ Over 65 yrs: _____ Club past Presidents: (Are you successful keeping past Presidents in your club?) Still in Club: ______ Deceased or relocated: ______ Classifications in use: (Change these classifications to match those of your club.) Number Retired: ______ Real Estate: ______ Retail: ______ Building/Trades: ______ Manufacturing: ______ Financial/Banking/Insurance: ______ Legal: ______ Wellness (medical): ______ Other: ______ Other: ______ Number of YEARS IN ROTARY of Club members: 0-5 yrs: ______ 6-10 yrs: ______ 11-15 yrs: ______ 16-20 yrs: ______ 21-25 yrs: ______ Over 25 yrs: ______ Look around the table- Do we act and look inclusive? Do we look like a group of people someone would want to join?

7 Why Join our Rotary Club? What is it specifically about your Club that would be inviting to a prospective member? Community Service International Service Fellowship Networking Association with the “Movers & Shakers” in your town.

8 As seen by your Members, what is your Clubs: Personality Culture Club Structure Availability Purpose

9 1.Identify 2.Inform 3.Invite 4.Orient 5.Induct 6.Educate 7.Involve In our Club, we will do the following: The Rotary Club of ______ and the 7 Steps of Membership

10 1.Identify: Establish a procedure to identify well- qualified members of the community. Commitment to service (Service Above Self). Use the classification survey. Look to other community organizations. Membership is every Rotarians job. 7 Steps to Build Your Plan

11 2. Inform: Rotary International program’s. Your club profile: What you have done but more importantly what you are currently doing. Future projects and up-coming events. Provide the prospective member a “Prospective Member Kit”. Make it look professional. Contact visitors with a letter or card, lunch invitation card? ( President, Membership Committee ) Send prospective members the club newsletter and website information.

12 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 3. Invite: Personal visit from proposer and member of the Membership Team. Educate all Club members on your clubs procedures on “How to propose a new member”. *Don’t have one? It’s time to take notes: Read RI (254-EN) Track Rotary Club members who propose and give them credit. Track your % of those invited to actual joining.

13 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 4. Orient: Further educate the new member about your Club and RI. Provide a formal pre-induction orientation program. Provide opportunities for the new member to become involved in areas of personal interest. Provide a procedure for new members to provide feedback regarding the orientation program.

14 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 5. Induct: Make the process dignified and meaningful. Invite the members family. Have enthusiasm- Celebrate the new member. Recognize the sponsor (present pin). Present the new members with a Certificate of Membership. Have a welcome/ congratulation line for all members to shake hands and welcome the newest member at the close of the meeting.

15 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 6.Educate: (Not Orientation) Club should have on going new member meetings to provide educational opportunities. Mentoring Programs. Include in the “Red Badge” or “STARS” programs additional educational components.

16 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 6. Educate continued… Establish a continuing Rotary education policy for all club members. Suggested Content: Use programs/ speakers for RI and District. At least two informal club assemblies a year. Encourage involvement and attendance at RI and District functions.

17 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 7. Involve: New Members Track and encourage “Red Badge” success. Have opportunities/ survey sign-up sheet right away for new members to chose where they wish to serve. Have productive and informative meetings. Provide opportunities for personal and professional development.

18 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 7. Involve: New Members continued.. Conduct Rotary work at weekly meetings if possible. Allow members to talk about their businesses without fear of fines. Vocational Service: Paul Harris started Rotary to network and enhance business opportunities.

19 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 7. Involve: Membership Retention Have special meetings to recognize your long time Rotarians. Use senior Rotarians as Mentors. Look at your Club structure for communicating with senior members. Form a wellness committee. Send cards and Care Bear pins to Rotarians and family members.

20 7 Steps to Build Your Plan 7. Involve: Membership Retention continued… Communicate often with senior Rotarians who do not attend regular meetings. Have a transportation committee to help pick-up senior Rotarians for meetings and social functions.

21 Membership Service Path Does your plan include any of these “Plug-ins” ? Information about how your club operates Club Policies Traditional and Club quirks Attendance Termination How to introduce a guest Club welcoming of a guest- Applause, verbal, etc. Rule of 85 Invocations: Prayer vs. Rotary Moment/ Inspiration “Leave of Absence” Membership Minute- DO THEM!

22 Why will a Membership Plan NOT work in our Club? Club members will not accept new ideas. No support from club leadership. We have never needed a plan before. We don’t want to grow.

23 How will a Successful Membership Plan build a “Better, Bolder, and Stronger” Club? ‘Better’ service for our community. ‘Bolder’ vocational opportunities, fellowship, fun and enrichment of personal goals through “Service Above Self”. ‘Stronger World Service’ through Rotary International.

24 When was the last time you personally asked someone to share your Rotary experience? Will you personally bring in a new Rotarian this Rotary 2010-2011 year? YES!!!!! Remember “Building and Retaining Strong Members begins well before Induction”

25 Resources District 5160 District Membership Team Rotary International- District 5230 ‘Seven Step Membership System’ District 5150 www.rotary5150.ortwww.rotary5150.ort ‘Get your “ASK” in Gear!’

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