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Chapter 11 Events and Conferences

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1 Chapter 11 Events and Conferences

2 Types of Events Mega events – high cost, large volume of visitors. Example: Olympics Hallmark events – major, one-time, limited duration. Example: Winter Carnival Special events – outside the normal range of activities, infrequently. List page 257 – factors that increase the specialness of events.

3 Categories of Events Arts Events
Cultural – festivals, carnivals, religious, parades, heritage Art/entertainment – concerts, exhibits, awards Business/trade – fairs, trade shows, expos,meetings, publicity, fundraiser Sports competition

4 Categories – cont’d. Educational and scientific – seminars, clinics, congresses. Recreational – games, sports, amusements Political – VIP visits, rallies. Private events – anniversaries, family holidays, rites of passage, social events.

5 Types of Meetings Convention – held annually, general group session, 100 – 30,000 attendees Conferences – deal with specific problems or topics. Teleconferences – see and hear participants in other locations Congresses, forum, seminars, panels, retreats, exhibitions, trade shows.

6 Locations of meetings Hotels – convention hotels
Resorts – Banff Springs Hotel Conference centers – Banff Center Convention centers- Metro Toronto Convention Center Civic centers – Halifax World Trade and Convention Center(capacity 1300) Cruise Ships

7 2 Basic Segments Association Market
Trade, Professional, Scientific/Technical, Educational, Veterans/Military, Fraternal, Ethnic/Religious, Charitable, Political.

8 Characteristics Association Market
Large numbers of people Attendance is voluntary Tourist attraction often used Different destination each year Held on a regular cycle – each year Planned 2 – 5 years in advance Length – 2-5 days Include exhibitions

9 Corporate Market Sales Meetings Dealer Meetings Technical Meetings
Executive/Management Meetings Training Meetings Public Meetings - shareholders

10 Characteristics - Corporate
Fewer attendants Attendance is mandatory Location – tied to locations of company office Same destination may be used Held as need arises Planning is shorter – less than 1 year Last a shorter time – 3 days average Use exhibits less

11 Differences No. participants Attendance Destination Cycle of meetings
Planning Time Average duration Use of exhibits

12 Meeting Planner Responsibilities: Select meeting site
Scheduling meeting rooms Negotiating rates with suppliers Budgeting/controlling expenses Air/ground arrangements AV/technical details

13 Web Sites

14 The End Questions???

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