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ONLINE VIDEO Justin Creally High Road Communications April 28, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ONLINE VIDEO Justin Creally High Road Communications April 28, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ONLINE VIDEO Justin Creally High Road Communications April 28, 2009

2 3,100,000,000 online videos watched by Canadians in a month


4 15 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute

5 15 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute


7 Expanding Markets

8 Amplifying Trade Shows

9 MarCom Activities

10 Crisis Communications

11 The Big Time

12 - “Making Of” video - Audience Reaction video - Dance videos from other cities - Learn the T-Mobile Dance video - Create your own Dance game - Fully branded YouTube Channel - Site on - T-Mobile advert about an “impromptu” mass dance during rush hour at train station posted to YouTube - 3.75 million views after video goes viral


14 KILLER CONTENT Plan ahead... but leave room for serendipity Keep it short... maybe 1 min is all you need Choose an angle... funny, sexy, informative Be realistic... there is freedom within self- imposed limitations Be flexible... make the most of the unforeseen & collaborate with others Source: “Creating Short Films for the Web,” Hillman Curtis

15 THANK YOU Justin Creally

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