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Welcome to CEYU September 2012. Getting to know you! Getting used to a new environment – expectations and routines Enjoyment, confidence and fun!!!- chatting,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CEYU September 2012. Getting to know you! Getting used to a new environment – expectations and routines Enjoyment, confidence and fun!!!- chatting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CEYU September 2012

2 Getting to know you! Getting used to a new environment – expectations and routines Enjoyment, confidence and fun!!!- chatting, sharing and playing Forming relationships – adults and friends Developing independence – Coats, toilet, retrieving and replacing resources

3 Observation and Assessment –Individual pupil profiles-Observation, planned and spontaneous, fed into planning. –Assessment-Baseline, ongoing, termly. –Parents consultations-Twice a year.

4 Developing Early Reading, Writing and Number Skills Immerse in positive experiences Starting off topics with a bang! Range of relevant experiences to motivate Balance of child and adult led, ever changing timetable. For the full range of abilities

5 Things to remember… Start of session – We open at 09:00 please make sure that I know your child is here! The EYU yard gate will be locked by 09:10 a.m End of session – Please leave school playground promptly. Please call if you are going to be later than 12.00. Letter with password if anyone other than parents picking up Parking – Yellow zig-zags are there for the safety of our children Absence – Please write a note

6 Things to remember… Payment – Please contact school office Named clothes - Spare clothes, snack boxes, sensible footwear No medication please Suitable clothing - Messy work indoors and out! Cold and hot weather (Wellies, raincoat, hats etc). Please label all clothing! Snack Time – fruit or vegetables and water only. Time to socialise Behaviour - catch children being good. Hall time- We go into the hall on Thursday and Friday

7 Home-School Links Events- e.g number days, fancy dress relating to topic, Ugly bug ball…. Parents Notice Board – fortnightly list of planned activities including rhymes and half termly newsletter. Display notes… Weekly School WAG on Notice board- school news, great links with the school Any Worries - Please come into Nursery in the morning or stay behind at the end of the session and discuss any worries you or your child have. Appointments can be made early morning or after session to discuss more private or sensitive issues. Communication - via phone call, notes, including sickness. Your skills - Anything to offer?!

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