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What do you see when you look in the MIRROR?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you see when you look in the MIRROR?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you see when you look in the MIRROR?
Presented by: Charlie Libretto College Loan Corporation

2 GREAT Customer Service
Starts with YOU Ends with YOU Is ALL about YOU!

3 What do you see in your MIRROR?
When is the last time you thought something positive about yourself? Look in the mirror: what do you see? Write down: 3 things you REALLY like about yourself One thing you’re not happy with

4 Things to Ponder: “Everybody likes a compliment!” Abraham Lincoln
Recipe for making people dislike you: Never Listen to anyone for long. Talk incessantly about yourself. If you get an idea while someone else is talking, don’t wait for her/him to finish. Just jump right in and interrupt in the middle of their sentence. 90/90 Rule: 90% of people like to talk about themselves 90% of the time

5 Secret to a good life? Realize that you’ll never, ever be able to make anyone else happy in life until you are happy with YOURSELF! Avoid cutting others down Avoid over analyzing Praise others frequently Open your eyes to true beauty

6 What’s your glass look like?
Half empty? Half full? Over-flowing with wine? My glass is full almost all the time! REMEMBER: THE GRASS IS NOT ALWAYS GREENER!

7 How do you prepare for Success?
Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Ever? Goals? Mental, Verbal, Written down Evening preparation? Mental down-time Something all about you Morning preparation: Crack of dawn Craziness begins (how you gonna handle it?)

8 Happy is being ALIVE every day!
Enjoy the little things (breathing, sun on your face) Reward yourself Stray away from negative people (bloodsuckers) Find something good in everyone!

How do you think others perceive you? First impressions Long-time friends Family members How do you want to be perceived? If you are aware of this, how can you make some changes?

10 Playing the “OFFICE” game
Get your “game face” on Realize that everyone is not your friend Keep gossip to a minimum PLEASE, PLEASE: don’t tell everyone in the office everything about your life Always keep your eye on the TARGET If something is wrong in the office, say it, but offer a solution Don’t get caught up in the games: no one wins (high turnover)

11 Defining your Customers
External Customers Students Parents Other family members Community/Church Potential donors

12 Defining your Customers
Internal Customers Co-workers Admissions Student Accounts Registrar’s Office Faculty You Service Provider Customer

13 It Pays to Please People will spend up to 10% more for the same product with better service. When we receive good service, we will tell 1 to 3 people on average. When we receive poor service, we tell up to 20 people. An 82% chance exists that customers will repurchase from a company if their complaint is handled quickly and pleasantly. If the service is poor, 91% of retail customers won’t go back to a store.

14 Importance of Body Language
Effectiveness of Face-to-Face Communication 7% 55% 38%

15 Eye Contact Overdone – Stare person down with a hard gaze and never move your eyes off them (intimidating). Underdone – Continue to stare at computer screen or paperwork (gives impression customer is not important). Just Right – Immediate eye contact upon greeting customer and focus on whole face. Then look away from time to time during conversation to avoid staring.

16 Facial Expressions Overdone – Big fat grin when delivering bad news.
Underdone – Daydreaming, faraway gaze, blank look, poker face. Just Right – Relaxed and pleasant facial expression – sets positive tone. Mirror customer’s mood.

17 Body Posture Nod appropriately.
Face the customer with your entire body. Lean forward (look engaged). Be careful with hand gestures. Finger tapping, pen clicking, rattling loose change can indicate impatience. Open hand gestures – gracious and softer. Close fisted gestures & finger pointing – rude and intimidating. Firm, friendly handshake.

18 Neatness Counts Personal grooming. Our desk and work areas.
Dirty fingernails. Bad breath and/or body odor. Dirty or wrinkled clothing. Our desk and work areas. Can give a positive or negative impression of how you run your business. Hide stacks of paper. Healthy odors!

19 It’s Not What You Say: It’s How You Say It
Inflection Smile when talking on the phone Breathe (deep, long and slow) Avoid being a disc jockey Use volume to control a fiery situation Pace yourself to your customer’s rate and intensity of speech

20 Telephone Etiquette Pick up the phone within three rings
Greet the caller Give your name Ask the customer how you can help Write down customer’s name in the beginning of call and use it at again at the end of the call

21 How to Put a Customer on Hold
Ask customer if you may put them on hold Wait for a response Tell customer why they are being put on hold Give a time frame Up to 60 seconds – This will take a few moments 1-3 minutes – This could take two or three minutes – would you like to hold or do you want me to call you back? Eternity (over 3 minutes) – call back or return to the line every 30 seconds or so to inform them of your progress Thank customers for holding after returning to the line

22 How to Transfer a Call Explain why the caller is being transferred and to whom Ask the customer if he/she minds being transferred Make sure someone is there to pick up the call before you hang up Tell the person to whom you are transferring the call the caller’s name and the nature of the call

23 How to Take a Message Explain your coworker’s absence in a positive light Give an estimation of time of your coworker’s return Write down all important information and attach any pertinent files

24 Voice Mail Avoid voice mail hell. Always leave the caller an “out” to a living, breathing human Return calls within 24 hours Change your greeting message as appropriate

25 Difficult Customers Let the customer vent
Be quiet – don’t interrupt Don’t take it personally Avoid getting trapped in a negative filter Express empathy to the customer I can see why you feel this way That must be very upsetting I understand how frustrating this must be I’m sorry about this

26 Difficult Customers Begin active problem-solving
Gather any additional information you need Double-check all the facts Mutually agree upon the solution Under-promise and over-deliver Follow up (Score BIG Points Here!) Phone call, or letter



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