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Cells & Organelles This is review for a lot of you but based on how well you did on the pre-test I know that you need the review so please take complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells & Organelles This is review for a lot of you but based on how well you did on the pre-test I know that you need the review so please take complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells & Organelles This is review for a lot of you but based on how well you did on the pre-test I know that you need the review so please take complete notes so you have what you need for the rest of the unit.

2 Cells Smallest unit of life Made up of ORGANELLES
separate part of the cell with a unique function Two types Plant Cell Animal Cell

3 Organelles Nucleus Manages cell functions
Contains the cell’s genetic information Features: Contains Nucleolus makes ribosomes Found inside the nucleus

4 Organelles Features cont.: Nuclear membrane
Separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

5 Organelles Cytoplasm Functions: Allows chemical reactions
Supports organelles (like pieces of fruit in jelly) Features: Jelly-like 70-90% water

6 Organelles Cytoskeleton a network of protein fibers Functions:
Gives strength, support & shape to the cell Provides movement for objects inside cell Features: Can be dis- and reassembled to change shape of cell Acts like a monorail system for transport using “motor proteins.”

7 Organelles Mitochondria Function:
the center of cell respiration/energy processing Releases energy from covalent bonds of food molecules Features: double membranes own DNA

8 Organelles Cell membrane Function: Controls what enters/exits the cell
Features: found around outside of cell Selectively permeable: only allows certain substances in and out of cell.

9 Organelles Feature cont.: made of a phospholipid bilayer
Swap a phosphate for one fatty acid in a triglyceride Hydrophilic phosphate faces the water Hydrophobic tails gather together away from water

10 Organelles Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) Function:
Makes and transports proteins Features: Long membrane “channels” Attached to nuclear membrane. Does have ribosomes attached

11 Organelles Ribosomes Function: make proteins for the cell to use
Features: Some floating free in the cytoplasm Some attached to the endoplasmic reticulum

12 Organelles Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER): Function:
transport and communication Makes & transports lipids & carbohydrates Features: No ribosomes attached has tubes and canals.

13 Organelles Golgi Complex/Apparatus Function: Makes membranes
creates some products for secretion Collects, modifies, and packages proteins for storage and/or shipment Features: Looks like stacks of pancakes Many layers of membranes

14 Organelles Vesicles Function: Feature:
Carry finished products to interior or exterior of cell Feature: Membranes formed from Golgi

15 Organelles Lysosome Function:
Digest worn out organelles & foreign particles Destroy bacteria Remove toxic wastes Features: Contain digestive enzymes About 40 types

16 Organelles Cell Wall Function:
Provides rigid support and structure to plant cells Features: Found outside the cell membrane Made mostly of carbohydrates

17 Organelles Chloroplast Function:
Photosynthesis: convert light energy into chemical energy (stored in covalent bonds of food) Features: Contain pigments (like chlorophyll) that help capture light energy Have own DNA

18 Organelles Vacuole Function: Store water and undigested materials
Features: Large sac in plants cells Small in animal cells

19 Animal Cell Plant Cell

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