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Seiler Instrument January 7, 2013
TS02 Webinar for Technical Support Subscribers: Finding and using Trimble Style sheets- Trimble Access, Survey Controller, ASCII File Generator and Trimble Business Center (TBC) Seiler Instrument January 7, 2013
Today’s Webinar What are Style sheets tools Where to find Style sheets
Where to store Style sheets How to use Style sheets in each tool How to perform basic edits to customize Style sheets How to request a custom Styles sheet be built.
Style sheets tools Field data collectors ASCII File Generator
Trimble Access Survey Controller v11x, 11.2x or later ASCII File Generator Job Report Generator in TBC This overview covers the three items that are going to be discussed in the presentation: The use of the Trimble Access custom reporting to directly create reports in the field. The use of custom reporting option to directly create export files that are already in a format that allows them to be read directly into the office software that is to be used for processing the survey data. The use of stakeout style sheets to present exactly the as-staked details that you need for the stakeout task being done.
On Data Collector
Custom File Exporting This slide provides a brief overview of what happens when a custom format report or export file is produced. The system is based on using XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) style sheets to transform XML files (in this case Trimble JobXML files) to HTML files (for reports) or to text type files for use as import data for office software. XSLT files are actually XML files themselves. This system utilises standard operating system routines to carry out the transformation. These details apply to both the creation of reports and custom export formats. A JobXML format file is created automatically in the background of the export
Custom File Exporting The Roads, Tunnels and Monitoring modules provide a simple option for getting to the custom reporting.
Controlling the Output
By adding special variables, that the system knows to look for, into the style sheet definitions, you can get it to present fields on screen to allow you to control what is output. It is possible to present fields for the entry of numeric values, text strings and drop-down list selections. Some Style sheets ask user to define some settings after selecting
Downloading new Style sheets under Trimble Access and Survey Controller Custom export and reports Stakeout style sheets Some Style sheets are automatically included with initial installation The custom export style sheets available on the web site also have accompanying images showing what the exported data looks like. This can assist in locating a style sheet that will create the appropriate output, or one which is close and can be easily modified. The web page URL for the custom export style sheets is:
11 Support list A-Z
Select Trimble Survey Controller on TSC2 Select Downloads and documentation Trimble Survey Controller Style sheets
12 Support list A-Z
Select Trimble Access Select Downloads Custom Export Style Sheets Style Sheets for As-staked Deltas Display Style Sheets for Road Definition Files Style Sheets for Tunnel Data Trimble Access Monitoring Style Sheets
Examples List of XSL on the web Area computation report (SC 12.4+)
Comma delimited with multiple stake elevs Comma Delimited with notes Point comparison report Points and notes report Productivity Report Volume computation report List of XSL on the web
Examples of export Style sheets
GPS Calibration report This GPS Calibration report style sheet reports the details of the GPS calibration in a job. Computed station and offset values Use this style sheet to compute the station and offset values for the points in the job based on the specified Trimble road definition.
Zip files Actual output HTML report Wiscors note
Where to put XSL Style Sheet
On Data collector Survey Controller in the Trimble Data folder Trimble Access in Trimble Data/System Files folder On Computer Any folder
Reports in The Field Generate more complex reports, designed for office viewing, directly in the field Use AccessSync to send reports back to the office where they can be viewed or printed Use a thumb drive, ActiveSync or Mobile device manager to copy them off the data collector to the office There is nothing to stop you creating more complex reports in the field, even though they will not be easy to view on the small screen. After creating more complex reports you may wish to them back to the office, or simply wait until your return to the office and download them. You could even create reports in the truck on the way home from a day’s work. If you have a field printer available (maybe even a Bluetooth printer) then you can produce your reports directly in the field on the printer. Complex reports may take considerably longer to process on the field device than on a desktop computer which has much greater processing power and memory. If carried out in ‘dead’ time such as in the truck on the way home, it doesn’t matter that it takes longer.
Text File Report Example
This example shows how a simple text file report can be created. In this case the report is designed to report GNSS RTK points with their precision values along with the PDOP value for each point and the number of satellites observed.
Rounds Observation Report
This example shows a complex report that can be output to present data collected using rounds in a standardised form with observation residuals computed in the style sheet for display. This report carries out a large amount of sorting and comparison in order to present the appropriate data. It is possible to carry out quite complex computations and formatting in a style sheet.
Roads Cut Sheet Report This example shows a typical cut sheet type report that can be generated in the field from the Roads module and then copied onto an office computer for printing. If there is a suitable printer available in the field then, with an appropriate printer driver on the Trimble Access device this type of report could also be printed out directly in the field.
Tunnel Module Reporting
This screen snap shows the survey scan results for a tunnel formed using drill and blast methods. This is a snap from a Word document created directly by a style sheet using Word XML commands.
Monitoring Module Reporting
This is a screen snap from the ‘scatter plot’ section of a Word document created directly by a style sheet using Word XML commands.
Monitoring Module Reporting
This is a screen snap from the ‘trend graph’ section of a Word document created directly by a style sheet using Word XML commands.
Office Quality Control Report
A useful office report to assist in checking the quality of the collected data – this one shows data from a conventional instrument
Exporting Data Files DXF Style sheet export
These screen snaps show the presentation of the topographical survey in the map on Trimble Access General Survey and the presentation of the custom export dialog when this DXF file export style sheet is selected. This style sheet actually carries out some very basic feature coding based on the point codes and the details can be set up using the options provided.
The DXF File in AutoCAD The DXF file loaded into AutoCAD. The style sheet also assigns the point names and feature codes as block attributes. From this point on work can carry on directly within the AutoCAD system.
KML Style sheet export Google Earth file
Displays the field coordinates
Rename any XSL Users can rename any of the Style sheets to make it easier for field staff Example: “KML file” can be renamed Google Earth export.
Stakeout Style sheets
Customize As-Staked views
All the stakeout screens are controlled by Style sheet files in the System Files folder The stakeout report style sheets all have the file extension .sss Using style sheets for this reporting means that it is possible to: Control what is displayed Carry out computations on the staked data Conditionally present data or messages The stakeout style sheets let you configure what you want to see in the ‘Confirm staked deltas’ screen presented after you have measured your staked position. You can modify the display to ensure that you only see the values that you need to and in the order that you want to see them. You select the report format you want using the Options soft key at the stakeout navigation screen – use the ‘Staked deltas format’ option. This option will present a list of formats based on the stakeout style sheet files (*.sss) found in the System Files folder. Tip: use the appropriate survey style to set the default ‘Staked deltas format’ to the one that best suits your work.
SSS Stakeout Style sheet
Use the Options soft key on the stake out screens to choose the Staked deltas format style sheet: The Options soft key on several of the stake out screen provides access to the field for selecting the style sheet that will control the ‘As-staked deltas’ output. You can also select the appropriate format when defining your survey style so that you have the appropriate default automatically selected.
SSS Stakeout Style sheet
In Survey Style Stakeout delta format setting Select the sss
Customized Stakeout Reports
The default point stakeout deltas screen: An example of a customized point stakeout deltas screen: You can use the customized stakeout reporting to do something as simple as changing the order of the values to put those of most interest to you at the top of the screen, and dropping out data that you don’t need to see. In this example the as-staked elevation has been dropped as we are most interested in the cut/fill value. The delta horizontal values have also been dropped from the display but a warning is issued if beyond the built in horizontal tolerance. Even if you are not showing as many details on the ‘Confirm staked deltas’ screen, the full set of data is still being stored in the job. This means all the appropriate details are available later for detailed reporting when required.
Customized Stakeout Reports
The standard road stakeout Position on Road method report This shows the first two screens of the standard ‘Position on road’ stakeout report, with the third screen providing the construction offset details.
Customized Stakeout Reports
Position on Road staking method with a custom vertical conformance report style sheet – provides immediate feedback: This is an example of a customized ‘Position on road’ stakeout report. In this case it is built to assist with the vertical conformance checking of a road surface. The style sheet has been set up with upper and lower tolerances, and reports as errors any points lower than the lower tolerance or higher than the upper tolerance. You can immediately see that the measured points are not within the required tolerance. The position can then be marked on the ground immediately indicating the remedial action required. Too high Too low
Customized Stakeout Reports
This report confirms that the measured point is within the required vertical tolerance. Just right!
Stake Mark-up Report Customize the Stakeout style sheet to standardize what goes on a stake or lath These screen snaps show the confirm staked deltas reporting from a style sheet designed to present the details to be written on a slope stake. The screens have been set up to appear in a ‘wizard’ form so that the operator is forced to go through each screen viewing the presented details. These two screens show the details to be written on the front and back faces of the stake and are based on a slope staking mark-up definition. In this case the details are as follow: First screen Line 1 C indicates Cut Line 2 The depth of cut (to the centreline design elevation in this case) Line 3 D.C. indicates Ditch Cut Line 4 The depth of cut to the previous cross-section point (ditch) Second screen Line 1 Centreline Line 2 Distance to the centreline from the staked catch position Line 3 Heading for the horizontal construction offset value Line 4 Construction offset to the actual catch point position
SSS Stakeout Style sheet
Where to put SSS Style Sheet
On Data collector Survey Controller in the Trimble Data folder Trimble Access in Trimble Data/System Files folder On Computer Won’t use on computer.
ASCII File Generator
Office Reports Create reports in the office
The ‘ASCII File Generator’ utility program, available for installation from the Trimble Web site Uses Survey Controller and Trimble Access .JOB files or JobXML, Road RXL and XML files Sometimes it can be more efficient to simply download the job to an office computer and have the report created there using the same style sheet. The ‘ASCII File Generator’ program that is available for installation from the Trimble Web site ( allows the same transformations to be carried out on a computer. ASCII File Generator program details: The program allows the transformation of either Trimble Access job files directly or JobXML files that have already been created on Trimble Access and downloaded. Any special user field variables are also processed by the program so that you can get the same report settings as on the Trimble Access device.
Office Reports If a job file is too big to run an XML Style sheet script in the field- the ASCII file generator will run it in the office with the computing power of the PC rather than the Data collector
Install ASCII file generator
Install utility Certain XSL style sheets come with the install
Run ASCII file generator
Sometimes installed under Trimble Data transfer
Office Reports Select the appropriate downloaded file
Select the required output format style sheet Select the Start Menu | Trimble Data Transfer | ASCII File Generator menu option to run this program once you have installed it from the installation available on the Trimble web site ( The top Browse button lets you select the appropriate downloaded job, JobXML file, RoadXML file or XML file – the File Open dialog lets you select the source file you want to use for the transformation. The ‘Files of type’ field on the File Open dialog lets you choose whether JobXML, job, RoadXML or XML files are presented. If you select a Trimble Survey Controller job file that you have downloaded then the program automatically uses the appropriate converter to convert the job file to a JobXML file before carrying out the transformation (style sheet transformations will only work off a source XML file). The lower Browse button lets you select the appropriate folder for the style sheet that you want to use for the transformation. Once you have selected the appropriate folder the drop-down list presents all the style sheets (files with the extension .xsl) available in that folder – the ASCII File Generator installation automatically installs a large number of predefined style sheets into the default folder. The option ‘Trimble JobXML’ is also always available so that you can use the program to convert a job file to a JobXML file.
Office Reports Set user variables with appropriate settings
This screen snap shows how the program presents user variables from the style sheet so that you can enter values or select an appropriate option that controls the way the style sheet transforms the JobXML file.
Trimble Business Center
TBC new ribbon interface
Old TBC interface
TBC Edit data as needed Export to a JobXML
Select Tools Job Report generator Select JobXML Select Style sheet Set Save as file Verify settings Tap OK
Point Comparison XSL
Creating New Style Sheets
Style sheet definitions can be very complex The best place to start is by modifying existing style sheets Since XML files and XSLT style sheets are ‘industry standard’ there are many third party developers available who are familiar with the technology e.g. Web programmers Style sheets definitions are effectively a programming language – this is what makes them so powerful, but also what makes them complex. If you can locate a style sheet that provides something close to what you require, it may be quite easy to make some small changes to it to give you the output you need. Many of the web pages that you view every day are created by style sheet transformations. In fact the HTML format is a subset of XML format. This means that there are now many developers around who are familiar with XML and XSLT files and how they operate and interact. The full definition of the JobXML format is defined in a schema which is available on the Trimble web site. Any competent developer using this schema definition, appropriate sample JobXML data and an example of the output format required should be able to produce a style sheet to carry out the required transformation. The help file available as part of the MSXML 4.0 SDK provides very good documentation on the XSLT language and the associated XPath commands.
Editing C:\Trimble Survey Controller\Custom ASCII Files\Comma delimited with RMS, date and time.xsl
Requesting a custom Style Sheet
Send your Seiler rep a detailed digital example Be specific- if it needs to be column exact If it needs to be sorted or grouped File extension needed Do you want Header information Always send a JOB file they can test the Style sheet on Be prepared to wait- these sometimes take time.
Custom RXL to LandXML to SDMS ALI Site Calibration report SDMS
Many cut sheets Comma delimited with RMS, Date and Time CSV with notes CSV with attributes- with tags and without…
Review XSL and SSS Style sheets can be used:
On Data Collectors Survey Controller (version dependent) Trimble Access On Computer ASCII File generator utility (especially large files) Trimble Business Center Reports, Computations and File formats Change what Stakeout screens look like
Conclusion Using XSLT style sheets provide a very powerful means of producing: Nicely formatted reports either directly on the device, on the office computer, using the ASCII File generator utility program or TBC Specific format output files ready for import directly into a range of office software As staked details showing you exactly the details you need while in the field You can improve your productivity by producing final reports and export data files directly from the Trimble Access system by using style sheets to create them. You can also make you staking out process more efficient and less error prone by ensuring that the staked delta information presented is exactly what you want and is laid out as you want.
Thank You
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