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Name: Stunde: Stufe (level):. Fill in the correct conjugations of the following verbs. You may use your notes or go to

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Stunde: Stufe (level):. Fill in the correct conjugations of the following verbs. You may use your notes or go to"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Stunde: Stufe (level):

2 Fill in the correct conjugations of the following verbs. You may use your notes or go to ichduer/sie/eswirihrSie/sie kennenwissenwerden

3 Fill in the following chart with the correct accusative (direct object) pronouns. You may use your notes or go to Ich (I) Du (you informal) Er (he) Sie (she) Es (it) Wir (we) Ihr (yall) Sie (you formal) Sie (they) Subject PronounsDirect Object Pronouns

4 Pick 20 of your vocabulary words for this week. Create a powerpoint slide show for those words…..each slide should have a picture to represent the word, the word in german and the definition in English. See the example below. der Berg Mountain

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