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OilSim Exploration OLF OILSIM 2008. Overview Purpose: Enhance your overall understanding of petroleum exploration Multidisciplinary challenge You are.

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Presentation on theme: "OilSim Exploration OLF OILSIM 2008. Overview Purpose: Enhance your overall understanding of petroleum exploration Multidisciplinary challenge You are."— Presentation transcript:

1 OilSim Exploration OLF OILSIM 2008

2 Overview Purpose: Enhance your overall understanding of petroleum exploration Multidisciplinary challenge You are an exploration team in charge of a new petroleum province Your task is to get maximum return on investment (ROI)

3 Money You start with $200 Million –You can apply for more money later Value: –Net value of the oil fields discovered –MINUS costs (surveys, wells, etc.) Winning team: –highest return on investment (ROI) –ROI = Earnings / Funds received

4 Learning Points Where and how to find oil Surveys used in exploration Licensing rounds Farm-in and Partnerships Rigs and Sub-contractors Addressing environmental issues Reducing uncertainty Economically viable volumes

5 Oil & Gas Industry Upstream –Exploration –Field Development –Production Downstream –Refining –Distribution

6 Structure Phase 1: Find Basins Phase 2: Bid for Licences Phase 3: Drilling –3.1 Farm-in –3.2 Order Rig –3.3 Select Providers –3.4 Select Position –3.5 Testing

7 Map Columns (1 to 112) Rows (1 to 152) 600 sea bed depth Cell (73,66) Block 134 134

8 Login

9 Main screen

10 First task Find the 3 basins in the area Basin: Sedimentary rocks in the deep subsurface where oil and gas was generated Procedure 1.Buy and study magnetic and gravimetric surveys 2.Submit 3 block numbers; one for each basin centre

11 Surveys

12 Gravimetric surveys Gravimetric surveys show the gravity in the sub-surface Sedimentary rocks (“basins”) have lower densities than the surrounding crystalline rocks Low gravity (green) -> Basins High gravity (red) -> Crystalline rocks

13 Gravimetric surveys

14 Magnetic surveys

15 More detail North East

16 Quarter map survey

17 Enter decision

18 Task 1 Possible to get between 0 and 100 knowledge points (KP) –KP’s can be used e.g. when you apply for money Must be solved before deadline After the deadline, all submissions are evaluated

19 Task 1 solved All basins are located Message sent to all teams with the results Oil and gas is close to the basins Next step: First licensing round –The blocks around one of the basins are on offer

20 Second task Bid to get a exploration licence Exploration licence: A permission from the Government to explore a block Procedure 1.Buy and study Common Risk Segment Maps, 2D Seismic surveys, and Spawning Ground Maps 2.Submit 3 bids –Block number –Amount offered to Government (“bonus”)

21 Migration Basin Prospect Play Migration

22 Prospect Migration Reservoir Seal

23 Real Seismic

24 2D Seismic surveys A 2D Seismic survey is a cross section of the geological layers –along either a column or a row Is used for locating prospects Look out for traps Three separate geological layers

25 2D Seismic example

26 Prospects Top of sealing rock Top of reservoir rock

27 Cross-sections Column Row Prospect, Reservoir Basin, Source

28 Wells 179

29 Remarks In OilSim, there is only one type of trap: the four-way closure structural trap –in reality, there are several other types Three prospecting systems –3. Eocene (1.500 m below seabed) –2. Paleocene (2.500 m -) –1. Cretaceous (3.500 m -)

30 Common Risk Segment Prospect probability –Red: low –Orange: medium –Green: high There is one CRS for each geological layer

31 Common Risk Segment Band 3 Eocene Band 2 Paleocene Band 1 Creataceous

32 Spawning Grounds There are spawning ground areas in the map – these are environmentally sensitive areas where fish breed Some spawning grounds might be in the blocks that have been offered However, no licences will be awarded in blocks that are spawning grounds To find out which blocks are spawning grounds, you can buy a Spawning Ground Survey

33 Spawning Ground Survey Red Area: Spawning Grounds You will not be awarded blocks that contain any red area Blue Area: Not Spawning Grounds The survey covers the whole area

34 Tips Study spawning ground maps to see which blocks to avoid Use CRS to see which blocks to study Buy and study many 2D surveys Focus on shallow water blocks –It is cheaper to drill exploration wells in shallow water –It is more economically viable to produce oil and gas in shallow water

35 Enter bid

36 Bidding Minimum bonus: 1000000 Maximum bonus: 30000000 You will only get one licence Highest bid gets the licence If you lose on all three blocks, you will get a random licence (of the ones that are left) Do submit 3 bids -> more KP’s and higher probability for success

37 Task 2 Submit your bid before the deadline After the deadline, all bids are evaluated, and each team gets one and only one licence

38 Task 2 solved Every team has got one exploration licence Message sent to all teams with the results Knowledge Points: a measure of how prosperous the blocks the team bid for were Next step: Farm-in

39 Farm-in & -out The headquarters of you company has evaluated the licence that you got awarded Although the possibility of finding oil is fair, the costs involved are large, and the headquarters wants you to spread the risk. This is accomplished by: –investing in other licences (farm-in), and –letting other invest in your licence (farm-out)

40 Task 3.1 Farm-out Get other’s to invest 20% or more in your licence (“farm-out”) You can only send farm-in offers (!) –Offers to buy parts of other licences Procedure for farming in: 1.Study CRS and 2D Seismic surveys 2.Submit one offer for each viable licence –Amount offered –Share wanted (in whole %)

41 Farm-in

42 Send an offer

43 Partnerships Partners pay their share of all future costs incurred by the partnership. Partners receive their share of the net proceedings from any oil found on the licence The operator team takes all decisions regarding acquirement of 3D seismic, drilling of wells and testing of wells

44 Task 3.1 Study CRS and 2D seismic surveys of the other licences Submit your bids –Minimum amount 100,000 for 1% You are not allowed to drill before at least 20% of your licence has been farmed out You can farm-in & -out at any time Partners in a block get all info about drilled wells and discovered oil and gas fields

45 Task 3.1 Partnerships will be established every time a seller accepts an offer On the main page, you can see all the licences –The licences you operate –The licences you have invested in –Other licences Next task: order rig

46 Task 3.2 Rig 3 rig types –Drillships –Semi-submersibles –Jack-up rigs Different water depths, Different day rates –Rig cost = drilling days * day rate

47 Available Rigs

48 Drilling days

49 Drilling Depths Seabed 3500 m below seabed Layer 3 Eocene Layer 2 Paleocene Layer 1 Cretaceous 1500 m below seabed 2500 m below seabed “water depth”

50 Seabed Depth

51 Task 3.2 Rigs

52 Rigs Limited number of rigs available You can order a rig –Start using it within 20 minutes Not enough for all –Wait in a queue, if another team is using the rig Rig day rates are dynamic

53 Task 3.3 Providers

54 Track Record

55 Select Providers

56 Task 3.4 Position You have to choose where to drill –Which cells?..and how deep to drill –Either to the Eocene horizon –Through the Eocene to the Paleocene horizon, –or through the Eocene, the Paleocene, and to the Cretaceous horizon

57 Environmental Impact Assessment Buy an EIA survey to get more knowledge about the area EIA equals Less probability for drilling problems Less severe consequences if you run into problems In the EIA you can also see which drilling locations to avoid

58 3D Seismic Shows the structure: –in one (of the three) horizons –in one block Look out for “tops” –a top = a trap = a prospect

59 3D Seismic

60 Three targets Layer 1 Creataceous Layer 2 Paleocene Layer 3 Eocene Column 60, Row 79 Column 60, Row 78

61 Select Positions

62 Drilling position 3

63 Drilling position 2

64 Budget

65 Drilling results

66 Drilling result

67 Task 3.5 Testing If you discover a field-> decide whether you want more information about that field You get more information by doing a production test (and other tests) Tests take 10 days per field Tests have the same day-rate as the drilling (you use the same providers)

68 Test decision

69 Field value

70 Prospects

71 Licence Value

72 Appraisal

73 –From Probable volume to proven reserves

74 Narrowing ranges First well: –0 to 572 MBO (after drilling) –11 to 266 MBO (after testing) –Proven volume: 11 MBO Second well –11 to 233 MBO (after drilling) –35 to 210 MBO –Proven volume: 35 MBO

75 Continue... Drill appraisal wells to narrow the uncertainty (get proven volumes) Drill into other prospects Farm-in and -out Two additional licensing rounds Apply for more money, if you run out of cash Winner: highest ROI

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