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Proposed Project for the Regional Advancement of Statistics in the Caribbean (PRASC) Seminar on Multi-Dimensional Poverty and Labour Force Estimation Eric.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Project for the Regional Advancement of Statistics in the Caribbean (PRASC) Seminar on Multi-Dimensional Poverty and Labour Force Estimation Eric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Project for the Regional Advancement of Statistics in the Caribbean (PRASC) Seminar on Multi-Dimensional Poverty and Labour Force Estimation Eric Rancourt May 28, 2014 St. George’s, Grenada

2 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2 Outline  Background  Consultation process  The Project  Future Activities

3 Background 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3  Interest in and need for statistical development and integration  Needs assessment by CARICOM and ECLAC earlier  Proposal to CIDA in 2012

4 Consultation Process 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4 Consultations took place with:  Countries (ISFP, in meetings, questionnaire)  CARICOM, ECLAC, OECS  Obtained input from DFATD, CARTAC, CDB, and other donors

5 Project 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5  Needs  Expected results (preliminary)  Content  Approach  Expectations

6 Project - Needs 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 6  Need to improve National Accounts to adopt the SNA2008 international standard, strengthen processes and harmonize  Need to build infrastructure for business surveys (business register, classification) to increase efficiency and comparability of concepts from one survey to another  Need to improve Household surveys to benefit from more modern statistical methods and tools

7 Project - Needs 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7  Need to improve data sharing with users and providers and increase knowledge-retention within and between NSOs  Need to build methodological expertise to support new survey structures and to respond to future socio- economic changes that impact surveys  Overall need to build sustainable regional expertise and producing regionally comparable statistics

8 Project – Expected results (preliminary) 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 8  Implementation of standardized concepts, methods, tools, standards and classifications strengthens the foundation for conducting  Business surveys that support the System of National Accounts  Household surveys in support of collecting key socio- economic indicators  Increased communication between data users, data providers and data producers (NSOs) that promotes use of statistics and shares knowledge on methods used to produce them

9 Project – Content 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 9  National Accounts Component  Business Survey Component  Household Survey Component  Data Sharing Component  Cross-cutting elements Methodological Regional sharing Gender-disaggregated statistics

10 Project – Approach 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 10 Development in phases:  Learning  Testing and pilots (building from current successes)  Implementation  Regional sharing / Communication  Broader implementation

11 Project – Expectations from Region 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 11  Ownership by countries  Demand-driven  Commitment of resources  Time investment  Involvement of CARICOM and other institutions

12 Project – Expectations from Statistics Canada 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 12  Project Management  Commitment of resources  Time investment  Openness to unique situations atypical of Statistics Canada’s context

13 Future Activities 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 13  Maintain dialogue with Caribbean stakeholders and other donors (2 nd HL Forum, on-going)  Statistics Canada senior Management approval (June)  Submit to CIDA (DFATD) (Fall)  Intended start: March 2015  Duration: 5 years

14 29/08/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 14 Thank you! Comments are welcome Pour des informations en français, n’hésitez pas à me contacter.

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