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The Animal Cell Obj 8.02. The Cell Body is made up of millions of cells Basic unit of the body and life.

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Presentation on theme: "The Animal Cell Obj 8.02. The Cell Body is made up of millions of cells Basic unit of the body and life."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Animal Cell Obj 8.02

2 The Cell Body is made up of millions of cells Basic unit of the body and life


4 Cell Parts Protoplasm – Material inside the cell

5 Cell Parts Cell Membrane – Thin layer of protein and fat that surround the cell – Allows and blocks certain substances from entering

6 Cell Parts Centrosome – Small body where microtubules are made – Divide during mitosis

7 Cell Parts Nucleus – Gives the cell the ability to grow, digest food, divide – Contains DNA

8 Cell Parts Cytoplasm – Jelly like substance that gives the cell shape and contain components necessary for cell functions

9 Cell Parts Golgi Body – Located near the nucleus and produces the membrane that surrounds the lyosomes

10 Cell Parts Lyosome – Round shaped organelle that contains digestive enzymes that allow digestion of cell nutrients

11 Cell Parts Mitochondrion – Rod shaped organelle that converts energy stored in glucose into ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate)

12 Cell Parts Nuclear Membrane – Surrounds the nucleus

13 Cell Parts Endoplasmic Reticulum – Transports materials through the cell – Rough ER has ribosomes and looks like layers – Smooth ER do not have ribosomes and looks like small pipes

14 Cell Parts Vacuole – Fluid filled membrane that fills with food and waste products inside the cell

15 Cell Parts Ribosome – Site of protein synthesis

16 Cell Division Mitosis – Results in animal growth – Animals begin as a single cell – Chromosomes duplicate as division occurs

17 Cell Division 4 stages of mitosis – Prophase: nucleolus disappears and centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell. Fibers form and extend from centromeres – Metaphase: fibers align the chromosomes along the middle of the nucleus – Anaphase: paired chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides of the cell – Telophase: nuclear membrane forms around the newly divided chromosomes and membrane contracts

18 Cell Division Meiosis – Produces the sex cells (gametes) to have ½ the number of chromosomes that body cells have

19 Cell Division Gamete Formation – One set of chromosomes come from the sperm and ovum – The zygote is created during fertilization and has chromosomes from each parent. They match up based on genetic information

20 Cell Division Sex cell formation of the sperm and ova are also produced through meiosis – Production of sperm is called spermatogenesis Males produce sperm at sexual maturity Spermatocytes divide into spermatids – Production of ovum is called oogenesis Females produce ova at sexual maturity Oocytes divide to form ovum. Ovum stores food for the zygote (embryo)

21 Chromosomes Chromosomes are rod shaped bodies in pairs – Cattle: 30 pairs – Hogs: 19 pairs – Chickens: 39 pairs – Humans: 23 pairs

22 Genes Genes control characteristics that are inherited from parents Dominant Genes hide the effect of recessive genes. Represented by a capital letter Recessive Genes are mask by dominant genes but show up when you cross breed

23 Genes Homozygous genes are the same on each allele Heterozygous genes that carry two different genes that will affect a trait

24 Heritability Estimates Heritability is the likelihood of a trait being passed down from parent to offspring The higher the heritability, the better the product Heritability estimates in cattle is higher than swine Used more for carcass quality than for reproduction

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