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Presentation on theme: "LAKE NORMAN HIGH SCHOOL AP CHEMISTRY 2011/2012 TEACHER: MS. LEZLIE CARROLL."— Presentation transcript:


2 AP Chemistry – Course Syllabus Class Profile AP Chemistry is a year-long, 90 minute course. A typical week is organized to provide: 3-4 days of lecture focused on the key objectives listed in the syllabus, including teacher demonstrations 1-2 days of lab activity. Labs may exceed one 90 minute class, depending on the requirements of the specific lab activity. In addition, some sections/objectives are more conducive to lab activity than others and will have more lab activity.

3 AP Chemistry Objectives: The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of year-long college general chemistry. Therefore, this course enables freshmen students to undertake second-year work in chemistry or enroll in classes that require general chemistry as a pre-requisite. For other students, the AP Chemistry course fulfills the laboratory science requirement and frees time for other courses.

4 AP Chemistry Objectives: AP Chemistry should meet the objectives of a good general chemistry course. Students in such a course should attain a depth of understanding of fundamentals and a reasonable competence in dealing with chemical problems. The course should contribute to the development of the student’s abilities to think clearly and to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with clarity and logic.

5 Chemistry 1 vs. AP Chemistry 1.Qualitative Differences: largely with respect to the kind of laboratory work done by students and depth of material. 2.Quantitative differences: the number of topics treated the number of topics treated the time spent on the course by students (1 to 2 hours at home) the time spent on the course by students (1 to 2 hours at home) the nature and the variety of experiments done in the laboratory.

6 Prerequisites: The AP Chemistry course is designed to be taken only after the successful completion of a first course in high school chemistry (Chemistry 1). A student ideally should score an A in Chemistry Honors to ensure adequate background knowledge. In addition, the recommended mathematics prerequisites for an AP Chemistry class is the successful completion of a second-year algebra course.

7 AP Chemistry Topics: 1.Structure of Matter(20 percent) a)Atomic theory and atomic structure b)Chemical bonding c)Nuclear chemistry 2.States of Matter(20 percent) a)Gases b)Liquids and solids c)Solutions 3.Reactions(35 – 40 percent) a)Reaction types b)Stoichiometry c)Equilibrium d)Kinetics e)Thermodynamics 4.Descriptive Chemistry(10 – 15 percent) a)Chemical reactivity and products of chemical reactions b)Relationships in the periodic table c)Introduction to organic chemistry 5.Laboratory(5 – 10 percent) a)Making observations of chemical reactions b)Recording data/Communicating effectively the results c)Calculating/interpreting results based on the quantitative data obtained.

8 Labs: Unless otherwise noted, each laboratory will be “hands-on” and will involve: physical manipulation of equipment and materials in order to make relevant observations and collect data use the collected data to form conclusions and verify hypotheses communicate and compare their results and procedures (informally to classmates and in a formal, written report to the teacher)

9 Resources: Text – “Chemistry” by Zumdahl (6th Edition), ancillaries and supplements The College Board Science Achievement Tests/Past AP Exams Video/Internet Resources (APEX, Glencoe, Zumdahl Interactive 6.0) Additional advanced chemistry texts (Brown et al, Hill et al, Holt Modern Chemistry, Glencoe Chemistry Matter and Change) HM Class Prep with HM Testing v6.1 Princeton, Cole, and Brown AP Chemistry Test Preparation

10 AP CHEMISTRY YEAR PLAN Introduction/SafetyAug 25 Predictive AssessmentAug 26 Unit 1:Review of Chemistry 1 Honors TopicsAug 29– Oct 14 (Chapters 1-5, 11) Unit 2:Atomic Structure and BondingOct 17 – Nov 4 (Chapters 7, 8, part of 9) Unit 3:Chemical EquilibriumNov 7 – Dec 21 (Chapters 13-15) Unit 4:Thermodynamics and ElectrochemistryJan 3 – Feb 16 (Chapters 6, 16, and 17) Unit 5:Rate KineticsFeb 20 – Feb 29 (Chapter 12) Unit 6:Nuclear ChemistryMar 1 – Mar 13 Unit 7:Review for AP ExamMar 14– Apr 30 AP Chemistry ExamMay 1, 2011 Unit 8:Organic Chemistry/Extra LabsMay 2 – Jun 1

11 Classroom Requirements: 2 inch three-ring binder for this class only 1 ½ inch three-ring Laboratory binder/portfolio Loose leaf paper Pencil and pen Graphing Calculator 1package of latex gloves 1 gallon of distilled water

12 Provided by School/Required for Class: Zumdahl “Chemistry” Textbook Zumdahl Study Guide Zumdahl Experimental Chemistry

13 Attendance/Tardies Attendance and tardies will be dealt with per the LNHS Student Handbook.

14 Homework: Homework assignments must be clearly identified by page number, assigned questions, and date. Answers must be outlined with a box, excluding theory questions.

15 Exams/Tests/Quizzes Students will be taking chapter tests and quizzes (sometimes surprise!) throughout the course. In addition, students must take the College Board AP Chemistry Exam in May. Students scoring a “4” or “5” on this Exam will receive eight (8) credit units at most universities and colleges. A “3” will receive 4 credits. Students will receive their results from the College Board in July; therefore, this Exam will not count as part of the student’s grade.

16 Re-teach/Re-test A student may re-take one chapter test per semester. However, the assigned test grade will be an average of the original test and the re-test. In addition, students who have not completed all assignments, homework, labs, and quizzes for the tested section(s) will not be allowed to re- test. Should a re-test be requested, it must be taken within five (5) school days. Any exemptions will be dealt with by Administration.

17 Labs/Experiments Students are expected to abide by all laboratory safety regulations. Safety glasses, gloves, and aprons will be required for most lab experiments (provided by the school). For every day that an assigned lab report is late, the student will lose 10 percent. If a student is missing more than one lab each quarter, they will receive an “incomplete” until this deficiency is rectified. Once graded labs are returned, late labs will have a 50 percent reduction in points.

18 Laboratory Notebook (Binder) A laboratory notebook is required to organize students’ graded lab reports. It should not be brought to class daily, but will be checked and graded at the end of each quarter. THIS NOTEBOOK IS MANDATORY PER COLLEGE BOARD!!!!

19 Missed Notes, Homework, Assignments, Labs Students are responsible for missed notes, homework, and assignments due to absence. This make-up work must be completed within 5 days as per the Lake Norman High School student handbook. Any exemptions will be dealt with by Administration. Students are to have missed notes written down and obtained worksheets from the “extras” file before asking Ms. Carroll for explanation/assistance.

20 School Rules Students are also required to abide by Lake Norman High School Student Rules, including but not limited to: No electronic devices (CD players, cell- phones, pagers, etc….) No profanity No playing cards

21 Classroom Rules Talk only at appropriate times (When the teacher is not talking, especially during directions and/or presentation) Raise your hand to ask a question or directions Bottled water is allowed (all other food and drink is prohibited) Gum is allowed (if blowing bubbles, snapping, or chewing with mouth open, that privilege will be suspended for one month. If caught disposing of gum anywhere other than the garbage can, privileges are suspended for the rest of the year!)

22 Classroom Rules continued… Ms. Carroll dismisses the class, not the bell. Students will remain in their seats until dismissed. Respect others and their property (be polite and use good manners). Any statement resembling “let’s have a free day” will result in 5 extra assignment questions for the day.” Bathroom breaks may only be taken in the last 30 minutes of class. Students must have their school planner dated and initialed by the teacher.

23 Quest On-line Homework Students will be assigned on-line homework through the Quest program provided by the University of Texas. There are over 11,200 chemistry problems inventoried for use. Problems in all subject areas are continuously being updated and created. There are over 500,000 homework questions graded by the service each week. The Homework Service delivers unique, algorithm-based problems, where each student receives a version different from those given to other students. Since the parameters printed in each question differ, the answers differ between versions. The Homework Service delivers unique, algorithm-based problems, where each student receives a version different from those given to other students. Since the parameters printed in each question differ, the answers differ between versions.

24 Quest On-line Homework The student’s link to Quest is: Information is also located on Ms. Carroll’s website:

25 Quest On-line Homework Course Unique No. Codes: AP Chemistry: Period 3: 201113

26 Quest On-line Homework Some students utilize the system in the following manner 1.Login 2.print their homework 3.log out their homework offline 5.log in 6.submit their homework problem answers 7.obtain immediate answer feedback 8.resubmit answers when incorrect

27 Quest On-line Homework This quick grading feedback promotes effective learning. After the teacher’s designated assignment due date, students may download their homework answers, which includes explanations for their individualized problems. The instructors' versions always include explanations to problems.

28 Quest On-line Homework The University of Texas Online Homework Service logs and scores each record for each student with grades and a semester summary. This data is accessible to individual students through their secured log-in via the web site. A student may access his or her scoring record at any time via the web site. Statistical plots of homework scores are also updated daily.

29 Internet Resources Internet resource links such as interactive quizzes and AP Chemistry information are available on Ms. Carroll’s school web-site:

30 Internet Resources Or, follow these links: (Iredell-Statesville Schools website) click on “schools” click on “secondary schools” click on “Lake Norman High” click on “our staff” click on “Carroll, Lezlie” click on “AP Chemistry Links” or “Chemistry Links and Interactive Chemistry

31 Course Evaluation Semester One Reporting Period No. 150% Mid-term AP Chemistry Exam50% Semester Two Reporting Period No. 350% Reporting Period No. 450% Reporting Period Grade Evaluation: Labs/Lab Notebook20% Homework assignments12% Online Assignments12% Chapter Tests43% Quizzes13%

32 Ms. Carroll’s Contact Information E-mail Web-Site: 2854 2854 2854 (Go to, schools, secondary schools, Lake Norman High, our staff, Lezlie Carroll) Phone Number:704-799-8555 (ext. 1411)

33 Confirmation I have read/understand all of the aforementioned information I have visited Ms. Carroll’s school website I have received and read the “Student Safety Contract”! My child/I will obtain my UT EID number/password and enroll in the online chemistry course by August 27, 2011. My child/I will turn in the confirmation to Ms. Carroll. Student:___________________ Date:___________________ Signature:___________________ Email:___________________ Parent/Guardian:___________________ Date:___________________ Signature:___________________ Email:___________________ Phone:___________________


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