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Lesson 2 Cells Structure and Organelle function

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1 Lesson 2 Cells Structure and Organelle function
Year 10Biology CELLS Lesson 2 Cells Structure and Organelle function HCSC, Term

2 Learning Goal Success Criteria (Performance Standards for Coursework)
To describe cell structure and organelle function To differentiate between plant and animal cells Completed annotated diagrams of the animal and plant cells Compared similarities and differences of animal and plant cells Board = paper (I write, your write).

3 Lesson overview Setting up – Goal proforma sheets
Activating prior knowledge -Quick 5 Question Quiz New information -Video (tour of anima cell/ plant cell) -Key questions Apply new information Draw annotated diagrams of each Eukaryotic cell Highlight differences. Use resources on wiki. Optional

4 Activate Prior Knowledge
Quick 5 Question Quiz -based on key points from last lesson (closed book) Optional

5 New Information/ Apply information
Video – tour of an animal cell. Key Questions Which organelle is responsible for producing cells energy molecules –ATP to help power the cell? Why does this organelle have folds What does the Nucleus house? Why is this important? What is the difference between rough and smooth Endoplasmic reticulum Bonus Questions Can you name any of the components involved in protein synthesis? Do you know what role the lysosome has in your cells? Task: Use the interactive website cells alive or enchanted learning (links on the wiki), to draw an annotated diagram of an animal cell. The diagram is to take up one half of an A4 page, label and include brief descriptions about the function of each organelle. The other half of the page will need to be left free for a plant cell diagram.

6 New Information/ Apply information
Video – tour of a plant cell. Key Question What are the three things a plant cell has that an animal cell does not? Adjacent to the animal cell diagram to draw an annotated diagram of a plant cell, label and include brief descriptions about the function of each organelle.

7 Apply information Your Task:
Create a Venn diagram (or use another preferred method) to compare the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells.

8 Goal Review What did you learn about Cells today? Success Criteria: Completed annotated diagrams of the animal and plant cells Compared similarities and differences of animal and plant cells

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