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Chapter 13 RAD Guide Saturday, August 29, 2015. In what book did Thomas More (English statesman) describe his ideal state? Describe his idea. “Utopia”

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 RAD Guide Saturday, August 29, 2015. In what book did Thomas More (English statesman) describe his ideal state? Describe his idea. “Utopia”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 RAD Guide Saturday, August 29, 2015

2 In what book did Thomas More (English statesman) describe his ideal state? Describe his idea. “Utopia” Population kept constant, crops controlled, & food is distributed at public markets

3 According to Thomas Malthus (English economist), how did populations increases compared to the food supply? What problem can arise from this? Populations increase geometrically (Ex. 3, 9, 18, 36) & food supply increases arithmetically (Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4) Population increases faster than food Malthus argued inc. pop. was not favorable

4 What was the major difference b/w humans of 100,000yrs ago to human of 10-20,000yrs ago? Ones that lived 10-20,000 yrs ago stored food (began establishing permanent settlements)

5 Describe the 3 major reasons for population growth. 1. Agriculture: about 10,000 yrs ago farming provided an increase of food, standard of living rose, increased life expectancy 2. Industry: Technology improved food production & distribution, safer work environment, medicine 3. Health Care: improved hygiene, water treatment, antibiotics & vaccines (began to believe in Germ Theory) Vocabulary: -Agricultural revolution -Industrial Revolution - Germ Theory

6 What major event caused a dramatic decrease in human population around 1340’s? The Black Plague (Bubonic Plague)

7 Black Plague Spread by rat fleas (infected with Yersinia pestis bacterium) Peak occurred b/w 1346-1353; reduced world population from 450 million to 350-375 million. Other outbreaks of cholera, typhus, malaria, yellow fever, & small pox killed hundreds of thousands more! Black Plague video clip


9 Describe the two major reasons for population decline. 1. Famine: no food, decrease in population (Ireland-Potato Blight in 1840s caused 1 mill. deaths) 2. War: combat plus famine, disease & destruction of property all decreased the population World Food Programme and War in SyriaWorld Food Programme and War in Syria video clip

10 How is the growth rate of population determined? Subtracting the number of births & the number of deaths

11 Life Expectancy Most affected by infant mortality 1900-30 yrs old worldwide (inf. mort. rate was very high) 2000-inf. mort. rate was less than 1/3 of 1900 rate Today-67 yrs old worldwide (80 yrs or more in some developed countries)

12 Infant Mortality U.S. still ranks only 48 th out of 221 countries for infant mortality Expensive medical care IS NOT necessarily helpful in preventing infant deaths Need parent access to education, food, fuel, & clean water *If these needs are met, children have a good chance of survival

13 What is the doubling time of a population? How else can doubling time be used? How long it will take before a population doubles To illustrate negative potential of uncontrolled population growth What specific problems can be caused by doubling a population?

14 What other factors besides birth & death rates contribute to size of a population? Immigration and Emigration coming INTO a country EXITING a country

15 What is demography? Describe why it’s important. Science of changing vital statistics in a human population With this additional information, plans can be made to accommodate the future needs of society

16 Demographic Transition Model that describes how economic & social changes affect population growth rates Populations in developed countries are growing at fairly low rates 1 st Stage- Preindustrial- birth & death rate are high; population size is stable; until around 1700 2 nd Stage- Transitional- birth rate high & death rate drops (hygiene, nutrition, & education improve) -population can double in 30 yrs.

17 Demographic Transition 3 rd Stage-Industrial- Population growth slows b/c birth rate drops (more workers in factories so less need/time for kids). Birth rate/Death rate grow closer; population stabilizes 4 th Stage- Postindustrial- Birth rate drops below replacement level, so size of population decreases. It takes from 1-3 generations for the demographic transition to occur in most developed countries


19 How does the populations of Mexico, U.S., & Sweden compare? Level of Growth Average Age Amount in Child- Bearing Yrs MexicoRapidYoungHigh U.S.SlowMiddle-ageAverage SwedenNo growthOlderLow

20 What other factors determine the needs of society? Who uses the majority of resources? Changes in technology, lifestyles, & standards of living Industrial society

21 How do increasing demands for these needs compare to the population size? Needs are expected to increase faster than population size In industrialized nations

22 How does rapid population growth directly affect the global ecosystem? 1. Greater demand on space to sustain large numbers 2. Greater demand on resources (minerals, fuels, food) 3. Humans take away space from animals

23 Explain how human health problems are connected to overpopulation. More crowding in given area, more contacts with people causes an increase in disease transmission (ex. AIDS & tuberculosis) Affects life expectancy

24 How does overpopulation affect the environment? Exhaust fumes from cars and general overuse of fossil fuels lead to global warming Destroying last amount of land for natural ecosystems Things are magnified!!

25 Describe some ways that nations are trying to control population size. Educate about birth control Not working as well as hoped Government trying to limit # of children Somewhat working because giving incentives to couples Aging in some countries can lead to economic downfall, so some countries encourage population growth

26 How are scientists trying to use technology to help control population size? Renewable resources New crops that are more productive to feed more people

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