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A 21 st Century Classroom ACEC 2010 Anne Mirtschin Hawkesdale P12 College Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference.

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Presentation on theme: "A 21 st Century Classroom ACEC 2010 Anne Mirtschin Hawkesdale P12 College Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 A 21 st Century Classroom ACEC 2010 Anne Mirtschin Hawkesdale P12 College Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

2 A true global classroom – a student from Hawkesdale, Australia, two from China, two from Bangkok and one from USA are taught by an optician about the eye, using discoverE virtual classroom software. Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

3 Ally’s blog Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference Year 11 accounting students talk to a first year university student in Canada using discoverE software. The link will take you to her blog post on this and associated comments

4 Four C’s in the 21 st century classroom As never before, we have the ability to :- connect communicate collaborate create on a local, national and global scale Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

5 Teaching and learning in the successful 21 st century school? proficient and efficient in a variety of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools All students need to be involved in collaborative and interactive global projects from an early age Cyber safety Learn appropriate digital citizenship qualities Assessment must include aspects of working in teams – local, virtual and global Multimedia – digital storytelling, podcasting, using images, music (transcends language barriers) Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

6 Key knowledge Netiquette Cybersafety Digital citizenship Plaguarism Digital footprints Cross referencing and validation of websites Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

7 College requirements Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

8 Areas in your school where ‘default settings’ need to be changed and agreed? Learning spaces, virtual groups, mobile technology, AUPs and permission to both publish and work online in virtual spaces. Flexible timetables, learning spaces Learning is, can be and should be 24/7/365 integrate subject areas team and small group work will become norm Cross age groups personalized learning International team teaching Mobile learning Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

9 The emerging technologies Interactive, social nature of internet tools has ability to change education substantially Allows education and the power of learning to be in the hands of students. Students now have power to learn what they want, when they want and where they want. 24/7/365 Mobile learning Ability to personalize learning. Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference


11 Learning spaces Physical classroom spaces – small retreat areas for podcasting, videoconferencing and sharing conversations via videoconferencing with those from other countries/languages Online spaces Virtual classrooms eg elluminate, discoverE, flash meeting etc Live blogging Teacher will be in the middle of the classroom, at a screen with the students Online teaching/facilitating students in another country Virtual worlds- second life, Quest Atlantis, Reaction Grid Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

12 Breakout learning spaces Small areas for a group of students to podcast, videoconference or converse with global students Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

13 Filming studio Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

14 How to make asynchronous connections Blogs Wikis Nings Google applications Emails Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

15 Synchronous connections Liveblogging http://www,coveritlive.comhttp://www, Videoconferencing DiscoverE virtual classroom software. virtual classroom and DiscoverE Back channels eg and http://www.tinychat.com Google applications Bridgit conferencing software which comes with Interactive White Boards an online image sharing Virtual worlds – reactiongrid in Open Sim superclubsPLUS – “facebook” for the young, safe environment Voicethreads - podcasting collaboratively with pizzazz Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

16 What is a blog? A journal Outlet for opinions and ideas Showcase for learning and achievements Reflective entries Platform that allows embedding or linking to multi-media Digital portfolio Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

17 Benefits of Blogging Available 24/7/365 Customization Comparison with other countries Source of pride Variety of media Education becomes interactive Using technology for the digital age Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

18 Netiquette No IM or txt language anywhere (looking for professionalism plus possible need for translators/interpretation) Always reply and thank a commentor or goto their blog and add a comment No bullying/always positive comments Always write for any audience – ages, cultures, beliefs etc Keep cybersafe at all times Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

19 Student Blogs Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

20 School blog Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

21 Year 8 Blog post Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

22 Comments Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

23 Wikis – across the worldacross the world Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

24 “Keys to Bullyin”g on Teachertube Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

25 Global travellers Year 9/10 students answer questions from USA students, so they could develop Australian travel posters Wikis – shared web pages for collaborative/ interactive work Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

26 Hello i am Kelly, from Australia!!!..i will answer these questions for you!!! Question 1: How many meals a day are eaten in Australia? (Example: United States usually has 3 meals a day, although current days, people tend to eat any number of meals.) kelly says: we have 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea) but we do have snacks in between these meals (morning tea and afternoon tea). In further detail, what are the types of meals you have? Such as, is breakfast a hot or cold meal? Or is it either? From what I've learned about Germany, usually their lunch is the hot meal of the day, and they usually have the one hot meal, where breakfast and dinner tend to be a cold meal. In the United States, Dinner tends to be the hot meal. Question 2: Are video games very popular, or, if not, what activities do most people do in their free time? kelly says: video games are fairly popular here, yes. Other than sitting infront of the television/computer all day, a lot of people play sports,go shopping or just hang around with friends. (well thats what i do anyway!!) (I cannot think of a further expansion for this question) Question 3: How are the people in Australia? Are most friendly? Wide variety? Location dependent? kelly says: well most of us are friendly, we are all pretty loud and outgoing people. But just like everywhere else we have some shy people. And just out of interest.. what do you mean by location dependent?? Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

27 Voicethread Online podcasting that can be collaborative Storytelling Global projects Voice Video Text Images Voice Video Text Images Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

28 Boston Connections See my blog post Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

29 Moving onMoving on...... at school Students in grade 5 or 6 from UK, Thailand and Australia, share a voicethread and talk about what they are looking forward to in “moving on”, what they are nervous about and what they share in common. Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

30 Rich Wilson - CongratulationsCongratulations Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

31 Skype ( VOiP Live chat Audio conferencing Videoconferencing Bookmark and save chats Can record conferencing- eg powergrammo Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

32 Dddddddddddddddddddd Skype and slideshare to teach students from Canada about Australia and Culture School Community farm Student from Canada asks questionHow it all looked back in Canada Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

33 Some useful sites Tips on videoconferencingvideoconferencing Around the world in 80 schoolsAround the world in 80 schools Wiki for skype in schoolsskype in schools Theedublogger Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

34 School’s in at 9pm! Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference


36 Awards Ceremony Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

37 The virtual classroom Using elluminate virtual classroom software Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference


39 DiscoverE DiscoverE virtual classroom software.DiscoverE Uses low bandwidth and has basic tools for classroom use – chat, audio, video, whiteboard, webtours Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

40 Wall wisher – see linklink Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

41 Andrew McDonald Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

42 Debating online Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference


44 School in West Java Endang is a teacher in West Java. She owns a laptop and has mobile internet access. That laptop accompanies her to her two local schools where she volunteers to teach English and connects to teachers/students in other countries via skype and videoconferencing. Her staff and students have conversations with mine, using skype, to improve their English. (There are no other computers in the schools) Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

45 Endang, an amazing teacher in West Java, Indonesia Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

46 West Java Earthquake September 8 th 2009 7.3 richter scale 64 deaths, 37 people missing, and 27,630 people displaced in nine districts in West Java and one in Central Java. Approximately 54,231 houses were damaged in 12 districts in West Java and one district in Central Java. Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

47 Speaking directly with earthquake victims in West Java, 12 hours after the earthquake, using skype Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

48 Will Richardson quote on Learning is Now! What a great model for the immediacy of learning that can happen these days, and the relevance. When you think about all of the things that your students could learn and practice here, interviewing skills, geography and geology, information research, retrieval, editing, organization and sharing, all in the larger context of perhaps assisting those in need who were thousands of kilometers away. I want to make the point, however, that it's all grounded in your own understanding of these technologies and the ways in which they can help us connect. If you didn't have that knowledge and experience, this probably would not have happened, and that really is the goal of what we're all trying to do here, get more comfortable in using these technologies to learn in our own practice. Thanks so much for sharing this great snippet of learning from your classroom. Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference





53 Cash Journals A virtual student in year 11 accounting Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

54 Blended Learning Teaching Digital Accounting Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

55 Teaching and learning in the successful 21 st century school? proficient and efficient in a variety of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools All students need to be involved in collaborative and interactive global projects from an early age Cyber safety Learn appropriate digital citizenship qualities Assessment must include aspects of working in teams – local, virtual and global Multimedia – digital storytelling, podcasting, using images, music (transcends language barriers) Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

56 New literacies for 21 st century classrooms Digital Imagery including creative commons Animations Media (multi) Voice and oral communication Videoconferencing Attention Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

57 Digital literacies Blogging/use of comments hyperlinked language, wikis Nings Chat, hyperlinked text, Use of translator tools writing in 140 characters or less (twitter), digital conversations Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

58 Communication literacies videoconferencing techniques (microphone, positioning of objects, face Articulation: clear, slow speech to allow for different accents, levels of English understanding Podcasting Use of webcameras, microphones etc Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

59 Organizational literacy diigo, Delicious bookmarks wikis blogrolls Google/other online calendar Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

60 Other literacies Spam/phish detection Authenticity Identify creation and management Reuse ethically Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

61 Where to learn more Tech Talk Tuesdays (3:45-4:45pm): goto and search for online events, find calendar, select Tech Talk Tuesdays for the session title and elluminate link eT@lking Wed 8-9pm: part of the Australia series in or read my blog at http://murcha.wordpress.com Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

62 Contact Me Skype: anne.mirtschin Twitter/plurk id: murcha Teacher blog: http://murcha.wordpress.com Class blogs: Delicious and diigo: murcho/murcha Anne Mirtschin, ACEC2010 conference

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