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1 Tiger Rank Debrief Guide. Tiger Required Adventures 2 AdventureDescription Backyard JungleAwareness of our outdoor neighbors Team TigerLeadership in.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Tiger Rank Debrief Guide. Tiger Required Adventures 2 AdventureDescription Backyard JungleAwareness of our outdoor neighbors Team TigerLeadership in."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Tiger Rank Debrief Guide

2 Tiger Required Adventures 2 AdventureDescription Backyard JungleAwareness of our outdoor neighbors Team TigerLeadership in the family, community, neighborhood Tiger BitesResponsibility for healthy eating Tigers in the WildOutdoor ethics Games Tigers PlayPhysical activity My Family’s FaithPractice and demonstrate Duty to God

3 Tiger Elective Adventures 3 AdventureDescription Safe and SmartLearn and demonstrate personal safety Rolling TigersBicycle safety Curiosity, Intrigue and Magical Mysteries Exploration, problem solving, FUN Earning Your StripesManners, loyalty and kindness toward others Family StoriesCulture and family heritage Floats and BoatsWater safety Continued….

4 Tiger Elective Adventures (continued) 4 AdventureDescription Good KnightsLife skills using the 12 points of the Scout Law Sky is the LimitAstronomy Stories in ShapesPersonal expression using different types of media Tiger-iffic!Problem solving via video games, etc. Tiger TagPhysical Activity at home and den level Tiger TalesStorytelling and writing Tiger TheaterPerforming in front of others

5 Analysis Criteria: 5  Impact on Your Den, District or Council?  Financial?  Manpower Needs?  Planning Considerations?  Weather?  Availability?  Training  Pack Meeting Impact?  Adventure Highlight?  Day Camp Usage  Organizing Principles?  Others?  What do you need to share about this adventure with your group when you get home?

6 Analysis Assignments 6 DenAdventures RedBackyard Jungle, Earning Your Stripes YellowTeam Tiger, Family Stories Lime GreenTiger Bites, Floats & Boats, Kelly GreenTigers In The Wild, Good Knights Navy BlueGames Tigers Play, Sky Is The Limit, Tiger Theatre PurpleMy Family’s Faith, Safe & Smart, Stories In Shapes OrangeRolling Tigers, Tiger-ifffic TurquoiseCuriosity, Tiger Tag, Tiger Tales

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