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LEARNING YOUR WAY * Howard Gardiner was a learning theorist who proposed that learners learn best if taught through their dominant modality.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING YOUR WAY * Howard Gardiner was a learning theorist who proposed that learners learn best if taught through their dominant modality."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING YOUR WAY * Howard Gardiner was a learning theorist who proposed that learners learn best if taught through their dominant modality.

2 Gardiner’s Multiple Intelligences Model  The original model proposed that there were 7 modalities: - Linguistic - Linguistic - Musical - Musical - Logical/ Mathematical - Logical/ Mathematical - Visual/ Spatial - Visual/ Spatial - Body/ Kinesthetic - Body/ Kinesthetic - Intra-personal - Intra-personal - Inter-personal - Inter-personal

3 Recent changes…  Proponents of the Learning Style Theory, have recently suggested that there may be other learning styles.  They have been described as “Naturalist”, “ Spiritualist” and “Existentialist”

4 The ongoing controversy about Multiple Intelligences…  For educators, the concern has always been… - Do we teach to the dominant style of the student? - Do we teach to the dominant style of the student? OR OR - Do we teach to all of the other styles that the student is not displaying, in hopes of strengthening those modalities? - Do we teach to all of the other styles that the student is not displaying, in hopes of strengthening those modalities?

5 LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE  Sensitivity to meaning, order, sound, relationship, and use of words  Learning preferences for reading, writing, lecturing, storytelling, poetry writing, journaling

6 MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE  Sensitivity to the recognition, creation, and production of sounds and how they fit together  Learning preferences for tone recognition, tone creation, music reproduction, instrument playing, singing, whistling

7 LOGICAL/ MATHETICAL INTELLIGENCE  Sensitivity to logical reasoning; discerning patterns and relationships; precise calculations  Learning preferences for analyzing, scientific processes, making connections, inferences, predictions, theorizing, conceptualizing

8 VISUAL/ SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE  Sensitivity to accurate visual perceptions, recognizing transformations, discerning similarities and differences  Prefer to learn by drawing, navigating, mapping, thinking in images, playing strategy games ( e.g., chess)

9 BODILY/ KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCE  Sensitive to control of body motions, handling objects, physical coordination and physical skills  Prefer to learn through object manipulation, coordination, balancing, running, gymnastics, mime

10 INTRA- PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE  Sensitivity to assessing feelings, self- awareness, personal growth, accessing creativity  Prefer to learn through reflection, self- actualization, self-transcendence, self- acceptance

11 INTER-PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE  Sensitivity to distinguishing others’ feelings, motivations, intentions, recognizing perspectives, cooperation  Prefer to learn through reading moods, empathizing, acknowledging others, influencing, sensing others’ needs and desires.

12 KNOWING YOUR DOMINANT INTELLIGENCE STYLE  Being aware of your dominant style can help you consciously plan for addressing the needs of students whose styles differ from yours.  Help you plan for variations in how you teach… especially in how you model.

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