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Instructional Technology Plan Informational Meeting May 11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Technology Plan Informational Meeting May 11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Technology Plan Informational Meeting May 11, 2015

2 What do we know so far? How can Nassau BOCES help? Valerie C. D’Aguanno, Ed.D. 2

3 Technology? 21 st Century Skills Foundational Literacies How students apply core skills to everyday tasks Competencies How students approach complex challenges Character Qualities How students approach their changing environment 1.Literacy 2.Numeracy 3.Scientific literacy 4.ICT literacy 5.Financial literacy 6.Cultural & civic literacy 7. Critical thinking/ problem solving 8. Creativity 9. Communication 10. Collaboration 11. Curiosity 12. Initiative 13. Persistence/ grit 14. Adaptability 15. Leadership 16. Social & cultural awareness Lifelong Learning

4  Superintendent is to provide access to the instructional technology survey via the SED business portal.SED business portal  Survey questions are to be answered in the business portal.  “The approved instructional technology plan survey is not intended to negate the need for districts to compile a comprehensive technology plan.”  Survey is saved as a PDF and submitted to Nassau BOCES for review. Survey is saved as a PDF and submitted to Nassau BOCES for review.  Once review process is completed the approved final plan is submitted to SED by the superintendent via business portal. 4 Instructional Technology Plan Survey

5 BOCES/RIC facilitates planning process School district enters plan in NYSED portal School district exports PDF and sends to RIC certified reviewer Certified RIC Reviewer reviews plan. Recommend s Approval? No Reviewer returns plan to school district for modification Yes School district modifies plan in the portal and sends to RIC reviewer School district submits plan to NYSED through the portal, NYSED reviews. Final Approval? No Yes Begin here School district posts plan on web School district implements plan School district monitors plan School district evaluates plan for next annual update Instructional Technology Plan Review Process Send tech plans to

6 6 Review of Plan Any comments will be sent via email.

7  Please email your contact information:  Name  District  Position  Phone  Address  Send to 7 Collection of Contact Information

8 “ We suggest for the initial submission that you copy and paste the narrative information, as appropriate, from the district’s existing technology plan. The district’s completion of the electronic tool should represent the information in the latest district-approved comprehensive technology plan.” “ If you would like to submit additional supporting documentation, go to the appendices section and upload the documents. Submitting additional documentation does NOT substitute for completing all required fields.” – so… no “see attached” 8 Instructional Technology Plan Guidance

9 “Districts must receive “written confirmation” from the RIC certified reviewer prior to submission on the plan to SED.” “Districts will need to contact their RIC certified reviewer to un- submit the plan if the districts needs to make any changes after hitting the “submit” button.” “Districts are strongly encouraged to post their final, RIC approved plan on their website.” 9 Instructional Technology Plan Guidance

10  Please submit for review no later than August 28, 2015 to  Materials and resources posted to Nassau BOCES website at Technology Plan SurveyTechnology Plan Survey  Final submission by the superintendent is due to SED via the business portal October 16, portal Instructional Technology Plan 10

11 A. LEA Information B. Instructional Technology Vision and Goals C. Technology and Infrastructure Inventory D. Software and IT Support E. Curriculum and Instruction F. Professional Development G. Technology Investment Plan H. Status of Technology Initiatives and Community Connectivity I. Instructional Technology Plan Implementation J. Monitoring and Evaluation 11 Instructional Technology Plan Survey

12 How can we help you? Model Schools Telecommunications

13 MODEL SCHOOLS TECH PLAN SUPPORT Heather Parris-Fitzpatrick Program Coordinator Nassau BOCES Model Schools 516.608.6686

14 How can Model Schools help? Consultation with the Model Schools staff is recommended by NYSED to assist districts with:  Instructional technology vision and goals  Plan to use technology to improve teaching and learning (SECTION E)  Professional development plan to support the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning (SECTION F)  Tech Plan Timeline (SECTION I)  Monitoring and Evaluation Narrative (SECTION J)

15 NYSED LINKS  tTechPlans/home.html tTechPlans/home.html  tTechPlans/TechPlanSurvey_FAQ_FINAL.pdf tTechPlans/TechPlanSurvey_FAQ_FINAL.pdf

16 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT Pamela Christensen (516) 832 2888 MaryAnn Sidoti (516) 832 2739 Vin LaRusso (516) 832 -2745 Nassau BOCES TelecommunicationsTelecommunications

17 17 Questions regarding the Smart Schools Bond Act can be directed to: Cliff Steinberg Chief Information Officer Nassau BOCES One Merrick Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 516 608-6685 (office) 516 238-6746 (mobile) Smart Schools Bond  SED Smart Schools Bond Act Guidance SED Smart Schools Bond Act Guidance

18 Tech Plan Reviewers Valerie C. D’Aguanno Barbara Sabia Audre Midura Model Schools Heather Fitzpatrick Telecommunications Pamela Christensen MaryAnn Sidoti Vin LaRusso 18 Instructional Technology Plan Nassau BOCES

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