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Chapter 13 Stress and Crisis in Relationships Key Terms.

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1 Chapter 13 Stress and Crisis in Relationships Key Terms

2 Stress –A reaction of the body to substantial or unusual demands (environmental, physical, or interpersonal) made on it. Crisis –A crucial situation that requires changes in normal patterns of behavior.

3 Resiliency –Refers to a family’s strengths and ability to respond to a crisis in a positive way. Biofeedback –A process in which information that is relayed back to the brain enables a person to change his or her biological functioning.

4 Neurofeedback –Trains people to enhance their brain- wave functioning and has been found to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, stress, depression, tension and migraine headaches, addictions, and high blood pressure.

5 Palliative care –The health care of the individual who has a life-threatening illness and support for them and their loved ones.

6 Extramarital affair –Refers to the emotional and sexual involvement of a spouse with someone other than the mate. Extradyadic involvement –Refers to all pair-bonded individuals who are emotionally and sexually involved with someone other than the partner.

7 Coolidge Effect –A term used to describe the waning of sexual excitement and the effect of novelty and variety on sexual arousal.

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