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WELCOME! Elementary Math Building Leads / Coaches Please complete the ORANGE information sheet. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Kathleen Wilson - Math Program.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! Elementary Math Building Leads / Coaches Please complete the ORANGE information sheet. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Kathleen Wilson - Math Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! Elementary Math Building Leads / Coaches Please complete the ORANGE information sheet. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Kathleen Wilson - Math Program Manager Deb Breitzman – District Elementary Math Coach Jason Kuhlman – District Elementary Math Coach 1

2 Agenda Introductions & Overview (Focuses, Vision, Accomplishments, and Next Steps) Elementary Math Building Leads Expectations Questionnaire and Requests for Handbooks Modeling Activity 1 on Unit Alignment Charts Modeling Activity 2 on Sequencing Guides Criteria for Supplementing or Revising Frequently Asked Questions Additional Information 2

3 Office of Accountability, Planning and Policy Department of Research, Evaluation and Assessment 3 MCA Math – percent proficient by grade overtime

4 District Math Department Focuses for 2012-13: 1. Utilize resources designed to support the alignment of math to the standards for MCA-IIIs (i.e.-SPPS Math Handbook which includes prioritized benchmarks, unwrapped documents, alignment to EM, common formative assessments, and progress monitoring spreadsheet) 2. Expand implementation of FES Math Review and Mental Math 3. Support Elementary Math Leads / Coaches 4. Support and follow-up with teachers that attend math PD and other trainings 4

5 Teaching and Learning the Standards includes 5 VISION

6 Materials / Documents to be provided during grade level meetings All these documents are coming together to support students becoming proficient on the standards. 1. Prioritized benchmarks and MCA-III test specifications 2. Unwrapped benchmarks for high priority benchmarks 3. Document aligning prioritized benchmarks to Everyday Math including sequencing 4. Assessments aligned to learning targets for high priority benchmarks 5. New Progress Report indicators and progress monitoring 6

7 Elementary Math – What we have accomplished since September 2011 TOGETHER!!! We prioritized 166 MN Math benchmarks for K-6 th using test specifications. We unwrapped the 63 SPPS high priority benchmarks. We aligned over 240 learning targets, lesson by lesson to Everyday Math. We have written nearly 50 assessments aligned to the high priority benchmarks and learning targets to support teachers progress monitoring student learning. 90+ people spent over 3,200 hours to accomplish this work Nearly 1,000 elementary teachers attend an overview meeting emphasizing teaching the standards and using the SPPS Math Handbook to support standards focus via 9 sessions. 7

8 Now for the heavy lifting… Using the materials created and designed to support teaching the standards Supporting teachers as they implement and revise their teaching practice to focus on standards Providing PD to help teachers teach the math content Helping teachers use the assessment data to differentiate instruction to support increased student learning Writing the remaining assessments Collecting feedback and revising the materials Supplementing missing benchmarks and enrichment 8

9 Elementary Math Leads 2011-12 Assignments & Attendance Data 9 # of Assignments % of Schools 025% 36% 17% 24% 311% 423% 53% 530% # of Meetings Attended % of Math Leads 12% 15% 22% 3 49% 512% 44% 612% 720% 827% 41% 914%

10 Expectations for Elementary Math Leads 2012-13 A lead that is strong in math is helpful. Attend monthly 2 hour Elementary Math Leads Meeting to experience math PD Facilitate 60 minutes of math PD a month with all teachers at their school (Materials will be provided.) Complete Google form that includes agenda and their reflection responses (Suggestion: Send 2 representatives – 1 for primary and 1 for secondary) 10

11 Google Forms – link sent via email Title of Google FormWho completes? When completed? Elementary Math Leads – Monthly Assignment & Reflection Building Math LeadsEach Month Request for Additional SPPS Math Handbooks Building Math Lead or Principal By Oct. 1 st Elementary Math Feedback on Assessments & Materials to Support Teaching the Standards Grade Level Team as a team At the end of each unit Elementary – Questions about SPPS Math Handbook Mainly Building Math Lead, sometimes teachers As needed, esp. before Leads meetings 11

12 Modeling the PD you will facilitate at your building by grade level or entire staff. Activity 1: Using the Unit Alignment Chart Experience as a participant Debrief and prepare to facilitator adult learning Resources provided 12 Participant “Hat” - What did you notice? - What did you learn? Facilitator “Hat” -What would you do the same? -What would you do differently?

13 Activity 1: Using the Unit Alignment Chart Takeaways Part D Reflection: What do you notice? How is this helpful to you as a teacher? POSSIBLE ANSWER: This is where my direct instruction will focus on the high priority benchmarks and where I see several lessons that directly teach this content. Part E Reflection: How could you use this information to support your teaching, flex grouping, differentiation, etc.? POSSIBLE ANSWER: These are resources I can use when I need extra practice for students or materials for flex grouping or differentiation. Also, shows games that align directly with these learning targets. 13

14 Modeling the PD you will facilitate at your building by grade level or entire staff. Activity 2: Exploring the Sequencing Guide Experience as a participant Debrief and prepare to facilitator adult learning Resources provided 14 Participant “Hat” - What did you notice? - What did you learn? Facilitator “Hat” -What would you do the same? -What would you do differently?

15 Activity 2: Exploring the Sequencing Guide Takeaways #4 What units are taught after the MCA? Why do you think they were moved rather than omitted? Units depends on the grade but they were moved after MCAs because they are in preparation for the next grade level standards rather than the current grade level. No movements were made in k-2 because there is no pressure from the MCAs deadline. #5 How many lessons are we suggesting you omit? Why do you think we are suggesting omitting the lessons rather than moving? Lessons depends on the grade but they were omitted because they do not cover standards for the current grade level or next grade level. No omissions were made in k-2 because there is no pressure from the MCA deadline. 15

16 Activity 2: Exploring the Sequencing Guide Takeaways #8c As a teacher and PLC, what should you take into consideration as you are thinking about and planning for this unit? Teachers should consider chunk the unit and test so that they are assessing about 4 learning targets at a time to use for the data collection, progress monitoring, and differentiation. Otherwise the assessment becomes unwieldy, too long for students, too long to grade, too long to analyze data affectively. 16

17 Criteria for supplementing or revising materials (including assessments) 1. The supplement or revisions must be directly aligned to the benchmarks and learning targets. 2. The entire grade level team / PLC must agree to use the revisions and/or supplement. 3. The grade level team / PLC must share these supplements and/or revisions via the Google form used to collect feedback. 4. The grade level team / PLC must document and collect artifacts to verify alignment to benchmarks and student learning. 17

18 Frequently Asked Questions Questions and Answers 18

19 Directions for accessing materials and downloading: Click on Elementary Math Click on Curriculum and Instruction on top right hand corner Click on Teacher (You might want to bookmark this page.) Click on appropriate grade Password is "mathspps" 19

20 Things to do to prepare to start the year and each unit: Download progress monitoring spreadsheet and save on desktop Read and highlight unwrapped document for the first unit Download the student assessment for your first unit Take the student assessment yourself to understand what students are expected to learn Prepare to teach each lesson and emphasize the benchmark and learning targets 20

21 Assessments Aligned to High Priority Benchmarks and Learning Targets ALWAYS take the assessment before you administer it with students. Assessments were designed to support… Data Teams Flex Groups Progress Monitoring Students owning their learning. 21

22 Assessments Aligned to High Priority Benchmarks and Learning Targets Each High Priority Benchmark has several Learning Targets Each Learning Target has 4 items.  Pre-requisite Skill  Developing (Partial Proficient)  Proficient  Exemplary (Exceeds) 22

23 Progress Reports & Progress Monitoring on Electronic Spreadsheet Progress Reports will have 4 key areas 1) Number& Operation 2) Algebra 3) Geometry 4) Data Analysis & Probability Download Progress Monitoring Spreadsheet from CIPD Elementary Math website   23

24 FYI – To participate in 2012-13 FES Math Review & Mental Math Need entire grade level team(s) and a FES grade level lead for each team Take Moodle course “Just the Basics” Introduction Attend 2-day summer training or 3 hour condensed training Fully implement Math Review & Mental Math in classroom Receive feedback on implementation using SPPS Math Review and Mental Math rubric 24

25 Questions???? Please complete the feedback sheet before you leave Thank you for coming! 25

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