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2014-15. The Y2 Team The Teachers: Mr McGill Miss Howe The Support Staff: Mrs. TaylorMrs. Hill Mrs. Villa- Buil GM.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15. The Y2 Team The Teachers: Mr McGill Miss Howe The Support Staff: Mrs. TaylorMrs. Hill Mrs. Villa- Buil GM."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15

2 The Y2 Team The Teachers: Mr McGill Miss Howe The Support Staff: Mrs. TaylorMrs. Hill Mrs. Villa- Buil GM

3 Curriculum *Daily English and Maths sessions. *Targets *Phonics *Other things to help- Mental Maths/Morning Activities *Topic sessions in the afternoon. ‘Journeys’ ‘Famous People’ ‘Oceans and Seas’ GH

4 Journeys Land and Air Homes Science Forces -Forces that make things move -Direction of forces -Going on a ‘ forces hunt ’ at the local park. -Forces that bend and change shape -Gravity -Propulsion/aerodynamics D.T & Art -Colour mixing -Design and make a futuristic car. -Design a make an aeroplane. -Design and decorate a hot air balloon. -Making animal masks. P.E -Swimming -Games: Throwing and catching. P.H.S.E. -Endangered animals -Class rules -Values Based Education ICT -Organising, sorting and finding information. -MS Word -MS Publisher -2CreateAStory History -Different types of land transport - Trip to the Buckingham Railway Center - History of air travel -Invention of the wheel -Using timelines Geography -Using maps and globes -Identifying cities /towns in the UK -Comparing localities -World locations of endangered animals -Birds and migration Music -Travel songs -Compose and play a piece of music emulating the motion of a train. R.E -Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? -What makes some places special? Inventing new games. Individual games GH

5 Homework The Learning Logs will be sent home on a Friday Please return these on a Thursday. Use the learning log to communicate with the teacher as we are no longer using the homework diaries. Spellings are recorded and sent home inside their learning logs on a Friday afternoon. GM

6 Home/School Library Monday: Y2H/ Y2M We urge you to use the comments section in the Reading Record book and to return your child’s book bag every week, if possible. GM

7 Swimming Thursday Afternoons: Y2H/ Y2M We would ask any parent who may be available to help at those times to come and support us – without your help we may not be able to swim. GH

8 ICT & PE Y2H– Thursday am Y2M– Tuesday am Y2M- Monday pm Friday pm Y2H- Wednesday pm Friday am Earrings to be taken out please GH

9 Tests and Assessments *Maths meeting *SATS meeting *End of Key Stage Assessments *Phonics tests *Levels- width of levels GM

10 *Procedure for sickness and absence *Naming of property *School meals- Now free! Come and eat with your child. *Wet play equipment *House points *School calendar- website General Information GM

11 Thank you for coming Any questions Any help you can offer is very gratefully received and much appreciated!! Volunteer now!! GH

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