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All You Need to Know about CMP3 Marta Miko Marketing Manager, Middle Grades Math 2014 National Sales Meeting.

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2 All You Need to Know about CMP3 Marta Miko Marketing Manager, Middle Grades Math 2014 National Sales Meeting

3 3 Agenda 1. Common Core and the Middle Grades 2. Top 3 Things to Know about Connected Mathematics 3

4 4 Common Core and CMP3 1

5 5 Common Core State Standards Content Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice

6 Key Middle Grades Math Topics  Grade 6: working with ratios and rates and working with variables and variable expressions — the building blocks of algebra.  Grade 7: continue the previous grade’s work in proportional relationships, equations, and positive and negative numbers; special emphasis on percentages.  Grade 8: continue to learn how to write and reason with algebraic expressions, linear equations with one and two variables, and introduction to mathematical functions (all in preparation for Algebra 1), plus congruence (same shape and size) and similarity of geometric figures (in preparation for high school geometry)

7 8 Practice Standards 1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4) Model with mathematics. 5) Use appropriate tools strategically. 6) Attend to precision. 7) Look for and make use of structure. 8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

8 Compacted Pathway Options Accelerated Pathways for CCSS Coverage: Appendix A of the CCSS provides two accelerated pathways for the middle grades: Accelerated 7th Grade and 8th Grade Algebra 1. Accelerating students this way prepares them to take college-level courses, including Calculus, by their senior year of high school. CMP3 offers an 8th Grade Algebra 1 course.

9 9 Top 3 Things to Know About CMP3 2

10 1) Inquiry-based learning Through the “Launch-Explore-Summarize” model, students investigate and solve problems that develop rigorous higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving strategies CMP3 helps students develop mathematical knowledge, conceptual understanding, and procedural skills because daily class work requires them to construct their own meanings (with teacher guidance) CMP3 encourages students to reason and communicate proficiently in mathematics because daily class work requires them to share their learning with their classmates CMP3 makes rich connections between math topics – across grades and across content areas

11 2) Purposeful technology Teacher Place was created to make teaching and classroom management a whole lot easier. This online dashboard, powered by Dash, allows users to interact with instructional content in a flexible, personalized way The Teachability community lets CMP3 teachers collaborate with other CMP3 instructors. Teachers can share ideas, ask questions, offer tips, and share helpful strategies to improve student achievement. Student Place, featuring ACTIVe-book, is where CMP3 students access their online math content, graded homework, and teacher comments. It gives students (and their parents) anytime-anywhere access for a personalized learning experience MathXL for School ® is now available for purchase with CMP3. This online powerhouse provides personalized skills practice. A Pre-Test automatically determines the level of instruction

12 3) Common Core Standards AND Practices Complete and deep alignment with the Common Core content standards. Given its instructional philosophy—the emphasis on inquiry and applications— CMP3 fully addresses all 8 Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice Approaches reflective of the Practice Standards, such as a focus on problem- solving strategies, or an emphasis on mathematical proficiency, constructing viable arguments, and offering proofs are explicitly woven within the content of the curriculum. THE ONLY program that requires students to put the Practice Standards into action daily through emphasis on inquiry-based learning and rich mathematical conversations

13 Thank you

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